Mar 30, 2019

One way or another

British schools , introduced pro-LGBT material to teach children about ‘British values’.
But hundreds of parents said the lessons were ‘brainwashing’ their children and “aggressively promoting homosexuality”, contrary to their religious beliefs.
Despite this, former head of Ofsted said the schools should teach the LGBT lessons because “lots of schools are doing it”.
We're all not doing this.. . . . .. 
.society going one way Kevin he be going another . .

Mar 29, 2019

Life much harder than should be!

Life not like movie's..Damm just not

if these words are written for us to follow

The fear of the LORD adds length to life, but the years of the wicked are cut short. 
 The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing. 
 The way of the LORD is a refuge for the blameless, but it is the ruin of those who do evil. 
The righteous will never be uprooted, but the wicked will not remain in the land

Lot of words connected with character forming, self resilience..Developing..

Self esteem, good words, and `acts` to follow...there has to be a BUT..There has to be. .
Why is it not evident in practice it tough discussion.?
..why does it not work into reality..?
if these words are written for us to follow if we follow God ...

why is it not materialise in `life` people lived.?

Mar 28, 2019

please dear Lord this `long now`,need`s to end.

 . . .retailers don't want to be surrounded by empty units, discount retailers and betting shops, which are a clear indicator of deprivation in the area

 . . . .just need a few bob to spend somewhere l suppose....

The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them.” 

 Karl Marx

yesterday was slightly confused with my own went to the coast walked....walked...walked...still confused but saw old friend ..that was nice.

Simply nice...the past is always with us,the present gig don't like being around. Future well don't think as a person ever been so unsure, that allowed. But this `long now' needs bringing to an end.
So Lord if you back from other business....please Dear Lord this `long now`,needs to end Amen.

Mar 26, 2019

Justice not Just us 2

After only six minutes, BBC Radio 5 Live commentator Ian Dennis said he heard racist chants when Tottenham left-back Rose was in possession. BBC football correspondent John Murray also said he heard the chanting throughout the game and spoke to pitch-side photographers who described the abuse the England players received as "disgusting".

Hard to accept that we allow this abuse in a game of football.Yet eastern Europe is rife with this abuse along with Romany abuse.          No One accepts.
nor do those OTHERS trusted act around the issue, do anything.........

justice or just US...

 Thus says the LORD:
“Keep justice, and do righteousness,
For My salvation is about to come,
And My righteousness to be revealed.
Blessed is the man who does this,

gotta ask what about people who been doing this when is NOW...have to quote that other great prophet Tom Waite...`Gods away on business`....
Time for a proper grown up discussion.
Are the prayers we make being heard?
Do we ask the right things?
Does prayer fail?
Is God always the winner if prayers are not answered is it too easy to accept explanation that it not Gods will ?....
missing Malta like nothing l have ever known
it the first time in twenty years not head there
life sucks so much at present

Mar 25, 2019

Like a rock

Might just be too complex
The eyes are not so bright
Strength is not focused
Hills are steeper
Rivers running more wild
Like a rock still hold on folks

Like a rock
Twenty years ago or more but
Like a rock
Hold on. . .To faith

Mar 23, 2019

"I too am lost, I feel double-crossed and I'm sick of what's wrong and what's right"

Appears to be yet another day of madness, hassled constantly by DWP.
Just Received A `Verification of My Life` further Status request form.
Well `illness stays, struggle, plus faith is challenged.`

The song which l reckon is about journeys. recorded by Bod Segar
titled `Roll me away`.

"Roll, roll me away,
won't you roll me away tonight
I too am lost, I feel double-crossed
and I'm sick of what's wrong and what's right"
 . . . . rolled across the high plains
Deep into the mountains"

Felt so good to me
Finally feeling' free
Somewhere along a high road
The air began to turn cold
She said she missed her home
I headed on alone


`let down and double crossed 
unsure whether to go left or right`. 

LIFE it not like in the movies it much more complex then that!

Mar 22, 2019

journey again 2019

whats in the life pint ,if your life could be put in to a pint pot ,

what would it look like?

what would be the special ingredient that make it feel full . . . . 

Mar 21, 2019

WONDER . . I. . DO . .

I wonder how many times you've been had
..wonder how many plans have gone bad
I wonder how many times you had sex
.. do you know who'll be next
 I wonder, wonder 
I do                
I wonder about the love you can't find
 . . .about the loneliness that's mine
 . .how much going have you got
 . I wonder about your friends that are not
 . . I wonder about the tears in children's eyes
And I wonder about the soldier that dies
I wonder will this hatred ever end

I wonder and worry my friend
I wonder, I wonder, wonder don't you?

I wonder how many times you been had

 I wonder how many dreams have gone  bad

I wonder how many times you've had sex
And I wonder do you care who'll be next

I wonder I wonder, wonder I do

....that not crime Those we only know as.. `they `..

People who are ill because simply got ill ....that not crime Those we only know as.. `they `..are not sick persons feeding on a system .

They just need some support.

When did that become such an issue...why did we blame many of people in these groups for issue relating to Austerity?

Music venue charity says a church’s pursuit of “maximum profit” is to blame for The closure whoever takes on the space next will be unable to afford the rent,
just like The Cellar, blaming landlords like the St Michael’s and All Saints’ Charities for being “unable to appreciate their duties and obligations to local communities.”

Pretty sad and sorry state really should been sorted,

Mar 20, 2019

Measuring myself on spring day....not quite 62


well wonder why we have no real leaders

" . . .And wonder l do  . . .
unsure why l am so tired as well?
This heart issue a bit of a blagerd . .my body not processing

but it can`t be that serious as we been trying get an appointment for nearly 16 months
they tell me the NHS is in a mess, guess they are right

It just does not get any easier". . .

I`m adaptable,also innovative, comfortable with different ideas, and processes.
Say this because think `emotional literacy` issue for some at present.
Being unemployed not easy and the market for `EXTINCT` youth workers is challenge not facing very well.,truth be told.
Need a something view...People around myself . .just aware paddling not drowning,quite,but not swimming.
Life is in a proper muddle for me,
Suppose got accept that it may be for others also.c
Culture of the environment  . where l am placed is not helping either.

Mar 19, 2019

My life’s on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching

"Issue-based, record-spinin, Gospel-sharing, beach-walking, street-working, comic-reading, spiritual, youth-working, justabout-living, father-of-Matty, forever-angel missing, Soprano-studying, LIFE-lesson-leading, faith-sharing. Unique."

My life’s on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching. .

My life’s on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching . .

It appears that..Gods away on business....

My life’s on the line before God, my Lord, waiting and watching till morning, waiting and watching.
Get the picture.

Mar 18, 2019

``those left out of the game``

They cut youth services, like they attacked the poor,vulnerable,ill, weak,``those left out of the game`` so young folk, had no role models to talk too.

No one listened . . .when youth workers told them    . . . .anyway they closed centres  . .closed Places they were listened too.

No one was detached on street corners
hanging around COLD wet RAIN warmth. 
So they never got to share any ideas
discuss uncomfortable feelings. . . Experience ``stuff``out
internilize thoughts express loads of feelings.

Stopped going into schools, delivering lessons,assemblies, operating listening posts,playing soccer at breaks..sitting sharing ``bait`` (food) among youth may not have a dinner....

Because we now have no jobs

we have little or indeed no money

Many like me were the resources..brought `inside sense` of belonging ...creating community...flexing ideas...developing residential or all night youthie..

We have to live life on the dole, --offered zero hour contracts --4-19 age range...

No one listened to us

All we wanted to do was listen to them . . .
trying hard not to judge
Accepted them ... many for first time felt valued by Adults..
They needed us to listen,
BUT THEN why would POWER listen?
Our client base don`t vote,are often poor..always labelled...why would you listen to those youth workers, often they are labelled too..

we worked in some funny ways...





`what ever you called what we did it `was always about  creating methods  . . . accepted them.....tried to model improve, plus explore, present behaviour.

No one listened when simple youth workers, often imagined to be slightly on the left..
we told them if you do not listen . .

They did not get heard . . .when without us they never really did.

if you do not open the youth clubs they will not be able to visit,,,,stop us hanging around street corners...others will take our place..sometimes although hard our spirit remained on the streets...
That sense of hope washed down the drain of the streets we worked...

Replaced by great big hill of despair..

We never got listened too 

they never got heard

we are on the dole...that a tough gig

unemployed  . . . . . . . . .some of them
they never went back to the corner..
some of them are DEAD

Mar 17, 2019

She puts her money in the slot, takes three candles, stands there, ambivalent as a prayer. Lighting them she looks at someone, only she can see. Places these unreliable flickers in the golden light of those who arrived earlier, long gone. She is beginning to believe she is not alone, daring to say something, only she can hear. Crossing herself, she leaves her light and takes it with her.

Mar 16, 2019


Going to cook this...
let me know if wanna join me for a plate
also looking for better place to live,

But that another day, another time and, another moment.

but its beef not lamb

Anyway who be good adding lot of mixed up fruit like apples,plums, raisins and odds plus fresh Basmatic rice and onions.

Oh plus doing me washing big it quite a domestic day.

A man was sentenced at Weston-super-Mare Magistrates Court this week for killing a gull after it tried to steal his chips.
RSPCA say the man showed “blatant disregard for animal welfare” and “cared more for his chips than what his actions did to the poor gull”.

l care more for my chips then hell of lot of things so l better be careful

Mar 15, 2019


"We have far too many children with no heating in the home, no food in cupboards, washing themselves cold water, walking to school with holes in shoes and trousers that are ill-fitted and completely worn out, and living on one hot meal a day provided at school.”

Headteacher of school on north Yorkshire coast

Mar 14, 2019


we are born alone

but we walk into collectives and every experience falls into perspective.

 So our country been logged in this political thing for years.
People where l communicate do not bring up the issue
they address far more important stuff.

Talk about health....illness they are facing..cost of to make a curry...condition..the Old are respected and helped to sit down at a table..drink is brought to them..views are respected..young people call in and talk about music..parents asked about second hand` DVD `,we selling will kidz like this?
Discussion sharing care...simple care for each other.
No fixed agendas so we chat and spiritual side (for what that may be ) diagnosed.

we are born alone
but we walk into collectives and every experience falls into perspective.

we need each other
we need community

Mar 13, 2019

poetry inspires me

“Life is a miracle. Out of all the planets and all the solar systems, ours was the one to support our whole existence. Our is abundant in sustenance. 

Not too close or far from the Sun, just enough distance as our lungs that can make use of oxygen. Breathing in and get high on life like an intoxicant, we’re all interconnected, everything that happens, all things are affected.
 We’re born alone,
 but we walk into collectives and every experience falls into perspective when you see that this planet is yours to explore. See, we leave our mark and the people we affect, the memories we make when we speak and we connect, the feelings we share, the secrets we pretend, the strength and the weakness we project.

Our time here is like a drop in the ocean. Ups, downs and a lot of emotion, but you’re still here to see the morning. Life’s for the taking. Breathe it all in,”

what else do l need to add here 

Mar 12, 2019

watching TV can inspire me

watching TV can inspire me

at times TV can inspire us it a companion 
source of education
informs myself
helps us escape
re shows us sporting events
great films
helps us connect
in all sorts of ways it can be inspiring
it can also not be SO
that why we need to exercise caution and use the OFF switch

watching TV
can inspire me

Can use the off switch !

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"