Jan 9, 2017

Jesus said blessed are the poor.....he mean`t..

In my own view many people have gotten used to asking about the rating of a fridge or freezer, in relation to energy saving.But there is no certificate for buildings, people where l live do  feel that efficiency is a priority,but unsure we can support the monetary ways to achieve this.  

                                                                                   Poverty is not just about being money poor
that a huge factor, but isolation and being detached, they lead to not being invited to the table.
Also many providers of some support are very very limited.
Often the enablers do not have a wider vision,the reason they volunteer to help are correct reasons,however this is enough but what we don`t do is partake in wider debate,they do not explore political response nor do they want to engage further in the issues.
Often Christians and this l know and remain consigned about,choose not to develop further ,so yes we provide a meal at cheap cost,then this gets taken over by another class,but we don`t challenge a system that is forcing people to be in poverty.
Nor do we work to understand better the isolation,
feeling of detachment,
lack of community cohesion,
family breakdown,
spiral into debt,
all linked to poverty.
Christians get confused about what Jesus meant about ¬blessed are the poor¬
surly he was saying that`s the way to be,
 `look how lucky they are`,`aim to be like that` `going without and not having enough` `feeling hungry` and getting into `bad situations everyday"
                                                                            thats not what Jesus was pointing towards.
He meant that they had little else to prevent them from engaging with deep thinking stuff
fewer possessions 
fewer distractions
less stuff
well perhaps not
we must disengage with poverty being acceptable 
being the way ahead
we must do more then provide a meal at `nitebite`,or a cheap cafe options
we need to listen to the experience and wrestle with those other issues
get people invited
bring them to the table
let them have a voice
hear what they have to say
always befriending
poverty can leave you uninvited
not present
further isolated
living in a underdeveloped area
being `put upon`.Jesus is there
 where are we?
Jesus is there
 where are we?

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. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"