Sep 10, 2019

"And this, too, shall pass away." . . . . lets hope so soon

It is unlawful for councils to force Councillors to pray, 
but councils are within their rights to conduct prayers before meetings.
The council own prayers are lawful as official meetings, 
“do not formally begin until after prayers are said”.

"And this,
 too, shall pass away." 

As a rule Kevin W. generally understand what causes `how l am feeling`.
Also tend to posses wide,pretty specific vocabulary for talking about `how l am feeling`.
Believe comfortable expressing my feelings, both pleasant,Ones that challenge ,
Pretty fair to say the unpleasant ones take me longer..
I have a lot of different strategies for handling `my feelings`.
Write stuff down, reflect, walk, share, speak with others.
Emotional literacy is subject remain interested in, few books would recommend include Pamela Connolly Stephenson HEADCASE,  . . .`lots of interesting real cases`. . .
John Powell `Why am l afraid to tell you who l am`....Dismissed by some because wrote by a monk.
The modern description,Emotional literacy, this does not really sit comfortable with me, `well-being `is soft and does not really deal with hugeness of the issue, Spiritual development . . . that stuff going on inside.

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You are better then the TRUMP and STARMERS of this world will ever be.

Life doesn’t come with a script, So mistakes are made by mouth. Bible says it easier to control wild Lion then words spill out of our mouth ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"