Mar 31, 2017

Warm days arrived l am due to depart?

@maltatoday MALTA Get ready for MALTLEX 
Corrupt Goverment 
Rude transport
Exploiting staff
Cruelty to Animals 
All ABOVE high in Malta

Someone upset in paradise

The days of gym
Swimming long walks and hot sunny days are ending

Return to cool summer in UK 
Plenty time to plant stuff and get garden ready
Thinking along line of corgeuettes potatoes leeks cabbage just for the butterflies
Not sure what else to plant?
OK gardeners what's best to plant?

Is it time to out fleeces away for a while or still got few more chilly nights!
Gotta ask


Mar 30, 2017

Spirituality has to be enlightening

You can't always change your circumstances, but you can always change your relationship to your circumstances through contemplative prayer.

Some people spiritually is just stuck in a system that full of errors,
In-practical does not fit the culture, the times, or those exposed to its teachings.

Yesterday l was in a cafe having a rest and a cup of tea.
A guy was counselling in a large voice a desperate woman
Then came to the rubb .
Yes guessed it MONEY spirituality cost £££££.

Often its outdated
Keeps people in the dark
Does not help those experiencing such teachings.

AS that great prophet of south Humberside once said
"you can always contemplate changing your underwear or sticking with slightly damp pair one more day or go commando"


Mar 28, 2017

smarter than you think. - Winnie the Pooh

Always remember: You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.
 - Winnie the Pooh

Nelson want some toast

Winnie Mandela 

Mar 27, 2017


How that journey of faith going
What ripples have you experienced
What do you feel tethered alongside
What the reality of your individual journey

How s it going

Mar 23, 2017

False teachings and need for grown up debate


Until there is a serious sedate about this falseness there will be no end to wickedness
Coming from teachings accepted
We need a serious grown up debate about what is contained
Along with life style choices these teachings encourage

Some are afraid 
Afraid simply for own wellbeing
Some fearful of offending another person
Simply we need to expose unbelief system they have accepted

Later for all that gangster sh&£&£ associated with the falseness around Mohumd andhis kidz 

Mar 21, 2017

I been struggling in the dark for years, 
but the light just hasn't shone. 
The light just doesn't shine!
You make it sound easy 
You say 
Just hold your hand out.

If you reached the age of 61 today and where born in Liverpool in 1956

If you reached the age of 61 today and where born in Liverpool in 1956
Then here are your stars for this period

Reaching this goal today has not been easy and the last few years seen that struggle getting harder
As famous Parish youth worker in Anfield ones preached
""Still trying to get up that great big hill called hope to find . . ."
Well even then,he had a point   . .  So if you really want to shape a better future pick up the fone or email--- --- then all your dreams of true love can come true.

He in and out of 'health thingy my jigs' at present so be patient waiting that reply

From a fone booth in Hedon Jessie called at four
' how do you always know just when to call' or text 07919 231 592 

Still trying to get up that great big hill called hope
Same here at times it pretty tough

Mar 17, 2017

Still on that uphill journey

Back then l was just a pilgrim on a journey of faith
Still a pilgrim
Still on a journey
Still one of faith
Still trying to stop the Basterds grinding us down 

When the magic not that simple . .

In reply to @SteveChalke --
wow that easy,what about other big questions like poverty in the North,light Not shining in the darkness,any more magic

Because you see has some often say when you break out of your comfort zone everything will be different
What they don't say instant it may well be worse
Even get worse and worse with Authotrity and those in positions of power wanting that difficulty for YOU to grow
It simply not that simple

@SteveChalke  basis for that?
As another seeking 'facts and reason' asked where is the reason for that thought well l agree give me and others some evidence otherwise it just like Magic mushrooms taste good when poured but after effects are truly awful
GREAT news is it all a discussion we need to have with each other about our faith journeys

Mar 14, 2017

A great big hill called hope . . . .summit ahead

So long we all been climbing up this hill called the seculation of our society
Without realising that there nothing but an empty house that deserted of all common sense at the top
The road near the top takes a few turns
Offers a nice view but it's a bit of a shocker at the top

But it had so much promise from what we knew and had experiance 
We threw out the sandcastle and play pen
We threw Jesus out of the sandpit
Then we discovered life is so silent lacks true, deep purpose
God and Christ became swear words
Looking at our neighbour and their needs no longer had value
Doing our thing became acceptable
Children got neglected
The aged got forgotten
Some values got altered 
Smiles disappeared and those simple moments got forgotten
Maybe your thinking well kevin waller going to say that he a believer in God
But here's the rub
I'm hearing it all over
We need to return to the garden
Good news is it still possible
All things are....time to repent (that means turn around,go another way ) take a long hard look back to the sandpit 
Back to yesterday when you threw away Jesus stuff and God thoughts and ideas was there something of value we need to hold onto? . . bring back to the lives we now live?

I think so . . . .

Mar 13, 2017

where we are now

When the 'new self' became established it brought a new self attitude 
That replaced others first
'So train hard or leave the gym'
Became --'l can train only as hard as l wish' don't respect your aim to improve me
As l am the 'newself'
This attitude became aspirational . ..
 belief in you and you alone
Mixed with a society which is more self serving
More self centred
'Me me me'
Became a mantra heard loud heard often
The old way practiced by the few of 'Others first self not even second'got drowned out
We became where we are now!

Mar 11, 2017

Time to walk
Then swim
Go to restaurant
Simply chill
Getting health improvement everyday
That me at present

God bless you with time for yourself
God bless your health
God bless your circumstances and smile upon you this day

Mar 10, 2017

Watchtower and danger site

"When they made me the keeper of the watch tower
My own watchtower did l not see...."
well something like that about the dangers of not being properly focuses
Lot of these ramblings are mainly my own thoughts.
As l faith journey along the way
Having some me time ,Walking
Taking a deep breathe while l wonder what ahead! 
It's actually a part of my skill set to be a 'reflective practitioner'. 
We all need to develop a time to process what we are reading, around us, too many times we rush to performance. 
Without the important reflection and processing. Treat yourself to a walk and a cuppa while process the sounds, and smells, further the world around you. Be blessed.

Mar 9, 2017

Now is the time to get things right

Now is the hour
Now is the time 
About now time for you todo what think is correct
Maybe it simply not just laugh at odd unkind comment
That one example
We can accidentally play along to a prejudice by not speaking then there is 
the tension of what you say and the tone you use
But now might be the time for you o act
Speak out
Only you will know that now has arrived
What time is it . . . . . .now s the time 

Mar 8, 2017

Time and tide turning

Government in Wales plans to criminalise parents who smack their children.

This is a huge threat to family freedom. It will turn thousands of loving parents into criminals, overwhelm police. Social workers overwhelmed with trivial reports so that real cases of child abuse are missed.

As the world turns,
Laws change values.
They change, Question is always,
"Is it changing for the better?
If not why not? a
Are we going one way,
While the world goes another?
Turn, turn, turn and face the world
to often the Christian community retreats, turns away, becomes more inward.

Mar 6, 2017


Time to breathe
Watch the pace of you slow
Friendships will deepen
Breathe health will improve 
Breathe and think deeper 
Breathe pace walk at what you see will be different
Breathe be more tolerable
Breathe hear yourself
Breathe read that book make them notes share that feeling open you
That important perhaps proud perhaps fragile being
Breathe and become more humble 
As you breathe
Breathe because you can be eaten sometimes by the society you excise among
Breathe so as you reflect can be more relevant

Mar 5, 2017

Travelling and journey

Don't know why get so apprehension but l do on journeys
Travelled on a plane yesterday then a coach journey Day began with car and metro travel
Felt few twinges and slight pain really l was working hard
also long days with very early starts
About to walk
Long walk in the sun . . . .then the day can begin
Here to the workers in the fields here's to the lonely everywhere
Let the day begin

Mar 3, 2017

life it can be a simple game

One of my pleasure last week was watching for around an hour the wildlife local to us we all went into the car with fish and  chips listening to something on the radio while we ate our food
then we travelled by foot along the river bank for an hour enjoying the breathe and pace while also watching Seals and birdlife on cool winter`s day
feeling blessed sometimes LIFE it really is that simple

apparently it pretty unusual and rare but we witness these quite a lot
about to take some time to concentrate on myself and my health
l feel guilty
being away
enjoying the sun
improving my health
talking to friends l do not see very much
looking at new sights
visiting old Churches
being warm
not doing any washing up
it that's simple sometimes

Mar 2, 2017

inner murmers

somethings in life are just beautiful
the Owl flying silently as you drive along
Sparrow hawk watching for its next meal on top of a lamppost
The sound of waves rushing along the pebbles
wind blowing its simple stuff
but it can help you connect in deeper
with your soul crying for a little peace

this world takes huge chunks out of each of us
strive to be happy
be yourself
simply love as best as you can
try in your heart to be true to your inner murmers

not so good deed

Police ‘failing victims of crime’ says critical report 
The heartbroken family of a 17-year-old boy who was found hanged from a tree have paid tribute to a caring young man who had an "infectious zest for life".

A touchline spectator at the game, ran onto the pitch and attacked the victim after seeing the confrontation.
 He pleaded guilty to one charge of common assault.
Reading the facts of the case, District Judge Fred Rutherford said: "He is watching a football match in which his girlfriend is playing. She's involved in an altercation with female player from the other team.
"He's not the only one who sees it fit to involve himself. In the evidence of the referee, there's a melee and there's several players involved. People try to separate them"

and the beat goes on
and the beat goes on
and the beat goes on
it appears we are getting worse as a society
beginning to wonder how low we can sink

beginning to wonder who can lead us
especially as so few of us vote

behind such headlines are broken and damaged people who are struggling trying to make the best in a world that appears to have gone so mad

How do find the appropriate lifestyle?
In what ways would it be recognisable?
Can it be achieved in a broken world?
What are the values it may display
Got to ask?
Preparing for a plane journey
Everything will be up in the air!

I guess.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"