This has got to be one of the hardest things l have recently done well first of all l feed the crickets who then get eaten by the Dragon ..Then l feed the Cat who later goes out and reappears the next morning wanting more food after the cat ..l feed the fish they are a real issue for me..Very fearful they are not well or the water is not clean enough indeed the filter needs washing out charcoal fitted and pump cleared it quite a responsibility
Oxygen and blood do not flow around my body has they should but somehow l have got caught in the cross fire between the local Cardiac nurses and the Surgeons and my own Doctor. l am supposed to go every week for the next 8 weeks to the clinic twice a week ..however with the knowledge of Pharmacist.. the Doctor… and the Key Surgeon, l stopped taking one of 7 Tablets l am supposed to take. Hence the Cardiac team not letting me attend the clinic (due to protocol) ,and despite the insisandence form other health providers that l attend. now l am a strong individual and confident but find this hard to accept, NO butts. . . it stalemate hey what about my health all to often individuals are ignored this is not mega hard to resolve but it shows what happens when the NHS go wrong
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