May 30, 2016

We are the faithful from a northern town

Great day like the saviour l am from a blighted northern town disrespected by the authorities disregarded often forgotten and detached
Always always a fighting spirit and good human behaviour
Like the saviour Jesus get ignored laughed about people treat s poorly
Always always always 
Welcome. Through
Keep the faith in the Lord Jesus  and in yourself
Be proud of your Northern roots

May 29, 2016

When you keep your faith

We are premier league 
It where we belong
The city of culture
So much pride
We are Hull City

May 28, 2016


The reason many come to find faith is because of relationships that are encouraging.One of the main reasons people leave the Church and loose Faith is because of broken and damaged relationships.

So in that respect like other agencies,
we are the same.

    The big day has arrived we are heading to Wembley
the team of Hull City this calls for a little faith
we are Hull city and were going to Wembley

May 26, 2016

David myler of hull city one of my favourite players

first saw David play at Sunderland l think around 2012 at Sunderland few miles from where l live also in team was this exciting winger who got taken off called Elmohamady he got taken off,think they playing Bolton last match that season.
really excited when both along with Paul Mcshane arrived to play for my team.newly promoted to the premier league.well it been quite a journey for Hull city. So surprised to see Myler only 26 He had four Wembley appearances,played really well season after season.Scored some ace goals one really loved think was against Sunderland,another against Sheff utd in semi final cup game.
one thing really like about both Elmo and Myler is effort,both skilful,both in my honest view underrated,but they put the effort into the game,l like to take lessons and share them with young people l work among,put the effort into what you are doing.
Not meant to always get appreciated, it sometimes a the lesson
do part of a team...enjoy the everyday stuff...great moments will arrive
simple life lesson from football pitch from one and more my favourite football players.

now lets beat sheff Wednesday and get back to premier league

May 25, 2016

church lady sings her that song

let him show you the way
the debts already been paid

she cant see the forest for the trees
some of her friends  told her too

let him show you the way
the debts already been paid

so when you get to the bottom 
shout to the top
come on and shout to the top

So people are better than what you give
Believe in dreams and think they are real
And one day soon
The miracle will come true

I Believe in Miracles
Don't you?
I Believe in Miracles
Don't you?
I Believe in Miracles
Don't you?
Don't you? mircles

May 24, 2016

gardening so this is old age>>>>only asking

So reached that time of the year
Planted some vegatables
Feeling pretty knackered but that mostly health
These below are butterfly whites,and savoy cabbage
along with leaks

later planted tomato plant and some Mint in the tyres stack l use

Dug down a few inches and planted then well watered the plant
got two score of bedding plants
only cost £3 thats fair and proper will enjoy
the fun also gives us another topic
to connect with neighbours about
lot of skills in this colliery town in the north east
took around an hour further chatting with next door all part of being neighbour having chat connecting next door Dave nice guy tends to help me around the garden little bits of advice even encouragement
over to Matthew my son to take it bit further and use right feeds as the plants develop

May 21, 2016

along a sandy beach walks a man called Kev.......thinking

addict   shalom  addiction
alcohol   DJ    anxiety

behavior  playlists     beneath-the-surface

Hull city fan

boredom  legacy broken  heart failing   medical issues

conflict   what now in mission  confused tablets

danger friendship

dependency    happiness  depression    spirit of the streets 

 dieting   smiles   disturbed 

praying family   drinking  problems others face   drugs comfort bringer

eating forever angel missing

education juggling several books

fear   cup of tea time   feelings wrestles with God   frustration

gambling  stewardship     healing issue facing

hidden  beach walking    hiding  Malta  hurting

mental health vinyl or CD

mind faith and films

stress    senior youth worker  trapped

unhappy    Northern  upside-down Jesus follower

its Saturday rambling thru all this

working on a playlist
what to leave out

danza kudrow
Billie jean superstar remix
damage and the sound of silence
God is a DJ
uptown funk various tracks of same song

some country tracks
fusion of funk jazz slow jams

northern soul Tamla Motown section

several tracks that lead into the artist also appearing like
Cher` l hope you find it`

further trying to write up short article on downsizing
ministry in the local community

May 20, 2016

We should couler him Father

God is still our father loving us from Heaven
Wanting us in partnership to bring about his kingdom in our place
Our time
I partnership in our lives
We know that fatherhood can be a negative experiance
Me tried to be a good father figure to my son l cherish our relationship 
We like mates
But l am his father and before that l am a Christian trying to show him how to follow Jesus
Who showed us what the father God is like
It begins and ends there 
With Father God

May 19, 2016

we are Hull City and we are winners

we when l was a kid never got into the top league
nor did the footie team get to Wembley
we were losers
the city of Hull was a joke in the football world
often we were a question ¬in who never played at top level ¬pub quiz events we were losers
we travelled to boothferry park in that special football train
from central to boothferry halt
still we were losers never wore our coulers with pride
simple we had nothing to be proud of
not so now
this very soon will be our fourth wembley visit
we been promoted twice before to the premeiership
quite few times we have beaten the elite
let that be a memory to take forward
an example like `JOB` in the good book
like Katie Piper says
things get better
for all Hull City fans things got better
lets hope they get better still

May 18, 2016

You are not an accident
Your life has purpose
You are unique
You are full of wonderful unreapatable experiences 

You have what it takes within you

Sometimes we may appear to not be man enough
Tough enough hard enough
Others say we should grow some funk(balls)

Sometimes may feel like welling up inside unable to carry on
Perhaps just keeping balls in the air juggling life
Life appears hard tough even complicated
The simple things are just a struggle

Seeking God and his ways doesn't help
That allowed
That allowed
There will be days like this . . .like those days. . .
It life
They may not preach or sermonise about these days 
But they happen 
They happen
They happen to you and ME they happen to everyone

May 17, 2016


The poorest,the very poorest 
are sanctioned by Authority 
of the 5th richest country 
in the world for being poor.




May 16, 2016

Further no trespassing

Most my life been outside of the fence
Faith been lived on the edge
Journey been along the cliff tops
Not the wide sun blessed sandy beaches
Avoided the rule keepers
Held tight to the lawbreakers
Embraced a theology being different 

It got to stay that way
Not easier route
But for myself it the only route l could follow

Time of fulfilment

A place of such beauty spent time with my family 
Cups of tea
Cooking enjoying good home cooked food
Hull city winning

Excitement triumph victory
All as we search for return to the premiership
Good for the economy of the region
The well being of people
Development of the City's image nationally 

May 12, 2016

Poor you need not always have with you

"There are around two times as many sanctions given out to people on the Work Programme as there were jobs given out to people on the Work Programme. We should rename it the Sanctions Programme." Paul Morriso

Read that again sanctions
The poorest,the very poorest are sanctioned by Authority of the 5th richest country in the world for being poor.
One of the most misunderstood quotes of Jesus in the Bidle is this
'the poor you will always have with you'
Simply Jesus did not say that
He said this'if you follow Gods teachings,guidance and behaviour patterns everyone will be fine,if you dont'then ...the poor you will always have with you.....'
There the the issue . . .if you don't follow me my teachings there gonna be an issue

so what of significance
 is happening today

lets start with the Lithuanian who delivered the charity leaflets
followed by the Turkish who wash cars in our locality

I ask is it racist of myself to expect them to speak
understand English

why could not Local youths be given these tasks for
employment purposes

is that racist?

May 11, 2016

Cruel trick to nail someone to a cross

 We often in the Church along our journey 
Well we purify crucifixion 
Jesus was in agony 
He was in pain
Died between extremists
Was not this pure  .   .   . pain free ..   .   . beautiful experiance
Do not know why we do this
Like the Bible that we don't read enough
Neglect the message
Life becomes busy ......we move on from the events at Easter
Life gtes hectically lived and the sandcastles stop being built

It's ugly . . . crucifixion 
It's a beaten story of agony pain and humiliation 
It's a story of defeat
Cruel from a time when we did not know any better
Act of terror like these days in Middle East as cowards like Islamic state identify with its practice

It's a broken cry


May 10, 2016

countess of W ....x, a silly cow

on the BBC this morning
the countess of Wessex
"it does n`t matter if your privileged or not
the issue young people face are the same".

silly cow if she would have knowledge of anything other then being privileged

You don't need capital; you need common sense.

May 7, 2016

plans interfered and life stalls

Around this time last year l was invited to work in Scotland,beautiful place,tremendous views,
tough,harsh environment.
Expensive to live .  .  . survive
health issues arose further complications.
Looking back for a brief while plan ahead

its like that,
this thing called life.

Sometimes issue happen that interfere with plans.

soon be time to start planting but got a huge dig over this week
something chilling about watching stuff grow in the garden
perhaps it all about our first garden the one often called Eden
last year we grew cabbages spuds onions courgettes and another type of cabbage

May 6, 2016

Church as it should be?

Kevin 🅱🅴🅰🆄🆃🅸🅵🆄🅻 human.
That's me, that's Us.

Doing that spiritual exercise we all should do often. Which is ????
Choosing music tracks, laid hands on and touched vinyl, handled CD's,reading NME ?
Church as it should be!

May 5, 2016

Further battles ahead

            See even the nationals are writing about me
Of course that's not true
Anyway has this happened to anyone
I was dreaming
Then in my dreaming 

I took a call on my mobile
Answered the call
I heard a voice often dream about say "it's me"
Then l woke up 

It felt so real
Spend all time thinking what was the significance of that?.
                                                           Answers direct please

We live in a anything but bible culture
ABB True in the Church
Not separate from the ABC anything but Christian today heard that dramatic rise in the number of 3 year olds seeking transgender alinement 
That is just awful
You not properly learned to talk, This wicked mixed up society
 telling God, creator you 'got it wrong'.
There is something vile wicked and evil about that
Not yet 3 years old......The services rally to allow you to address a complex issue of transgender alignment.
ABC in a ABB
Anything but Christian in anything but bible society

Further answers on postcard please
Second thoughts . . . . .  don't bother 

Time to unset the Applecart

But there so much resourcing of this debate in the Church promoted even by some evangelicals it leads to the thought if 'God got this gender issue so wrong how can they accept his word as true'

This is becoming a real problem.
Where is the prophetic voice of the church 
In a ABB , (anything but Bible), the Church is impotent by its silence.

Time for the people of the light to stand up 
Speak up
Show up
Read up.
Prove we are people living in the light
Following Jesus.
If that upsets some on the Applecart, Amen to that.

I was dreaming in my dreaming

I was dreamin' in my dreamin'
Of an aspect bright and fair
And my sleepin' it was broken
But my dream it lingered near
In the form of shinin' valleys
Where the pure air recognized
Oh, and my senses newly opened
And I awakened to the cry
And the people have the power
To redeem the work of fools
From the meek the graces shower
It's decreed the people rule

Patti Smith - People Have The Power Lyrics | 

I was dreaming in my dreaming
I was hoping in my hoping

today we all need to dream a little
hope more then yesterday
never give up on those we may consider foolish
show grace to all
may our senses be correct
make every to be the person we strive to be,
walking, talking following Jesus
be among our noble achievements


just an insignificant day starts
walking the local track and field
life is happening
blessings are aviable
sometimes it is just the insignificant stuff
everyday life

only had small camera in hand waited
got this shot it insignificant small
full of couler and hope
destiny achievement in an
insignificant day

We didn't become better community's.

During infection outbreak that we called COVID C19. We had to isolate, be apart, stopped gathering  We had space, we some for first time we ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"