Sep 30, 2018

Woe woe woe there....

The Dark Beatitudes

Woe unto the proud of heart,
for a great fall awaits them. 

Woe unto the glib of soul,
for they can only be comfortably numb.

Woe unto the greedy graspers,
for they shall end up empty...
Woe unto those content with injustice,
for the kingdom of God will disturb them

Woe unto the cruel,
for what goes around comes around.

Woe unto the corrupt of heart,
for they fail to perceive God..
Woe unto the warmongers,
for they shall be called children of the devil.

Woe unto those privileged by injustice,
for their world is coming to an end.
Woe unto those privileged by injustice,

Sep 29, 2018

Old poem about first visit to Church

The first time that I went to church was on a Sunday morning
And from what I'd heard, I figured I'd spend me whole time yawning
At 18 years of age or so, I thought I knew it all
Me hair was long, me jeans were tight
I loved a knife and buckle fight
Provided mates stood left and right
And those we fought were small
But me mates and me, we'd never been
So off to church we filed
We marched inside, about three abreast
Straight down the middle aisle
Some of us were smokin' cigs;
Ron was sucking candies
We sat in what they call a "pew"
Then looked around to see just who'd come inside
Let me tell you, everyone dressed like dandies
And the row behind was full of dames
You shoulda seen their looks!
And one old dear, she gives me a smile
And offers me some books Tah!
We open 'em, pass 'em around
You shoulda seen the words, all set out like poetry is
And Sam says through his lemon fizz
"These books is fer the birds"
"Shhhh! Tsk tsk tsk tsk!"
One old lady says And the whole place buzzed
And Sam turns around and says
"Oh do hush up, you make more noise than us"
We looked around the building then It really was revealing
Sam says, "Hey mates, I get the score
"There ain't no carpets on the floor
"Look at the rafters; they're so poor they can't afford a ceiling
"Can't afford electric either; using candles everywhere"
"Shut your face," I says to Sam, "I'm be listening"
So was Ron And from the left, without a noise
Came a line of little boys And Sam says, in a puzzled voice
"Coo, they've all got nighties on"
Then came men, in robes and banners
"Look at that one, must be queer "
And they dare condemn us for the way we choose our gear?"
And then there's the minister, who's job's to preach
The Minister Whats-his-name
Those real long prayers, and what he preaches
Sounds just about the same
I came to church to listen — close
But I can't understand their chatter
It's like "mumble, mumble, shifting sinking sands"
And words like judgment or reprimand
Well, me and me mates can't understand talk quite like that
I'm used to talking with me mates
With words that has a meaning
If people like that sort of stuff…
Well, let them, that's okay
But let me tell you what I feel
I feel we need someone who'll deal in words and thoughts
And things that's real — I'd listen to what he'd say
Me mum once said, "Son, Jesus came to help young men like you"
But Jesus came so long ago
Mum, and I don't think it's true
But is there anyone here, right now, who can explain to me
Is Christ a myth?
A madman's whim?
Some say Christ can cure our sin I
S there a way to contact Him?
Or will I die not knowing how?
Listen, I only came to church to see if they could offer hope
But everything that happened there was way outside my scope
Like afterwards, outside, was a beggar on the grass
He held out his hand, and people'd smile, then they'd pass
I'm sure he reached for something real
For something more than cash
He begged them for a little cheer
And they all pretended not to hear I get the message
Loud and clear:
Church is middle class

Sep 28, 2018

the L word

         Love God. Love others. Love yourself.

my thinking at present captured for you

There are some still,confused so let's just place these facts out for whatever..... Eu Referendum % Votes in favour of 59% East Midlands 59% West Midlands 58% Yorks & Humber 58% North East 54% North West 53% Wales

'Hull City need to invest £10m for squad to thrive in Championship'

so this born loser
going to be let down again at weekend
in world of football that is!

meanwhile in my beloved
(that Malta by the way....)

No mandate to legalise brothels, parliamentary secretary says

Reforms Parliamentary Secretary Julia Farrugia Portelli says government’s mandate is to ensure prostitutes do not continue to be criminalised

UNBELIEVABLE PREMIER CHRISTIAN RADIO Micheal Ruse SEPTEMBER the 7th 2018 comments about slapping or not slapping a women WHY Justin Brierley is this not being challenged???

Sep 27, 2018

New bible template

Love God. Love others. Love yourself.
That's a core truth to remember when interpreting any biblical text. In line with this, “Satan” and “Sin” do not appear in the original Genesis text, but are actually developed later in Hebrew thought, and then expounded on by Augustine and Calvin. The Genesis story,is ultimately a myth, or “a kind of profound fable rather than a historical narrative.
There a real issue as many completely believe that there was a stand up talking snake .
Who developed a relationship with Eve, however that not the case 
So the argument goes that if you don't be levied this then you are a untrue believer 
I totally accept that this is a myth packed with wisdom.
Great story with truths for us to apply.they we are told around before 'Our ' Bible.we in cooperated them into our truth telling around the Character of a loving God.
He walked with us
Talked with us
Wanted us to be in deeper relationship with us.
Not condemn us to Hell nor are we asked to believe in Saten.
Trying this way of understanding central myth of the Garden of Eden is difficult but it makes more sense
Along with in my view making the Bible more not less reliable.
However not going to go well with those who quite literal take the bible as Only total truth every word.
 what difference does it make to the way we see our faith journey when the Bible is challenged?.

Great views on the coast this morning truly essential and beautiful.
Up pretty early walking praying thinking
Wasting away a bit as well

The sun came up and the day as promised began
It been a week of job applications
DWP Hassle
No real movement

Sep 25, 2018

hull a hell

My patience is wearing thin on the `Hull City` roundabout it not good being a born loser when it comes to your local team.

l know there a lot worse going on plus there is a political vacuum
along own perilous situation.
But when it comes to a bit of entertainment, want `something like 
better`, then whats currently being signed off.
Locally news not good for girl who smuggled drugs into Egypt
she gonna have to do the time....

"What don't these people get? I wonder if I've died and this is hell. What did I do so wrong in my life to end up here?

Yet another robbery in my home town
but desperate times bring desperate behaviour


Sep 24, 2018

Up in Heavens room.....

This week we all get the chance to listen more closely,speak less often,smile more well smile more.
Witness the hurts around us
Start with me Lord make me more aware of others,more quieter,less willing to speak harshly...Start with me Lord

Not a bad place to want be at start of new week while l pray earnestly for little more understanding.
Some income and some work better health less of the blues that are haunting myself presently.

Up in heavens room a father sheds a tear he missing you too...... 
From an ole gospel song by MWSmith l think check it out get back to you on this one

Sep 23, 2018

People disabled poverty and the world goes on ignoring

I WONT NAME HIM......BUT....who is known to sometimes go to work in a wig and women's clothing, was named on the Financial Times  Heroes Champions of Women in Business list
an annual ranking of 100 "company leaders who support women in business."

Ell what it all about Alfie or is that what it all about going one way me with my unanswered prayer...the hopeless feeling, sadness of time flying away,just not sure made for this world anymore.
I'm pretty sure Kevin going in another direction.

Poverty appears to be off the agenda at Church today,has often is not relevant to those around 
It was fitting a passage into a notion:-
'You need to move your seat' based on Mary at the tomb ...
she was in right place at right time 
But we all need to move our seats.
OK that was Church today.

There is no writing from the pulpit about the issue facing the many attending. . . 
Need to address some important issues ...but whose leading us when the sermons are so poor?
Church not does not have a thought about Kingdom principles it all about self in faith not about age first then of course others and their concerns following

Rough night last evening pretty fed up life at present
Feel been tested as much as l can
Struggling with job applications
Wonderful sights on the coast just up from my trailer by the sea
That is my cold trailer by the sea
A whale frolicking in the North coast near Flamborough head.

Sep 22, 2018

Health diet and substance.

National guidelines are based on evidence that consuming too much saturated fat is known to increase cholesterol levels, which is a known risk factor for heart and circulatory diseases
Around 14 days week do not have meat when l do have chicken, plus pork
Lower priced items.

Adjusted my meals to both sort my
 health along with economic factors
I had no-income for over six months despite prayers they have yet again remained unanswered.The bills need to be paid and Lord needs to step up a gear.
Unjust society living among affects others in worse conditions then my own
employment situation been pretty drastic...know many others working end month with no further on then period before.
However the political Elite those in authority appear for sure to be blind further deaf to people's positions.
God  and the issue of unanswered prayers is serious debate we need to face.

Sep 21, 2018

its the same ole song

It like a record that stuck the same ole song plays
so why
why are we not able to deal with this issue of poverty

when a record gets stuck it plays
then it returns to the same place
playing again the very same tune 

it does not alter
it plays the same ole tune

when a record gets stuck it plays
then it returns to the same place
playing again the very same tune 

Sep 20, 2018

Amen my people

Today we enter the crucial final ten days of Premier's financial year. To fully cover vital transmission costs, we must close a funding gap of £650,000 by 30 September.
In the name of Jesus l ask that this false request by premier will be shown up to be shameful.
Resulting in loss of transmission and cut backs to the work force
Lord l ask that this be done within one week
Kevin W.





In the main, around three differences (style, plot, and presentation of Jesus’ words and deeds). Further three similarities (overlapping narrative arc, overlapping events)
in how the gospels relate to each other.
Matthew ,Mark ,Luke are known as the SYNOPTIC gospels.
John version of events stands out as very different!

Very much to do with factual ,these events happened.
Other three are about we witnessed, this happening, plus its more of a sharing time among friends.
Then John jumps at us saying well it happened in this way at these times.

Back to real world and the important issues.
Hull city lost again to Wigan. 

It hurts, no it hurts really does when always on the losing team.
That just from a supporters view.
Well this fans view.
Drove to Leeds last evening l was nervous about the journey and concerned, Took brother and sister in law to the Airport. the last 9 miles took half the time it took the first 62 due to cameras for speed and the way we progressed all around the City.
Then £3 pounds for dropping people off.

Sep 18, 2018

Wheel of poverty turns slow

Poverty leads to more crime
Sanctions lead to deeper poverty and more crime
Criminal activity leads to ultimate poverty
Poverty leads to poor education
Crime is a way out of poverty
When the benefits fail further sanctions are imposed
 more criminal activity takes place
More poverty is Experiances
More lack of self worth leads to false esteem via criminal activity
Etc........poverty....crime....sanctions....poverty crime ....sanctions...more more and even more
35 years working among the poor show myself that this wheel keeps on turning
Not that l am from a well to do place either
Heaven oh heaven help us all.

Austerity increase`s poverty 
Oiling the wheel of poverty

Sep 17, 2018

Don`t ever think that l forgot you

So ended up in that trailer by the sea
Ended up not hearing from you
But when they play that song
'Hope l see you in heaven' . .
Don't ever worry  you still are very important, nor that l forgot You.
I can hear the chords the words come alive,the singer sings that song
Told recently the learning is still being understood that the heart holds different memories to the mind

When you first begin your journey,well not sure of who you are.
This time of life still sitting near the beach in my trailer by the sea.....waiting for that phone call that says.
Drive real fast...come real soon.
Life it never easy.Someone reminded me just this day.....God is good

Last nite the Owl sounded as walked back from the cliffs
Although weather becoming Autumnal it still warm  . . .the days carry good bit of warmth.
Just the cash flow along with no work that's cold and hard as Hell.

Sep 16, 2018

One day at a time

KEVIN WALLER's experience appears to be concentrated in Training along with One On One, 
been told had exposure to Knowledge,understanding around the main YCW, shown Learning about Management style, could do with more Knowledge and Learn deeper level about Management.
Hard to believe have 36 years of experience, working the main in Youth and community work,
Truth is due to nature little management experience.
Got something to say ,no one wants to hear the message.


Jesus Christ
Director  youth services

07919 231592


36 total years

Hull College


Sep 14, 2018

The thing l am

What makes me ....well me
Mixture of faith journey 
Wrestling with hopes
Getting Anxious about life way it unfolding
Not put into `neet contextualise` boxes
Religion as -1
Emotional literacy as another -2
Social out workings -3
Leisurely pursuits -4
Physical Incapacitates another-5

It whole the whole working it out 
into something called Human Kevin
                            The life we live.......

What makes you....You?  

Sep 13, 2018

reply to Premier Christian Magazine...peter Kerridge

We have all heard news of High Street crashes. Toys R Us went bust, Marks and Spencer have closed shops, and House of Fraser has gone into receivership. There are lots more…
And I really don’t want to see Premier on that list!

However, the reality is, the summer months have seen some of the lowest support Premier has ever received. The result is that the national transmission fund has been depleted and Premier’s national broadcast is at severe risk

well guess what l am glad you are struggling.It life and it meant to be so.
Candidly you had good grasp of the cherries growing fat for such a long time.
Placed in the safety of London elite.Seldom has the music played said anything to me about my life.
Often the issue discussed have nothing to do with the issues around myself or the environment my community have been placed.
Out of reach have been the Holidays advertised,out of my pocket have been the books promoted and for sale.
Life of mainly American contributors not ran parallel with my own, nor with any l know.
Out of touch in most levels.
So disperse we will not miss you.
We will not mourn you.
Christian community will carry on emerging.. the books you promoted
The music you played 
People you represented will disappear.
Snap ,crackle,hallelujah of your breakfast cereal will sound no more.
We will survive.
That l am sure about.

not so linear

We discovered that
human desire is not 
a linear process, 
In the gospel story we gradually learn that God is the victim, and that the victim’s blood only appeased humans, not God. Having a real event told in this particular way intends to foster conversion. Though we think of the gospels as telling a story about God,

hmmm thinking deep today
mind you matters little to those around me at present
there is rural
then there is where l am now rural

around us in nature there is so much beauty
the noise
nature of the place l am in.
Relationship being formed and lost . .
Relationships handled with tenderness . .
Then there are Relationships only dreamed about as time and tide moved me away

Symptoms that bring us into the where we are now . .
these are desperate times for myself
prayers are searching but not getting answers.
the Gospel affects all areas of our commentary..customs we follow..discussions we have..TV we watch..Music we listen too..what we should do with our leisure..

Sep 12, 2018

The Forest is a kind of church.

"The forest is a kind of church. 
Trees pierce the sky, like cathedral spires. Light filters down, as through stained glass. The forest canopy is lofty, far above our heads.
 There is something ... that generates religious experience."

Where the protest . . . .

Nearly all the austerity-era funding cuts to services supporting poor families have fallen in the most economically-deprived areas of England, potentially trapping them in a “downward spiral” of poverty, according to new research.

Council areas in the northeast in Yorkshire Durham and further afield, also handful of local authorities in London, shouldered 97% of the reductions in town hall 

stop read that again taken 97% of the cutbacks

The poorest

The poorest have taken the biggest kick in the teeth 

What l do not understand is this....where the protest

spending on social care, children,homelessness since 2011, has affected these groups much much more

Benefit cuts and sanctions are used to hurt, attack,belittle ,and impoverish,the less fortunate,poorest, most vulnerable,in society.

SHame on the DWP and its collective agents that includes the ESA Job centre staff.


Sep 7, 2018

treasury of human interaction . .pt 1

Interesting that we feel cannot accept someone saying `sorry`
so where does this ethic come from?
where is it centred..where it rooted..
by what authority do we use the currency of forgiveness ?

"I think when 20 plus people speak out about a certain person and they're probably not that vocal on Twitter anyway then...there's no smoke without fire."

Adele Silva, who played Kelly Windsor on Emmerdale 
That the issue in celebrity big brother 2018, which to be honest far from entertains nor is it stretching to witness how people communicate exploring the levels they talk...listen..stay silent..move ..when around each other.
Looking at the triggers and the emotions that follow.
Ask myself would l be so dramatic or heated in vocal exchange
when view stressed that l am uncomfortable with,
How would l respond.
`Human beings` along with `Human behaviour` is a treasure. 
WOW l had people ringing myself yesterday and communicating with me on few levels that good.
if you are of the praying nature,l gonna be greedy for yours as the unemployment angle is not good for myself

Sep 6, 2018


OUT of the relegation zone on goal difference alone, without a win at home in the Championship and just one victory from six games,

who that be ..that be my home town team Hull City...CAN IT GET WORSE

I would like think there is hope for us to move the club on this year.
We have a little bit of interest at the moment from several parties. We are in discussions. 
The supporters, want us out and we are trying to manage that process the best we can.

Hull City’s Ehab Allam: ‘We are detached emotionally from the fans’


“The most detailed teaching Jesus has about hell is the story of the rich man and Lazerus. In that story Jesus uses hell in a very different way to the way Evangelical and Conservative Catholics would talk about hell today. The rich man doesn’t go to hell because he doesn’t believe in penal substitutionary atonement, he doesn’t go to hell because he fails to accept Jesus as his personal Lord and Saviour and he doesn’t go to hell for failing to say the sinner’s prayer. He goes to hell because he steps over a poor man sitting at his gate"

Now that gets me thinking it gets me examining really makes me accept that teaching it merciful profound and enlightening to myself also humbles me want to think this through and discuss further what a story what an example what a thoughtful process how attractive does Jesus become when this his the plan

Instead of the your `going to hell` as the conveyor belt failure you became

The rejection of the master plan means that HE win`s

You lose

who wants to follow a violent wicked monster of a God 

who promotes that theology

The image of God that l hear another talking about weekly,
( in Church study group ) does seem like an eternal torturer. 



   OH CRAP this gets me wanting to leave Church.

Therefore not be part of the God revolution

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"