May 31, 2019

Universal Credit,staff will not get a `-get out of jail card`--we will get even. justice will arrive...we will ensure that.

Yesterday spoke with someone ,they unfortunate, had to be registering for Universal Credit
told me almost a year with no explanation, received no benefit
Had no income
like myself health pretty poor, and moved into rural setting.
Life been harsh at times
but, seeking they found a community
got involved with and enjoy being among that community
live in this countryside ideal setting, but cold and isolated.
it far from ideal, but well being it good.
but its life, its harsh here, very little going on, unsure of way ahead.
This is common theme, along with poverty, social mobility is another issue. Poverty evident in this persons eyes, general upkeep.
speaking ,walking, personally felt powerless.....

BUT one thing l am clear about UC Staff,
 is akin to the `Gestapo` of the Hitler Nazi regime
Cruel and harsh, takes no account of the Person
behave inhumane, not needed , way act its oppressive.


The workers must be aware they are performing in this process,
 they will not get a `--get out of jail card` --When we get even.
justice will arrive...we will ensure that.

May 30, 2019

Never was there a more important time for the church in the UK to reach out beyond itself to the wider community on its edge

Looking at websites of many churches who are doing significant work with the marginalised in their community. It is interesting how rarely it is mentioned. Does this mean they do not see it as part of their core business and what God put them there to do?
Compassion for the outsider loudly proclaimed, Biblical it is clear , yet same Bible l am reading, on several levels, direct my mission to these, in whatever shape or form,the Outsiders.
All around us,they are evident in our communities.
But how come others not hearing this message, truth be . . . . . .. ..struggle to feel part of family ,say Church attend does not get it . . working on argument with a person whose brother is his elder sister his whole purpose is getting them to pray a prayer,accept Jesus saving them from Hell eternity that follows....this person has no Social concept, true message of Jesus been missed ,indeed no real relationships with anyone called or classed as outsiders...He got Jesus .
His very own personal saviour.

The Gospel of Luke uniquely proclaims that the message of good news was for the outsider in Jewish society, and indeed for any outsider in any society where the sleek, the successful and the slick are often preferred to the loser, the lonely and the lowly.

May 29, 2019

We must learn from people with disabilities about what it means to be human and a disciple of Jesus, Encourage vulnerable sharing, support also. Need friends who have faith in God .Plus genuine interest in others. It finding such folk in these difficult times

fallen out of love

Like plenty of people fallen out of love, sadly it with my home town football team.
Yeah know it no great lose but still vital to day of Saturn.
but the prices,attitude and lack of hope,there only so much l can live in hopelessness about.
The manager waffles on, players don’t appear concerned, larger hierarchy at F.A. give little to the views of supporters.

like the Church also.
Little concern for pastoral support of congregations, feel like got role they wish you to fulfil that role, but not interested in how you are as a person.
Nor how you get by day to day…
Feel like we have direction around the way we should adjust to society,
how we should challenge injustice…but no ones reading from the book l am reading.
That becomes painful.
That hopelessness grows…anger no longer there.

Been at odds all my life…a life that coming to an end so may as well drift on.
But l can’t it just difficult.

Guy told me today…`there just me and the dog…no one else

we must learn from people with disabilities about what it means to be human and a disciple of Jesus we all need friends who have faith in God and a genuine interest in finding such folk in these difficult times

May 28, 2019

it’s easy to feel alienated by faith or creed when it comes to thoughts on the afterlife.

Bible l read is the same as other`s read
music like to listen too is very different . .
Lord try to follow is called Jesus and recognize him as son of God,
born to Mary lived as human, and rose from death having died on a cross...
Not what you call the ` same as others`...but recognize value we all have being different.
not first temple Judaism follower...second temple covenant person...
Don't believe we should pray more for Israel then we should for say Chile or EIRE .
not into getting dying relatives into heaven. More concerned around the kingdom

Those values of `frontiers kind of people`, mercy…humbleness, challenging oppression, kind of righteousness that changes life’s people experience.

BUT don’t fit…tried to

But simply do not . . .
Most sermon hear is about `Heaven and last day’s Emphasis`. . .

how to get there before they close the doors.
Rest of the others…them going to hell.

                                                    Robin Williams in a film called . .What dreams become ….
`Hope God is not like that ,who condemns people to eternity in Hell, despite life they have lived`.
He was nearer to the truth then many of the Church folk gang in rural community of East Riding.
But there is one piece of good news…they mostly over 60 and attendances are falling.
Glad . .not really you see…this Church is supposed to be the bride of Christ..
But that another story, for another day of blogging.

 Williams said himself, it’s easy to feel alienated by faith or creed when it comes to thoughts on the afterlife. But this notion of heaven as home, and as a well-timed joke?

Anyway let me sneak in my image of the weekend

May 27, 2019


I can do more
I can do better
Can do it more efficiently
When not worried about poverty . . .Or ill health
Need to be understanding what freedom should feel like.
Oppressive practice is evident in this society,
it prevents fullness of life therefore people stumble through.
Stifles whole areas for many at bottom.
                                                                                 Trouble is not changing anytime soon

May 26, 2019

certain kind of

There a light certain kind of
Light feels like it rarely
Shone on me. . . 

May 24, 2019

Teresa Mays legacy

  • Teresa Mays legacy ,inflicted more hurt and pain

    on the most vulnerable. She organised, allowed and promoted disharmony. This indeed is her leaving gift. We will not forget.

    The governments leader,
    and once prime minister of UK, allowed sanctions to carry on, brought in
    Universal credit, reduced benefit payments attacked disabled people, prosecuted
    Veterans, engaged with those who oppressed others in UK and other areas of the
    Constant in her , kind pain, she presented to those without.
    The Kingdom has`no place for these kinds of behaviours`.
    She is not invited to the table.
    Spent most of her life growing fat, hurting others.

    why did we move so far away from the values of Jesus along with his teachings who gave us the OK to ditch Kingdom values...

    l don`t think memories will be any goodtill we can find the control

     the`hurt switch`. . . .

    The days are already little hazy 
    often the way Government behaves towards others is difficult to accept...question myself wondering when did we turn inwards and blame the vulnerable elderly..when did we become a society that takes advantage of others weakness instead of helping them ...enabling others to improve..

    BUT worse fears are with the Christian community

    When did we move so far away from the values of Jesus along with his teachings?
    Who gave us the OK to ditch Kingdom values...
    That what it feels like at present
    Walking in  past place, woods  stumbled through
    when l was a child
    clung on with all held dear  . . .to my faith . .unsure of so much
    But confident of those values..
    It was Society that throw out the `Jesus code`
    Rejected those `Kingdom values`
    Found something more harsh
    You know what it shows...

    May 23, 2019

    work and me!

    covering letters
    previous experience


    May 21, 2019

    Do what you gotta do

    Do what you gotta do
    Come on back,

    see me when you can

    Come on back and see me when you can....what Love deserves

    written by Jimmy Webb ..covered by four tops and also Nina Simone does a great version.
    About letting go, but it about doing the correct thing, as got older look more for the correct way, then the difficult `right` way.
    Though it may mean I'll never kiss your sweet lips again
    Pay that no mind
    Just find that dappled dream of yours
    Come on back and see me when you can
    Well, I know they make you sad
    They make you feel so bad
    They say you don't treat me like you should.....Folks got ways to make you feel no good

    Talking about how others perceive something ..much less about how the writer feels .
    This is how things hard because this is about `agape', unconditional Love,
    it ask for nothing in return it JUST giving....

    Though it may mean I'll never kiss your sweet lips again
    Pay that no mind

    Like so often it has so much truth.
    People have ways of making other people feel worse, further they can inflict harm, man, then a lot of pain.
    Seen this recently the minor stuff becomes HUGE issue, while the lack of justice, social immobility, health ,plus emotional literacy,
    are unimportant. Getting no voice or real concern.

    Come on back and see me when you can..

    It ends with a plea....that hurting more bit ,
    Although despite Love shown
    because it does not become the normal 
    way what that kind of `agape` love just does not come about..
    Come on back and see me when you can.

    May 20, 2019

    Tackling all possible

    This is the moment for politicians to reconnect with the concerns of people on low incomes across our country. we have recently discovered that all people ask for is still possible,they have found ,

    here their are 3 top political priorities are:-
    - Improving public services - Creating more better-paid jobs - Tackling poverty . . .
    Call me ole fashioned...a backwards thinker. . .it all possible

    She will be remembered for asking questions which others tried to ignore. For speaking boldly and passionately. For championing individuals and groups of people whom she felt had been marginalised. And perhaps most importantly of all, for creating an online community where "doubt" wasn't a dirty word.

    Rachel Held Evans wrestled with doubt. She had many questions about God, the Bible and theology. But she gave those who were struggling and grappling with their faith reasons to hold on, to persevere, to still believe, despite everything, that there really is a God and he has made himself known in the person of Jesus Christ.

    a deep thinker,  life's journey was one of discovering many of the simplistic answers she'd been given as a child, didn't quite cut it.
     Not only is she now at peace with her heavenly father. But I've a feeling she's also enjoying have all of her many questions answered. Once and for all.

    i guess the lord knows what he's doing' after all

    She was the one that i'd wanted for all times
    and each night i'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine
    and if he'd only grant me this wish i wished back then
    i'd never ask for anything again

    sometimes l thank God for unanswered prayers
    remember when you're talking' to the man upstairs
    that just because he doesn't answer 

    doesn't mean he don't care
    some of god's greatest gifts

     are unanswered prayers

    She wasn't quite the angel that i remembered in my dreams
    and i could tell that time had changed me
    in her eyes too it seemed

    we tried to talk about the old days
    there wasn't much we could recall

    i guess the lord knows what he's doing' after all

    Well we don`t have to agree, everything faith and wrestling with doubts, are kinda of the way things develop.

    When the sun shines and feel full of hope...look around like. kinda..
     we lost the love
    we lost the plot
    we lost our way
    But the way back to garden . . walking in a relationship with God
     is still possible.  .  .but look...look how far away we come 

    May 17, 2019

    Moving today , for a change got bit more space ...FEELS  OK..
     places to Quiet tomorrow as we Church stuff in voluntary sector.

    There are widespread and serious failures in the recognition of risk and in the quality of social work practice for children in need of help and protection.

    MEANWHILE the system just keeps on failing....
    many of us going down the plug hole of this vile wicked self serving society..
    see daily people who cannot cope..
    Hear about people working for the council who hold little or no skills,
    Lack concern for the brutality of the system their efforts uphold

    Meet weekly, people who struggle daily, have nothing to show for all hard earned efforts.
    put into living simply a satisfying life.
    Doubts are there
    unanswered prayer is screaming out  . .

    Lord the psalms are full of `shaking fist lamentations`
    people need to be heard .
    We must have a` _ `preachin gun`_ remix of our faith`.
    God why will you not

    Hear your people?

    Numdskull Kev

    I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


    . . . she got a postcard in the mail
    That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
    The simple words he wrote her
    Said he loved her
    How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
    Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
    Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
    The weather's nice, it's paradise
    It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
    They say, "Hello, "
    I miss you so, wish you were here"