Apr 9, 2015

Jihadie brides true reflection BBC 2

Britain's Jihadi Brides,
a personal view by the `spiritofthestreets`
International investigative documentary series. More than sixty young British women have travelled to join the so-called Islamic State in Syria, lured by a combination of slick marketing, social media and religious fervour. With access to the friends and family of the some of the girls, Britain's Jihadi Brides reveals how the sophisticated recruiting tactics of IS have shattered so many lives.

Faultless story and very trueful, I was also greatly impressed with the way the story came from the women.
women folk realy involved educational and informative.
Very rarely do l witnessed the standerd of life sharing done in this documentry
it never moved from presenting tough facts and the image was honest
more like this please
really hope those directly influnced by this vile death cult will be able to access the contributors advice and information correctly provided (ACTULLY THIS SHOULD BE OUR PRAYER).
Faiths often place women in difficult situations
the Christian faith is no differant heartbreaking included last evening was interview with the mother of Grace Dare, also known as someone else by her sisiters from the Mosque,but lets stay with her name of grace.
she had been brought up as a Christian in the UK, but converted to Islam at college then fled to Syria. Also we heard about twins Salma and Zahra Halane, desiring to train as doctors with 28 GCSEs between them. These girls were not stupid. They were normal, well-educated young people who deserved better protection and more information.
One fact not commented on but clear they all went about thier business with heads covered and mainly lived outside of the hosting culture.

It was explained how IS preachers use traditional cult tactics, promising a way out for teenagers struggling with natural feelings of confusion and injustice.
very natural growing pains explioted in the main by Men,older men, Western girls who’ve joined IS are prolific recruiters on social media, selling an idealised lifestyle. They tweet in sometimes hard to understand mixture of English, Arabic and text-speak, posting pictures of kittens and Kalashnikovs side by side.

But once girls reach IS territory, they can have their passports confiscated and are often threatened with execution if they try to leave. Videos showed IS militants conducting sex slave markets, bidding for ownership of 15-year-olds.

Next week looks like being a barrel of laughs also
'titled "the killing of the Christians"
bet that gonna be laff a minute

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Love so much more in need of being Loved.

Something's just to heard to discuss, at such times encouraged to examine words from old book. Love God. Love one another. Follow Jesus.


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"