Sep 30, 2016

the Hell of politics

Some in the Church are making a huge mistake by giving the vile, wicked, faith hating, Jeremy Corbyn platform
Guy is a Vegan,does`n`t smoke and is popular
just like Adolf Hitler who the Church should have spoken against
Guy lacks substance ,is being courted by like's of Premier Christian Radio and S.Chalke esquire
if you tackle the issue find he ignores Syria, hates faith, 

loves Russians way of politics, and can only offer hatred towards those who don`t strike in unelected actions.

“There are no random acts...We are all connected...You can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind...”

Sep 27, 2016

life fast sometimes

The fair first set up stall in the city in 1278 AD – that's a impressive 738 years ago – meaning that people have been enjoying fun and games Hull Fair-style for more than seven centuries.
2016 is set to be another bumper year for the fair with 70 adult rides,250 kids rides and loads of stalls, all descending on Walton Street from 5pm on Friday, October 7, to Saturday, October 15, promising seven days of white-knuckle rides and traditional family fun

Hull Fair best in the world?

Mum is not so well but brothers and sisters keeping her OK and the Hospital, life feels short so how and wee bit weird
                                                 life much harder then the movies

 still miss the side shows with 7 legged sheep
alien in a jar
bearded lady
shortest man etc..
boxing booths £5 to go three rounds
fun was there then

Sep 26, 2016

wierd when uncomfortable

felt really weird this Saturday as the footie results came in Hull got hammered just that others are doing so much worse
but what really hurts is events in Syria and the awfulness of humans to inflict pain and suffering
recently l read Resistance by Angus Humbert
it appears to myself that we have not moved on from the awful events of the second world war and the inhumanity given by some to others
what's going to happen if we never learn from events
l will strive to be signicent in bringing about peace and offering goodwill
join me and perhaps we can make a difference
pray more
hold others accountable
strive to learn about Syria and all your efforts
pray again a bit more

a little rededeication needed by me

Pretty hard read the above, but if not feeling uncomfortable
 (perhaps not about others more about me).
The gospel further words of Jesus have been so misunderstood
some teaching not been bothered with, time to reread and rededicate.

Sep 24, 2016

cold wind harsh times ahead

There cold wind starting to blow on the hills this day its refreshing but uncomfortable may get more harsh just talking about the weather

all we are saying is give us some peace
there a rise in UK of far right groups
some unhappy stuff going on
in my life time violence and distrust has grown

read a great article about U2 at 40
few Christians groups have done so well in fact non have in my view

l will sing
sing a new song
how long to sing this song
how long now long
how long to sing this song
Psalm 40

Sep 23, 2016

who will speak to you this day without using words?

who will speak to you this day
without using words?
God bless your active listening

footie news for friday

that time of the week when interviews and hopes for the footie start Tom H been great player who has developed at Hull

kinda think we might do well this season but we are among group of teams who also struggle SFC Swansea,stoke basically any team playing in stripes

Sep 22, 2016

life gets worse . . .well if your in certain groups

Assessment of poverty on a small mediterrian Island

The at-risk-of-poverty rate has found to increase by 6-1% in last 4 years
 Increasing household work intensity 
 Indeed, those living in households with very low work intensity were at-risk-of-poverty 
The severe material deprivation rate.
 More than 40.0 per cent were living in households which claimed that not all the household members could afford to pay for a one-week annual holiday away from home.
 In addition, some 2% said that they could not afford to face unexpected financial expenses,
 while close to 14% per cent said that they could not afford to keep their home adequately warm in winter.
weak powerless vulnerable all increasing in membership terror
poverty lack of social mobility Emotional literacy Spiritual deprivation
now some lighter entertainment and Hull city returned to winning ways as they beat Stoke in a cup match
played all six 6 ,new signings
good 2-1 win great for City great for supporters
think at a guess
they happy

Sep 20, 2016

Community living..."Spiritofthestreets" . . One minute sermon

I  often say to people from my profession that "if we are to build community we need to understand what it means to be a bridge
including letting people walk over you"
Uncomfortable...... Disturbing .. Bloody hard..24/7/365....get it?
There is a price to pay.I ask people to reflect before they choose to live in a harsh environment. It not like a comic book ,you can close,Or a film you can switch off , is much harder then that
Life it not something you can opt out of,here to be lived hard stuff
Life not like a movie ...  ..  ...  ...  ..  ..  .. ...Much harder then that

Community living..."Spiritofthestreets" . . One minute sermon

I  often say to people from my profession that "if we are to build community we need to understand what it means to be a bridge
including letting people walk over you"
Uncomfortable...... Disturbing .. Bloody hard..24/7/365....get it?
There is a price to pay.I ask people to reflect before they choose to live in a harsh environment. It not like a comic book ,you can close,Or a film you can switch off , is much harder then that
Life it not something you can opt out of,here to be lived hard stuff
Life not like a movie ...  ..  ...  ...  ..  ..  .. ...Much harder then that

Sep 19, 2016

Last harvest is about finished

Such beautiful thing to look at simple
Field harvested
Reminds me that God is present in the world and we need to play a part
Bringing                 Peace               Good thoughts to others


Hearts that are correct and focus
Minds that question
Wrestle with issues
Hands that pray
Hands that involved in action

Reading a book on resistance to Nazis in France during the second world war

Sep 17, 2016

moon and tide turning

what happens when Waller and Walker share a name
 well the courgettes are still flowering
Nights are getting colder
Autumn coulers are collecting
Beautiful world is turning
God is working

Sep 16, 2016

soundtracking my life coming soon

Going to start sound tracking some of the music that been important to myself

 If you know me at all

 Be aware that l have very wide interest in music from classical to soundtracks

 Soul and northern plus Tamla

 But lot of dance music from Dee jaying, being a (DJ).
First record l remember wanting to hear again
well that may be Acker Bilk and `So Lonely `beautiful clarinet sound kinda Jazzy and classical
from the film `Band of Thieves`

Left my phone at home

Gone out without my phone 
so those wanting to phone
Try me mid afternoon 
bit forgetful at my age
Well there are days like this

enjoyed simple stuff planting and growing greens in the garden

Mint went very well and has been used in odd meal
Cabbages both types never grew
where attacked and died
Courgettes been plentiful l had around 35 from two plants
 The yellow flowers have been beautiful

Tomatoes are still very green so put some in the car so to develop warmer and become red

well that the plan
Leaks Onions will be ready later this month
  prolong till October if l can 
Allowed only one courgette to become a Marrow


Sep 15, 2016

currently issues focused around

one of the sad facts about my favourite place in the world
Malta is they kill migrating birds
like the honey buzzerd and others it is a custom and culturally acceptable
something l really struggle with.

its going to get very wet after all the unseasonable weather we are expecting thunderstorms with places like my home town Hull
going to get a proper water fall
lets hope no flooding occurs
could be that summer is coming to an end 

Sep 14, 2016

name and role please

what in a name and a role
Youth pastor
Kevin --Kev --Kevanous
Benefit --vulnerable--unhealthy 

Am l a gardener when l garden
Am l a Chef when l cook
Am l a Bully if l say the wrong thing

Do you stop being Husband when you are left alone?
Do you stop being someones Son when father dies?
Whats in a name and role?

l have found that you stopped being involved in the conversation,
and stop being invited to the table when your role changed!

Sep 13, 2016

another great guy

what a wonderful person
great example for myself
simple stuff he did so others
live better
opportunity may come our way this day
may we take that opportunity

so lush the sound

so yesterday l downloaded a song
been in my head music box
since 1972 
when l first heard `Acker Bilk` so lonely
from the film `band of thieves`
love it so much
really lush sound

Sep 12, 2016

poverty ...a bit more

Fifty years ago, Ken Loach was the young director of Cathy Come Home, a BBC Play for Today, filmed in documentary style and watched by 12 million. Cathy, her lorry driver husband, and two children, live happily in a flat. He has an accident and loses his job, so they move to lodgings, a caravan, a hostel. Cathy becomes a single parent and her children become homeless. Social workers finally take the children into care. The public were moved and enraged.

this was repeated recently and l want to find the correct time to watch having recorded the programme from TV

World keeps on hurting
hurting those vulnerable
those experiencing hardship
those unable too..
benefit claimant so often the case for reprisals and scorn
Rejected and hurt . . powerless

The poverty l know and have witnessed, its conditional
By that l mean  goes with where you came from, The journey taken
 A role played, the situation finds oneself in, Circumstances around that,
Then illness visits, unemployment arrives.
You’re in the system and it grips person, that family, the locality.
Nothing to do with the persona and any failings they reflect

Sep 10, 2016

God bless you all this weekend

God bless you all this weekend

Few years since 9/11
Peace and concern for others never been more needed
Going to walk..pray... finish off bit of gardening... await footie results... Good look Hull City FC ....,
spend Sunday listening to Radio 4
at 8 in the morning as
Oasis do a memorial service for 9/11 victims

God bless you all this weekend

In these difficult days, our faith has lifted us up and sustained us. Our nation turned to God in prayer and in faith with a new intensity. This was evident on cell phones on hijacked airliners, on stairways in doomed towers, in cathedrals and parish churches, at ecumenical and interfaith services, in our homes and hearts. Our faith teaches us about good and evil, free will and responsibility. Jesus' life, teaching, death and resurrection show us the meaning of love and justice in a broken world

Excerpt from the Catechism of the Catholic Church
                         Gave in,                
 went and bought a new charger 
my i Pod life to short to go without                         

Sep 9, 2016

bit wimpish today

feeling a bit of a wimp
cannot find my I pod charger
won`t believe the way turned house upside down
also been full of cold on two of the hottest days l can recall in the last decade
running temperature
got antibiotics
sleeping way too much
putting on weight yet don`t eat a great deal
walk a lot
social media
life is very different at present
truth is life not the way l feel it should be!
but it great deal better then most

yes you and l live a great life look at those suffering in Syria

Sep 8, 2016

Church in a niteclub `spiritofthestreets theology`

One of the most exciting things heard about for a long time where a DJ 
Steve Leach whose album love meshing with,got his album on CD `right here in this room` well he recalls  a group of Christians.   
“open up a big old Anglican church from about 11.00pm until about four in the morning every Friday night for a couple of months. It's right in the heart of the town in amongst all the clubs and bars.”

Where many fail to go a bit like the Church in A niteclub we have run up north.
 So some local Christians, “open that place up and it's all kind of relaxed music, lots of candles and projected visuals and poetry, little arty installations, as well as tea and coffee plus sweets”
You see here where the Church often gets it wrong try to be like those around us, We offer a poor copy but we stuff place with Christian quotations, Christian respectability.
Here the venue is geared differently.
“There's no start or finish, there's no talk or any 'Sign up for the Alpha Course Here', there's none of that. It's just open, and we invite people who are out and about clubbing”
I often get people saying but why aren`t you playing any Christian Music,(often do play Christian artist like the Tribe and EZ7 among others) they mean ….well you wouldn`t know but its ¬stuck in a Debenhams elevator type muzic¬
Resulting in they love it!

“ It's so exciting to be a part of. The vision for it came from seeing some 25 thousand people clubbing each weekend at night, that's when all the churches are closed. The following morning, these people are all in bed and we're all in our churches singing away.”

So we gotta ask some tough hard questions!

We need to be open at `whattime o clock`.?
 What are we creating in that space we call worship and that building we call Church?

Where there's people, average niteclub areas are attracting 25000 people at five hour periods we worship mostly in a tradition that not fitting the culture!
Why are we not there in any witness?
 Christian or not, how likely are people to think about?
or encounter God, at those times as and in what new way?

Sep 5, 2016

what they really need more 
then anything else,
Further what everyone of us needs 
Simply a bloody good cuddle,
cup of tea and too know
 we`ve been listened too

Sep 3, 2016

give em a cuddle

Officials at the Vale of York Clinical Commissioning Group said the decision came at a time when the local system was under "severe pressure".
The move will see a ban on, for example, hip and knee operations.
The Royal College of Surgeons described the restrictions as some of the most severe the modern NHS has ever seen.
well that another kick in the teeth for some
when perhaps they need kick up the arse
or better then all of that
the abuse and threats 
what they really really need
what they really need more then anything else 
a bloody good cuddle,cup of tea and to be listened too.

Sep 2, 2016

faith some make it sound easy

You make it sound easy
You say just hold your hand out don't you
You just hold your hand out don't you
That hope never leaves you
'Cos a light shines on that helps you to steer
Makes everything clear
Well it might in your world
But it doesn't in mine
Some people try to misrepresent the truth by making claims about how strong their faith is, but also subtle making out others are not strong. Honesty in the above statement projects a wider landscape ,the big one that surrounds others faith journey.
Faith is not easy, long detailed struggle with period s
 when the light does n`t appear to shine,
 nor does faith grow,
Still hope never leaves,love breaks through. 

Not that easy walking in the 'Light'

"The Light"
You make it sound easy
You say just hold your hand out don't you
You just hold your hand out don't you
That hope never leaves you
'Cos a light shines on that helps you to steer
Makes everything clear
(Well it might)
Well it might in your world
(but it doesn't)
But it doesn't in mine
(I've been stumbling)
I've been stumbling in the dark for years
And the light just made me blind

You say it lights every pathway
Shows me how to live life
For the rest of my days
For the rest of my days
(But I can't)
But I can't put my faith in
(Your words)
Your words and demands
(I believe)
I believe in God alright
It's folk like you I just can't stand

You don't have to try and scare me
To reinforce my faith sir
'Cos I know that one day
I'll stand before my maker

(And it I'm found)
And if I'm found wanting
(When my case)
When my case is heard
(It'll be)
It'll be by the author
Not some interpreter of his words

You make it sound easy
You say just hold your hand out don't you
You just hold your hand out don't you
That hope never leaves you
'Cos a light shines on that helps you to steer
Makes everything clear
(Well it might)
Well it might in your world
(but it doesn't)
But it doesn't in mine
(I've been stumbling)
I've been stumbling in the dark for years
And the light just made me blind
Yeah the light just made me blind

Sep 1, 2016

Cos it's me the rain my warm dark pain Alone at ease and nowhere at all

                                                     "Painted Bells"  by Boz Scaggs                              
Winding down the Drury Lane
I fall with the evening rain
My thoughts with the water flow
Like steam rising off the road

Passers-by watch their step
To see that they don't get wet
And I'll just sit beneath this tree
Let the drops fall all over me
And watch the city lights flick on

The crowds collide just out of my reach
The taxi's lights flash up and down the street
I sit and watch the faces go by
I don't wonder where to or why

Cos it's me the rain my warm dark pain
Alone at ease and nowhere at all
My thoughts just drift on back to you
It seems you're here so it must be true
We never parted you never went away

So I order up another glass
Not to let the moment pass
Turning around in love with you
Oh I know you loved me too
And it's always been this way

Here sitting in my wet cafe
I catch a spark across the way
A string of tiny painted bells
Seem to have a tale to tell

A string of tiny painted bells
On someone that I once knew well
Is all that's left
The rest's not true
I smile I see it's really you
The rain will go
And you will too

And I order up another glass
Not to let the moment pass
Turning around in love with you
Oh it got too hard to do
And it's always been this way
Yes it's always been this way

I'm still waiting

Love has never shown its face
So no wind
No rain
Ain't no mountain high enough
No river wide enough

The emotions felt by Fred Gilroy after he entered Belson are sketched upon his face
We all travel in our hearts and minds also never knowing 
What's in there
Hello ......don't give up.....hope remain
The greatest is love


David Marshall

Deal: £3.5m from Cardiff
Where he will fit in? Back surgery to Allan McGregor left City with just senior goalkeepers – Edlin Jakupovic and Dusan Kuciak – and on the hunt for a third option. There was a temptation to stick with Jakupovic after he started the Premier League season so well but question marks over Kuciak ensured there was a reluctance to take a gamble on such a specialised position. Marshall is well liked by goalkeeping coach Gary Walsh and, at 31, needed little convincing to leap back up into the Premier League. The Scotland international ought to be in his prime years as a goalkeeper and the outlay spent on him would suggest he will be considered as the club's number one this season. Whether a debut is immediate at Burnley next weekend remains to be seen given Jakupovic's form last month, but Marshall looks set to take on a lead role sooner, rather than later.

Age: 25
Deal: £12.5m from Tottenham
Where he will fit in? City's new club record signing will be accommodated in a three-man midfield that has proved so effective during the opening weeks of the season. Mason describes himself as a box-to-box midfielder, rather than a holding option, to suggest he will come into direct competition with former Tottenham team-mate Tom Huddlestone and David Meyler for a starting place away to Burnley in nine days. City's midfield is now one of the few areas with genuine strength in depth. As well as Mason, Huddlestone and Meyler, Sam Clucas has been a revelation in a central role, while Jake Livermore is also expected to migrate further up the field once Harry Maguire and Michael Dawson are fully fit. Mason's hefty fee will surely see him at the front of the queue but he will have others breathing down his neck.

Will Keane

age: 23
Deal: £1m from Manchester United
Where he will fit in? City's dearth of attacking options has been notable in the opening weeks of the season, with Abel Hernandez and Adama Diomande being pushed only by members of last season's under-21s squad. Both Hernandez and Diomande have started the season well to paper over the cracks but Keane promises to offer a trusted option off the bench. The 23-year-old only has two Premier League appearances to his name (one in February and the other in December 2011) but Phelan knows all about the youngster's potential from their time together with Manchester United. By his own admission, Keane has a point to prove with City. Loan spells with Wigan, QPR, Sheffield Wednesday and Preston yielded four goals in 47 league appearances away from Old Trafford. There is no doubting his potential but a break is needed.

Age: 21
Deal: £1m from Manchester United
Where he will fit in? Weir has arrived at the KCOM Stadium able to boast just a minute of first-team football. The midfielder made his Manchester United debut as a stoppage-time sub in the 3-2 win over Arsenal at Old Trafford in February but his only other experience comes from development football, where he captained the Red Devils' under-21s to the title last season. Although throwing the 21-year-old straight into the deep waters of the Premier League is highly unlikely, he will offer Phelan versatility. As well as playing before as a full-back and a central midfielder, his strongest position is as a left-sided attacking midfielder. That role has so far been taken on by Adama Diomande but Weir would offer an interesting alternative should fresh legs be needed. Phelan will be keen not to ask too much from the rookie.

Dieumerci Mbokani

Age: 30
Deal: Loan from Dynamo Kiev
Where he will fit in? The much-travelled centre-forward has enjoyed spells in Congo, France, Germany, Belgium and Ukraine, but it is a season on loan with Norwich City that has convinced City to take the plunge. Mbokani scored seven goals in his 29 Premier League games last term, a respectable return in a side relegated back to the Championship. The 30-year-old striker was a handful for defenders and showed a predatory streak in a number of his goals for the Canaries. Mbokani is more the traditional number nine, rather than an elusive number 10, and would offer direction competition for Abel Hernandez as the figurehead of City's attacking line. Every manager craves options up front and Phelan has competition for Hernandez and Adama Diomande with the signing of Mbokani.

Markus Henriksen

Age: 24
Deal: Loan from AZ Alkmaar
Where he will fit in? Where he will fit in? The last piece in City's summer jigsaw is the signing creating most anticipation. An attacking midfielder with an eye for goal, he appears to be the most likely heir to Mo Diame's throne at the KCOM Stadium. The initial loan deal from AZ Alkmaar will become a permanent transfer in January and City believe they have found an astute piece of business for what will be a £4.5m outlay. Henriksen offers the creative guile that City have not always been blessed with in recent times and last season he was able to hit 12 goals from midfield. The 4-3-3 system adopted by Mike Phelan so far could see him used on either flank or as a number 10 in behind an out-and-out striker. The only question mark surrounds his ability to cut it in the Premier League.

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"