Oct 30, 2014

who else is still on british summer time

still on british summer time
up at 4 in the morning
knackered at 14.00 in the afternoon

why won`t my body adjust please taking me 5 months to get used to time switch
then its adjustment again worse still travelling soon
to another time zone

Oct 28, 2014

Health challenging our Kev

Was mega ill yesterday
Well this morning 
Thinking of health, we take so much for granted, well i did, then we face a few challenges
Me not good with limited capabilities
really l was surprised how l have handled being unwell.
Anyway got so much to. E thankful for,however
I faced the prospect of early due soon death, yes death aware of future.
Spoke about this and ready for short or longer haul
Not sensitive . . . plain simple facts
Ending issue spoke,addressed with young people,not just recently.
But along with wide portfolio of issues we addressed on a regular bases

angels sit around the Angel bar in heaven
They discuss YOU. And I

Oct 27, 2014

time will pass me by

The world going one way
moving time forward
me still on summer time
so get up at 4 instead of 5
whats that about
Tired and it not even mid day on a Monday

Expect great things of the recently released `Northern Soul` film
it a social statement about a culture and a time
but expecting also an attitude
reflect on the soul of the scene, the music, emotional lyrics.
plus further the outlawness of being attached to this movement!
Is movement too strong a word,lets try culture (sub-culture)
l can remember going to a church event and people my age. even when we traveled nationaly We
brought a handful of 7 inch vinyl records, clutched under our arms.
why? often was not even a record player at the place, but we would
look at the vinyl and talk for hours.

Same in the pubs we went too,
Also tuesday became northern soul nites at New York pub in hull
still today its the emotion of the sing and its lyrics that grab me first
CD`s are OK for listening to the music too on also

drugs never witnessed nor aware of any real lack of aggression and violence also.


come on you beautiful `ULL

seen these types of scarfs and indeed shirts but the reaction on `MOTD` along with social media, is surprising l thought just simple statement.
but some people been threatening in their responce
what surprises me is this `WOMAN at football match . . .what ever next....Joke!

Oct 26, 2014

Sad farewells

This week we lost Raf ravenscoft sax player 
Linda Bellamy OXO lady and fine actress
Alvin stardust singer
jack Bruce guitar player

Great city defence

So much to comment on with the Hull display against Liverpool yesterday
Of course l am up bit ill watching MOTD at 4in the morning
Impressed with team played collectively
Combat in midfield was good
Strike force gave sound account
Bruce is spot on when he talks about building something here
Also picked up players who were discouraged and slightly isolated like
Hate denarius at Newcastle 
He playing with a smile and purpose
A?W? Wainwright said we all need focus

Oct 23, 2014

Angels calling each of Us

Need a call from an Angel just to say,
' it all going well things are tough but you will get through'.
We all need a call from an angel ,some angels are forever. Some just for now!
One of my favorite films, on this subject, (although do not like the star Nicholas Cage,) is a film called.
`City of Angels`.
Feels very true to the biblical image,concept of Angels. You need to connect on some levels,l think ,with what you are watching. listening.
discussing. Very true of Angels.
lately Been watching `Sopranos` on box-set recently. There is so little l am comfortable watching on freeview,
that might be my age.
Damm it another thing to do with age.
So soon off for a late Autumn walk perhaps may Take a flask of tea.
". . ..thinline between heaven and here. . . . ."
Perhaps it's getting thinner.

Oct 21, 2014

Just thin side of Heaven.

What the closest you been to Heaven? 
How did it feel?
Where you walking hand in hand along lovely views?
Then did you stop and have a warm cup of Bovril!
Chat for a while,
Then walk as the dog ran around , just you two looked and loved.
Sure felt like heaven,
Hope you found hope ...Love.
"But hope and I pray see you in heaven".

Oct 20, 2014


So this spray for heart
Issue in my pocket
Is from regents of explosives

Not getting fat

Tried to grow carrots spuds beet root and onions
Kiss of death
When l try
Neighbours all do champion
Not me
Still enjoy trying just not successful
Laugh cost me five times as much to grow my own as it does to buy straight from shop

Oct 19, 2014

Spiritofthestreet wisdom from shop windows

Laugh until u cry
Never give up on your dreams
Have fun
Hug someone everyday
Be patient and kind
Live like there's no tomorrow
Be the one to Smile
Go with the flow
Never judge
But most of all love

Pictures from the great massive hull fair

Frightened to go on rides but luv
Really luv others overcoming own fears
Mega fun

Walked with champ guess how much l spent
No l know what you gonna say
Tight GIT l bet £1.50 in total
Go on say it get off your chest LOL
As kids say

Oct 16, 2014

aging is not for cissies

someone ano told me aging
is not for cisseis l wish they would put a contact number or e-mail me so we talk again
life appears slow at present awaiting another major H appointment
other then that trudgis on ...but not blessed with old age so slow is OK still miss someone

Oct 13, 2014

Says it all. . .

Really funny side of social media,
People send you variety of stuff 
Some challenges.
Some lovely.
Some just plain silly. 
Lol . . as they say l think that's
Laugh out loud.
Hope you did
Hey l like that,

varied issues

still relatives wait for the bodies to be found
from the gaul a reminder from the past about
sea dangers and love lost
but not forgotten

also making the varied news today "IS GRAFFITIE ON GRAFFITIE REALLY GRAFFITIE" l ASK BUT SO DO OTHERS poverty death fun weather issues in my world news this day

heartbreaking October 2014

read this yet another heartbreaking story from all over the UK

Food poverty among young people is on the rise, according to a Hull charity. Staff at The Warren Young People's Project, who have handed out the help, say the situation is worryingly high and likely to get worse.

The charity has handed out vital food parcels to more than 1,000 young people, aged between 16 and 25, in the past six months.

The distribution of food from Fareshare is managed by The Warren's counselling section.

A counselling service monitors this??????
Ss all these years ago l set off wanting to work in youth and community work becoming aware of issue poverty,low pay ,limited mobility, we wanted the society where we engaged to change
with a kingdom attitude christian foresite hopes prays wishes

this is where we are now
labour got us here
conservitives got us here
UK BNP greens all got us here
they only interested in them ....them...them selves..
what we need is a revolution.
A desire to bring about change
will that mean we pick up the sword like so many in Base communities
yes l suggest
because alternatives have failed
weak responce does not bring results
the fight needs to be taken onto the streets
would l risk my life for this?
If need be
a change has gotta happen!

Read more: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Food-poverty-Hull-s-young-people-rise-1-

Oct 11, 2014

Great music and Church service

Also along with service interviewed people for a Church position
Also dealing with one wicked piece of community work
More perhaps later

Been busy scene behind the church local this week
Had to do a lovely service
Luv doing Sunday services
But hard work long hours always worthwhile
Tend to do Sunday evenings in a cafe style worship works well
Mixed up remixes 
Spiritual calm healthy informal

world going one way KW goin tuther

so life must be fine because the BBC has a bake off
they got celebrity dancing
all is well in the world
ITV got X factor
we singing
we dancing
we celebrity creating
while the world goes one way
the likes of me and you going another

Oct 9, 2014

aging is geting a bath also

This 80 year-old man looks like a troll or maybe a creature from The Lord of the Rings. His skin is scaly, you can barely see his eyes and he smells to high heaven. The reason for this is simple, he doesn’t have a skin disease or terrible condition: he has just refused to take a bath for sixty years

Aging is growth

As you grow old, you learn more. If you stayed at twenty-two, you'd always be as ignorant as you were at twenty-two. Aging is not just decay, you know. It's growth

Oct 7, 2014

Emotions are real

looking thru
my past some diary
10 years ago
holiday in Lancaster
all those minutes past
all those hours past
all those weeks days past
pain stayed


-Samantha Sang

It's over and done
But the heartache lives on inside
And who's the one you're clinging to
Instead of me tonight

And where are you now
Now that I need you
Tears on my pillow
Wherever you go

I'll cry me a river
That leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion that's taken me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
You know that there'll be nobody left in this world to hold me tight
Nobody left in this world to kiss goodnight

Goodnight, goodnight

I'm there at your side
I'm part of all the things you are
But you've got a part of someone else
You've got to find your shining star

And where are you now
Now that I need you
Tears on my pillow
Wherever you go

I'll cry me a river
That leads to your ocean
You never see me fall apart
In the words of a broken heart

It's just emotion that's taken me over
Tied up in sorrow, lost in my soul
But if you don't come back
Come home to me, darling
You know that there'll be nobody left in this world to hold me tight
Nobody left in this world to kiss

Oct 6, 2014

Church where you can still have fun

Church what is it that emerging? l am witnessing very old people attending events aimed at younger people,good, and families is this because we isolate the older persons.So they seek community even if they risk being out of culteral sorts.Also there is a real connect for them,they are accepted and valued with youths,more so then the age range of own childrens group. Further there is a need to change Sundays, it a very differant day to my youth but l forget my youth was over forty, 40, forty years ago. Sundays where very differant society is very differant .
society has changed a great deal the Church must develop and recognise how it is emerging differantly                                                                       CHURCH faith spirituality is understood differantly But still the message is relevent important vital                                              

Church fun fun fun

wonderful time in Church last evening we laughed talked shared ate food
kev preached kinda
felt good
gave advice
felt wanted
technical stuff bright lights loud music mics leads decks
with a differance
the pitch
street bible
people played accordian guiters voices sang
food eaten and CD played
"the river runrig
you`ll never walk alone"
etc . . . . . ..

hate spreads skyhate

A woman who was accused of targeting internet abuse at Madeleine McCann's parents has been found dead in a hotel.

Brenda Leyland, 63, was identified as one of the "trolls" posting hate messages aimed at the McCanns, whose daughter disappeared during a family holiday to Portugal in 2007, reports said.

The incident came just days after Mrs Leyland was exposed by Sky News reporter Martin Brunt as being one of the people behind an online campaign against the couple.

She was tracked down to her house in Burton Overy, Leicestershire, and confronted about her online activities.

It was revealed that, using the Twitter handle @sweepyface, she posted messages attacking the family.

The encounter was shown earlier this week, and days later, it was reported she had fled her home.

l might be a bit out of line
with everyone feelings here
but she was a coward
knew she was causing harm spreading hate
then skyhate visited her
gave her some of her own medicene
hard to take

do you recall life without the fone
social media
57 channels and nothing on
do you recall a simpler time
not so long ago

Oct 4, 2014

On the pitch

Been a bit slow due to health last few days.
Out and about today,
Then you discover others journeys also about health,
lack of resources, misfortune.
Sometimes own focus changes as we live together in community.

Oct 2, 2014

footie faith freindships

Footie faith friendships

so l am supposed to be writing about faith and football how the pitch the terraces surroundings are like faith         we may not attend the ground but our support for team remains        Like our understanding of God Jesus Faith interested but not get involved    maybe we get into the ground and support from the terraces that all our weekly commitment involves watching the team play    that the total of our process with this stuff   like God Jesus Faith we watch life have a view talk but that’s all we do life passes and we watch from the terraces total of our involvement    some are on the bench having been involved but know withdrawn from the game     . .perhaps some faith been tested or they stopped believing feeling let down life dealt a crippling blow  and God things got thrown out perhaps even when that person played in the sandpit it became silent   . . . .but on the pitch is were the action is . . The commitment is here. .faith lived out it hurts where the action is about value choices more then wearing the coulors it about committment

the floreat going out to sea
for 3 weeks with no steering
as we were told at the harbour side

Oct 1, 2014

My wilderness experiance

For myself it feels like l am still in a wilderness period
But made worse by some wicked people 
God perhaps he just bit busy for my issues
I accept that`
Just the last .  .  .  .
Well l don't feel comfortable . .  saying when
But it been quite a while since some prayers first got unanswered.
God .    .    .not mean he is loving and good.
Just me l feel bit forgotten like the wheel of fortune passed me and did not come down my street
Although the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor
Plus the old chestnut about "being poor in one way but rich in spirit"
that kind of being rich not able to pay any bills.
I still can't help but wondering/paraying/asking ... can have end to my wilderness experiance.

Grace offered

"I do not understand the mystery of grace -
- only that it meets us where we are 
does not leave us where it found us." 

We didn't become better community's.

During infection outbreak that we called COVID C19. We had to isolate, be apart, stopped gathering  We had space, we some for first time we ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"