Jun 24, 2019

see another view

It’s usually an upper-middle-class elite, living in the metropolitan centre, that shops for organic and GMO-free food items from fancy stores. That’s fine, nobody really has an issue with people paying more for green carton packaging and food with no added health benefits. What is concerning, however, is that, increasingly, the same people want to impose their habits on those who don’t believe in it and those who can’t afford it.

That serious issue for many these days
people imposing belief system on others, the exact problem many accused Christians of trying to achieve not so long ago
fortunately l am well capable holding serious debate about faith l possess.Glad really that the free speaking rhetoric is being seen for tight fisted regulations against freedom.
But what saddens me most about these debates whether it be the wearing of the Nigib, politics,French street battles, there is little balance.
These are huge subjects yet not presented very well,nor researched properly journalism is pretty poor as well.
Often it appears to me that most discussion could come from a google exploration, not from the beautiful deep minds we hold
Purpose of debate is for us to understand each other better
To see another view
To live in a world alongside each other where differences are recognised.
But unbalance is holding court, this is `emotional literacy` for the currant world.
don`t agree with much of what any these people say...but OK with them holding another view to mine.
It fine...it OK just allow me to do several things
1- Not agree
2- Agree
3- Not at all be bothered or care or wish to be involved

I listen often to podcasts
They are wonderful, find myself learning another view, hear people discussing, later l either look further, or l let it slip away.That brings me balance in my own emotional literacy.
think l grow and develop better
Accept that my views can alter
also enforce sometimes stuff l am reconstructing about.

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You are better then the TRUMP and STARMERS of this world will ever be.

Life doesn’t come with a script, So mistakes are made by mouth. Bible says it easier to control wild Lion then words spill out of our mouth ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"