Dec 31, 2010

2010 going going going

what have l given to 2010
what have l received from 2010

party at the welfare

do not like kidz party's but nice to be at the crowd last nite
Chloe did really well with her solo dance performance
good to see another DJ work a crowd also

pressures of me in that other role

2010 2010 2010 going going going going going

Dec 29, 2010

emotional resilience

emotional resilience could be the key expression or theme for the near future
hope we build into our programme and events chance to enjoy silence. . . discussion. . chats . . .and have fun
flicks pics below show youth group enjoying ice in Newcastle

fun on the ice 27 Dec 2010


This is `Redcar scar` ,where they filmed

Atonement. Set in three time periods, 1935 England, Second World War England and France, and present-day England, it covers an upper-class girl's half-innocent mistake . . . 
which myself personally feel is a very overrated movie.
however on Christmas day l was fossilising here
is that a word
and got richly rewarded.

Christmas was very quite this year,
like many just already felt cut of from the Event by
weather also more and more, feel disconnected as the day gets nearer
next year who knows !

me on the ice

displaying the best footwear being worn in the cold north

the kids from club were brilliant at the skating this is my third go on the ice and l count it as an achievement to get round clinging to the edge

Dec 23, 2010

this was the view of the lunar eclipse
l witnessed from the fields at the top
of our street
just 20 seconds from my front door you are
out in the middle if nowhere
with snow and hills down to the coast
we are near one of the
high spots along this part of the coast

the snow has been here
for nearly an
month now
its not FUN

this is life
we are isolated
working class or underclass
thoughtless off then others

l think so?

Dec 22, 2010

he is coming
he has already been once in a vulnerable state born in the middle east
he is coming back as the king of kings

Dec 20, 2010

l am going out and wont be long

immortal words reported to be said by Scott of the Antarctic
l am going out and l wont be long
l did not feel warm at all yesterday
struggled to keep warm and was not sure what food to eat
need to have a good food shop
its meat and main stays that l am short off.

Dec 16, 2010

where does the time go

they keep saying Christmas is around the corner
only 9 days to go
l personally don`t care?
found out l am among others who do not care



this photo
happy time all smiling
and happy
having fun on a grand old scale

young people have been such a blessing in my life
thank you Jesus
thank you Lord

I am truly blessed

Dec 15, 2010

l am a son
a father
a friend
but most of all
a follower of Jesus
best of all
know by God

if it was up to me l would have given up
on Kevin
years ago
but there this 70 x 7
thing going on here
and gods love 4 me
shines thru

Dec 14, 2010

how would l describe my feelings at the moment
eager (to bring ending),
tired (not physical),
hopeless (weak in accepting that God knows what KW needs).
Feelings are funny
try so hard to make a residential a success.
But feel like let the whole group down when things do not quite go way wish.
Feelings become deeper due to expressions on Youths faces.
Or l hear comment and not sure what was intended.
Also when working with young people they are still developing, in deeper areas
and growing, so what they express is not always connected with how they are feeling.
Or even what they are experiencing.

Dec 13, 2010

beautiful day

it was a beautiful day last Friday at the start of our residential in Scarborough
the weather blessed us and we traveled to explore and experience living in community
this always brings challenges and identifies strengths and inappropriate behaviour
some of the behaviour was more then inappropriate
it was rude and offensive
choose these words carefully
as l am committed to examine reasons why

with our current group we have 2 under special measures at school
3 farmed out from school to another agencies
2 young girls receiving social services support due to family issues

with our youth programme they experience community and sense of belonging
so commitment to accepting more challenging behaviour underpins
my ethics and values

Dec 10, 2010


the weather is thawing and we are starting to venture out
however the paths are still difficult

had a chance to reflect thru prayer
Gods goodness to myself
being a bit short
food wise and money
it made me thankful
of all he has provided

this is the
theme for us a we
Head towards
Sunny scarboro

what labels are applied to us in this life?

what label
name does
God give to us ?

Dec 9, 2010

BBC News - Bernie Ecclestone mugging image in advert 'insensitive'

BBC News - Bernie Ecclestone mugging image in advert 'insensitive'

rich and powerful

Jeremy vine on his radio programme today stated (from a listener)
it is only the Rich and powerful who get listened in Today's society
A watch advert showing Bernie Ecclestone's battered face after he was mugged could seem "insensitive", Victim Support has said.

The F1 boss was beaten by robbers who took his Hublot watch in Knightsbridge, central London, last month.

A Hublot spokeswoman said the 80-year-old sent the picture to their chief executive. They saw the "humour" and decided to use it for an advertisement

Dec 8, 2010

you are everything
hope this link works.
check it out
takes me back to warm Summer days was it really 1974
long hazy trouble free teanage period
wish l didn`t know now what l didn`t know then

Lil Chris and kyle having fun at the amusements arcade last evening
we Had some chips to warm us all up
walk then drive back
tonite it going to be rules about Fridays residential
looking at labels and consequences of actions
based on Samuel and kings from the bible
David and Bethesda's story

Dec 6, 2010

stress is?

the scum of winter

A FATHER was beaten unconscious by a gang of youths after confronting them for pelting his home with snowballs.

Steven Robinson, 37, said he thought he was going to be killed in the attack, which left him with a broken nose and badly bruised ribs, face, head and hands

something has got to change in the way we deal with young people and anti social behaviour, this was 22.30 at night, was a continued assault on this persons home.
After which they kicked him to the ground,only when others came running did they scarper.
As youth worker who advocates for young people we have to see action on issues like this, actions like this happened this weekend in our rural colliery village but many young people do not see actions have a consequence

heros of winter 2010

today, East Riding Council trebled the number of staff clearing key pedestrian areas.

The council has also hired more than 20 farmers to clear routes into some villages which had been cut off in parts of Holderness and the Yorkshire Wolds.

The head of streetscene services for the council, said: "We have some exposed roads with seven feet of snow, hedge to hedge across the road

The Lion Inn at Blakey Ridge, near Kirkbymoorside, North Yorkshire, was cut off since Friday of last week, as 20ft of snow drifted against the 16th Century pub and bed and breakfast.

A couple, from Darlington, were trapped along with five members of staff until a plough made its way over the North York Moors and the man and woman managed to follow it back to the next town of Castleton.

However, the five employees have remained on site and will wait for the road to officially reopen, possibly on Sunday lunchtime

Dec 3, 2010


l am a priestly person
l am valued made in the character of God
l am precious
l belong to a chosen nation

anything else is a lie

that what the bible says about Kevin Waller

guess what same is true of you also.

l have realized l am not a small town person
like living near people and in more noisy environments
but having the rural to retreat too.

another consultation

we had our consultation
with the young kids a
few weeks ago
then another comes along

looking very much
like a classroom situation
new to Joe ha ha

but a lot of participation

the young people
were blackmailed by the offer
of pizzas and lemonade
Too easy
so many pizzas at least
4 took
some home

Josh looks asleep

Amber and Cholie
really committed
to this process

had a
lot of varity
in the youth programme
last few weeks

Dec 2, 2010

snow still here but deeper

Well cupboards are getting bare,
TV is boring.
Snow is deeper. . .yet!
Youths are still coming to club and our programme is like normal,
apart from a few staff who haven`t turned up,but they not really missed.

Postman brought the bills.
Bank account still gets emptied.
Life can go on.

Dec 1, 2010

anywhere but here?

the big question is where would you rather be? the big answer is
anywhere but here?

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"