Jul 31, 2014

live and learn

today already dealing with people who tell lies and use others!
But it become normal recently
however l do not like it.
treid to stand alongside person of faith in the hope they would change their behaviour others have tried but this not been succesful
live and learn

Jul 30, 2014

Wooden cross rider

Wooden cross rider looks down 
From on high.
He gives a sigh at the wars
Crudity, Injustice, Hurt, Pain.
Even simple disregard for each other!

The headlines do not affect the headline makers.
Wether it is hurt, pain, abuse, killing.
Inhumanity, lack of love. 
Concern for each other is just almost, beyond belief, Beyond belief.
Again and again, We see the same pain
Lack of humanity.
UnSELFCENSORED believable.

Jul 29, 2014

Come on you Ell come onyouUlll

We are in Europe now 
who can l name from all those years ago?
John Kaye, waggy , chris simpkin, Mally lord, terry o Neil, bill Baxter, Jeff wealands.
Perhaps Need to study this photo ,
Get some old programmes out should assist my memory.

Symbol of N the Nazz

The Nazz

The Nazz was the first real name used for our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ 
The symbol used to once identify Christianswas a   N painted on doors
Today it used in Middle East and Irag to symbolise that occupants must move or face harm

Jul 26, 2014

gaza pain carrys on

Dearest friends,
The last night was extreme. The "ground invasion" of Gaza resulted in scores and carloads with maimed, torn apart, bleeding, shivering, dying - all sorts of injured Palestinians, all ages, all civilians, all innocent.

The heroes in the ambulances and in all of Gaza's hospitals are working 12-24 hour shifts, grey from fatigue and inhuman workloads (without payment all in Shifa for the last 4 months), they care, triage, try to understand the incomprehensible chaos of bodies, sizes, limbs, walking, not walking, breathing, not breathing, bleeding, not bleeding humans. HUMANS!

love forever

They say love is
'higher then a mountain
deeper then a river',
 'dreamers only dream'

heavens quarter.
Love is missing in action
absent without leave.

Beautiful sunny weather experiencing.
But bit difficult to sleep,
get up weird time,
also stupid dreams already noticed the nites closing in and it getting
just a wee bit darker. Lots of gardening to be done. But the heat is stifling thank God for the weather along with the resources to enjoy the experience. Had very busy week. Most of my life been in relationship youth work.

Jul 24, 2014

Out and about

We are having really good summer
With family friends

Not much TV

Jul 22, 2014

It won't be `ole budda` that sitting on the throne

Who gonna see the son 
Not reverand moon 
I'm  sure Mohumand thought he knew the way
But wouldn't be his disciple on the judgement day

One lord
One voice
One baptism

Book reading

Gotta few cheap books to sit and read.In this beautiful period of sunny weather we all sharing
Among them are Matthew my son is a constant reader
Not sure who he gets that from, Part of his own character l suppose

Not the most capable at academic l struggle gets done but takes long time for my juices to flow

Another week begins with assessments medically referrals doctors tablets breathing issues 

Jul 18, 2014

Greenbelt not inspiring me yet

Real shame not caught up with stuff or feelings yet
But neither am l being inspired by blog or line up
Lot of money for me at present
So need to be careful

Money tight at present
Free time plenty
Worries enough
Love rationed
Breathing air a plenty
But money too tight to mention
 Tough times for so any

Yet l say thank you Lord
Thank you l ve still got plenty enough

Jul 16, 2014


Sometimes l face A time like now 
When just do not want vexations in my life 
be careful of loud dramatic people 
Their emotions              
Can bring inbalance to your shalom

Jul 15, 2014

Sky flyer

There is such grat street furniture around

So look up what do you see?

Been quizzed today on health issues!
How far can you walk?

What can you lift?

Side affects are?

Tell me about a typical day.

What a bad day like?
"like sitting opposite you answering intrusive questions"div>
 What do you do with your time!
Family who lives with you? 


Plus a bad is like,<i>."gasping being short of energy breath effort feeling lathergic Bad enough?

a bridge l crossed every day

Jul 12, 2014

A Christain differance is ?

Facing same issues poverty crime poorness inequality
As near to you as them
                                                                                    But you are different
Your difference in the same issues

1. Good relationships take time
“If you’ve been there for a long time and you’ve got a good relationship with workers, they can pick up on when you’re down or when you’re happy,” says Amy.
“There’s been a few times when I’ve been really quiet and they’ve said ‘is there anything I can help with?
“When you have a good relationship with that person you obviously trust them more and having those girlie gossip times really helps. Speaking to them as a person. It’s just obvious that you get along.”
2. Appropriate boundaries and advice help us make the right decisions
“We have rules in the house but I know that it does help to keep us safe. I think it probably stops some folk getting into trouble.
“If you have to be in by a certain time it means you know where you’re supposed to be. Just knowing is quite good.
“If you’re ever unsure of a situation and you ask them for advice, quite a lot of them [practitioners] give you an honest opinion of what they think you should do. So again getting an adult’s opinion of what you should do will help me make the right decision. It’s someone to turn to.”
3. Challenge me appropriately and help me to learn from the mistakes
“Quite often we’re challenged by staff. But they won’t do it in front of all of the other kids, they’ll ask me one-to-one. They’ll pull us over and say: ‘Why did you do this? What happened?’
“It’s important they take us to one side. If I’ve done something wrong I wouldn’t like everyone to know about it. They don’t do that in front of everyone which is pretty good. They give you an opportunity to come to the side and get spoken to rather than everyone knowing your business.
“I’m glad about that because it gives me the opportunity to have a one-to-one with them. They should take note of whatever we did wrong but then tell us that there’s a different way of going about things. It is important that we make that mistake, then we can realise it’s a mistake too”.
4. Being ready to be independent
“I could have left here when I was 16 years-old but I liked staying here. But I’ve decided that now I’m ready for my own place. I’ve learnt lessons in this place that will really help when I live on my own.
“They’ve helped me cook. When I first moved in when I was 14 and I really couldn’t cook whatsoever. Now I can, and I do my own cleaning and my own washing.
“I’ve definitely learnt how to make better decisions. I do feel more confident and ready to live on my own and that is largely down to staff, they did really well. I’ll still visit here when I live on my own.”
Your difference in the sameness of the community faced by the modern psalmist
What’s going on as you walk the local streets?
Your difference is vital witness

Differant ?

what makes you stand out as a Christian
when you in the same situation
as those around you
as near to you as those you serve
your diferance in the same ness
your differance in the issues you face
words of the modern psalmist inspire you
your differance hears those words
makes sense of the issues
but something about your relationship with Jesus is differant

Jul 11, 2014

More and first time we was In a rut

Compared to What (extract)

I love the lie and lie the love
A-hangin' on, with push and shove
Possession is the motivation
That is hangin' up the God-damn nation
Looks like we always end up in a rut (everybody now!)
Tryin' to make it real — compared to what? C'mon baby!

Slaughterhouse is a-killin' hogs
Twisted children killin' frogs
Poor dumb rednecks rollin' logs
Tired old lady kissin' dogs
I hate the human
love that stinking mutt (I can't use it!)
Try to make it real — compared to what? C'mon baby now!

The President, he's got his war
Folks don't know just what it's for
Nobody gives us rhyme or reason
Have one doubt, they call it treason
We're chicken-feathers, all without one nut. God damn it!
Tryin' to make it real — compared to what? (Sock it to me)

Church on Sunday, sleep and nod
Tryin' to duck the wrath of God
Preacher's fillin' us with fright
They all tryin' to teach us what they think is right
They really got to be some kind of nut (I can't use it!)
Tryin' to make it real — compared to what?

Where's that bee and where's that honey?
Where's my God and where's my money?
Unreal values, crass distortion
Unwed mothers need abortion
Kind of brings to mind ol' young King Tut (He did it now)
Tried to make it real — compared to what?!


Was up pain gasping as is normal at 02.48 this morning.
So went for a walk to cliff edge,
The milkman (serious) delivering bottles of full fat milk.
Anyway around 5, went back to sleep for a few more hours.
Thank God for life, funny sounds and sights, in the sky at this time of day.

Jul 10, 2014



Jul 8, 2014

Swop the U 4 E

Benefits Britain: 'I'm humiliated and gobsmacked. They made us look like clowns'

By Hull Daily Mail  |  Posted: July 08, 2014
By Alice Roberts

Read more: http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Benefits-Britain-m-humiliated-gobsmacked-look/story-21342705-detail/story.html#ixzz36teyPlmj

Read more at http://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/Benefits-Britain-m-humiliated-gobsmacked-look/story-21342705-detail/story.html#JS5sGc77B8MMhtpA.99

When you watch the programme or read the article
I felt some pity you could tell by the narration this was not going to come out well
But also you were helping them make you look foolish
Amongthe currant crop of sad judgemental programmes this was among the most hateful with a poor image of my home town reflected to those viewing

A family value/ ethic.?

Toy soidlers men playing war games 
Quite expensive hobby 
Some skill required

Matthew David my son we been enjoying a really good meal out very rare for us a real occasion
Spending time talking and walking a pint for Matty cuppa for myself
Nice to be part of family
Wealso share love of music l buy odd CD for him
If you don't have children who can you invest time with
Enjoy the synergies fun openness 
Sharing life
Life is not easy but a good meal and a chat 
Listening to each other
Important ethics that others gave tome
I try to spend time in my relationship with my son
Important ethic to develop and aply 

Jul 7, 2014

Walk talk with Jesus.

Found a lovely walk yesterday
always find that this is my time
of reflection connecting with higher power.
Lord talk ,walk talk, walk think, share my thoughts,
worries, concerns, it been long life journey.

Jul 6, 2014

We still remember you

But me and the elephant we still remember you


We started to make our solders understand our respect for them even having days dedicated to armed forces
That as it should be
The charities that support them almost have free range on collecting in city centres
Except they not best charities they are many variecandsome not best suited todo the task
Many play on others guilt and sentiment
I am careful about these and always ask questions when approached

Jul 5, 2014

Summer then and now

Brother Ian looking close at a crab we found on the beech
Long walks camping
 Beautiful weather
Bus rides tents cooking outdoors sharing together a Saturday sleeping in a tent
Time came
Time went  
So much to discover. So much still ahead so much pain beauty joy despair
Wish l didn't know then  what l didn't know now
Against the wind so much of my later life has been against the wind
Today it's hot summer long day
Sleep tablets some pain 
Time will pass me by
Another thread along the tapestry walk to heaven

Jul 3, 2014

Inspiring bikini photos

Brave and beautiful bit inspiring
Townsend developed Crohn’s aged of three. Her childhood was a long list of minor surgeries, steroids, drugs such as infliximab and methotrexate - and was even tube fed for four years.
She was fitted with her colostomy bags after her bowel ruptured in 2010. After being rushed into surgery, she awoke in intensive care to find that two colostomy bags had been fitted.
It came as a shock,
but she is still a beautiful person,
brave l know another like this.

on your bikes to greenbelt

 SO AM READING MY GREENBELT INFO SAW THIS...am still afraid of dying on my bicycle, but courage is not the absence of fear, it’s the triumph over it, and the more time I spend thinking about traffic, the more I think that we need to overcome our fear of it together, and allow it less power over our lives in all kinds of ways. Not for the for the sake of survival, but for the sake of joy

please dear cyclist get a life you get on your bike, ride it,.
get off lock it go for coffee.
there now my dear, such a tragic life you live so precise
waht if you had heart failure//unemployed...little or no money
Oil your bike put your clips on and peddle peddle pedlle till you come to a long pier ..........off you go.

Jul 1, 2014

Don't you just love this

My nephew Harry about to be eaten by a shark
Sometimes we forget how hard it was taking photos
When you had to get film developed 
Pay quite a bit of money
They did not always turnout right
Life is better in some ways 

Lancaster bomber over Scarborough

Was watching the skies with my son last few days. We witnessed bombers including Lancaster ,plus vulcan flying. Great technology all to bring harm and distraction upon others, are we clever wise brilliant or just fools?

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"