Jul 12, 2014

A Christain differance is ?

Facing same issues poverty crime poorness inequality
As near to you as them
                                                                                    But you are different
Your difference in the same issues

1. Good relationships take time
“If you’ve been there for a long time and you’ve got a good relationship with workers, they can pick up on when you’re down or when you’re happy,” says Amy.
“There’s been a few times when I’ve been really quiet and they’ve said ‘is there anything I can help with?
“When you have a good relationship with that person you obviously trust them more and having those girlie gossip times really helps. Speaking to them as a person. It’s just obvious that you get along.”
2. Appropriate boundaries and advice help us make the right decisions
“We have rules in the house but I know that it does help to keep us safe. I think it probably stops some folk getting into trouble.
“If you have to be in by a certain time it means you know where you’re supposed to be. Just knowing is quite good.
“If you’re ever unsure of a situation and you ask them for advice, quite a lot of them [practitioners] give you an honest opinion of what they think you should do. So again getting an adult’s opinion of what you should do will help me make the right decision. It’s someone to turn to.”
3. Challenge me appropriately and help me to learn from the mistakes
“Quite often we’re challenged by staff. But they won’t do it in front of all of the other kids, they’ll ask me one-to-one. They’ll pull us over and say: ‘Why did you do this? What happened?’
“It’s important they take us to one side. If I’ve done something wrong I wouldn’t like everyone to know about it. They don’t do that in front of everyone which is pretty good. They give you an opportunity to come to the side and get spoken to rather than everyone knowing your business.
“I’m glad about that because it gives me the opportunity to have a one-to-one with them. They should take note of whatever we did wrong but then tell us that there’s a different way of going about things. It is important that we make that mistake, then we can realise it’s a mistake too”.
4. Being ready to be independent
“I could have left here when I was 16 years-old but I liked staying here. But I’ve decided that now I’m ready for my own place. I’ve learnt lessons in this place that will really help when I live on my own.
“They’ve helped me cook. When I first moved in when I was 14 and I really couldn’t cook whatsoever. Now I can, and I do my own cleaning and my own washing.
“I’ve definitely learnt how to make better decisions. I do feel more confident and ready to live on my own and that is largely down to staff, they did really well. I’ll still visit here when I live on my own.”
Your difference in the sameness of the community faced by the modern psalmist
What’s going on as you walk the local streets?
Your difference is vital witness

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Love so much more in need of being Loved.

Something's just to heard to discuss, at such times encouraged to examine words from old book. Love God. Love one another. Follow Jesus.


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"