Sep 30, 2009


is there enough evidance to commit me for being a follower of jesus

Sep 28, 2009

me feeling ill

got a few gigs and finding lot of interest in old `rock and roll` like bill Haley, cliff Richard(early move it), chuck berry, gene Vincent.
these old type records only lasted 2 minutes and were high tempo boy loves girl type songs but l play what l am asked.
find X Factor very rude people appear to me to be wanting some easy place in life which they can find if they copy a karaoke number in front of a TV audience willing to allow them to make fool of themselves.

l am what l am committed to..who are you also further leads us to who is this self inside you

l am Kevin, a person who struggles and cannot find success, but within me is a desire to better myself..outside of me within you, is where l Can direct others towards bettering themselves. . its part of who l am. .

Sep 25, 2009

its back the picture of me with my hat on

knackered and puzzled why don`t we get the same group of youths at one event
next event hard core are there but struggle to get continuation
just played pool all around males soccer and pogues singing drinking songs
l don't like this culture
feel outta place and can not connect with the adult group
wish we had some place for youths to establish own identity

we are changing the youth programme and some lads and girls are turning up like they never been away.
got an incident of bullying to deal with.
l struggle more as l get older with tough love and discipline.
wrestle much more with what used to be simple solutions like asking someone to leave for the evening
like telling someone they cannot attend an event
before you feel that l am being more considerate and sensitive
it not that simple
it about my age..experiance...own life journey. .
maybe l am just getting more softer as l get older.
think l `ll Ban someone for life from an event this weekend
let you know how l feel Monday.

Sep 23, 2009


not really Kev in Devon.But thanks to Jayne for the picture, she still misses me after 17 years and l am still on her mind..all sorts of cheeky stuff to add here but not sure how near to the knuckle one could go.
the last 2 nights we have had different trips out as part of our social programme and l have won each time at bowls.
but the real fun was sharing maccie dee and KFC.
chatting sharing laughing listening to music
the projects
oh my God
stellios kanderious
new order

really good time vital reconnecting with 1 or 2 who on the edge of our larger group.

Sep 22, 2009

scared space

most days l walk to end the day
l try and seek God, find out or chat or lament with God.
attempt to listen for Gods instruction and advice,
pouring out all my concerns ,bit of anger,hopes+dreams
l know he lives and listens.
all of us need to find a scared place and allow this to happen.
l tend to sleep very soundly and always rise early
often l Will venture to my sacred space and breath the day
in the mornings and also in the evening
even when it wet cold and snowy.
Nature calls out also and l get some fantastic views.
whatever is taking place in my life
my sacred space is a must.

Sep 18, 2009

on the edge

lots of factors have made me who l am,
the music l love, obvious family, gender, where l was born and brought up.
factor is love of countryside, that is important factor,
it effects how l am inspired.
how l view a loving God who from my understanding created music,family ,environment.

Sep 17, 2009


been responding to a bigger picture article in youth work magazine
link to follow
the bigger picture is what
someone describe what l do and others like me as wacky uninspiring and not deep.
did`t the house martins hit back in the early 90`s at similar comments
well guess what l admit l`m not deep.
but l do what l do among the hardest to reach and have been doing it for a long time now
success it not a word that gets handed out to people in my field of work,

Sep 16, 2009


a last look out across the Fields to the late summer evenings as the wind settles down and lights go down
l witness the boats coming into harbour to unload the catch
they appear so small and vulnerable
Monday evening a group of us had walked to jetty end, after chips we watched boats come in and depart.
Emotional connection with journey we laughed, shared, then walked for 1 hour 20 minutes chatting all the time.

hang the DJ

l don`t take gig during July and August
there is too much else on.
but got a few gigs lined up.
also bringing on some own DJ talents
here some of favorite country songs l play for the older folks.
`The dance`. Garth Brooke's.
`Everywhere`. Tim McCraw.
`maybe he`ll notice her now` Mandy McCreary.
`here comes goodbye, Rascal Flatt's.
i`m on fire Tom Hill

love the way that issue of lose and heartache get addresses through the storytelling in a song, sometime a song attracts myself with shared emotion,always liked that kinda song

Sep 11, 2009

oh my God oh my God

thumps and silence, the language and violence
algorithmic, cataclysmic, seismic, biorhythmic
you can make a life longer, but you can’t save it
you can make a clone and then you try to enslave it?
stealin’ DNA samples from the unborn
and then you comin’ after us
‘cause we sampled a James Brown horn?
scientists who’s God is progress
a four-headed sheep is their latest project

Sep 10, 2009

where did summer go?

Golden gloves back in training.
build up and move body masses around, as the young people work with heavy weights.
2x15 minutes of schedule
Building up stamina with 2 X 15 minute runs, and 20 seconds x 10 speed work.
This is the routine we getting them into at present.

Sep 9, 2009

my journey includes this person Debbie H who told me at sixteen,
"keep up the good work in boxing".
she even wrote it down and posted it out to my home address,
at that time l only ever been in the papers one time.
only boxed in the square ring one time.
only travelled outta town to compete in sport one time.
But and don't need to be counselled in sharing this (ha ha),
l don`t remember being encouraged very much as a teenager,
she. . . Debbie H, was the first person to take the time to put a short note of encourgement.
l went on to box 36 times even fighting for money (professional).
l became a youth worker qualifying at university.
l have travelled all over Europe and worked briefly in Dublin and Romania.
hope that others are valued more by my work,thru my words and actions others have a sense of their worth and uniqueness.
That mostly they grow in acceptance plusknowledge of God.
l have never forgotten those few words they came out of the blue. . . unexpected.
l never forgot Debbie H either.

Sep 7, 2009

greenbelt 2009

well the nites are getting colder,
perhaps memories of summer may start to fade,
here our youngsters get ready go clubbing at greenbelt,
without yours truly.
Pictured also watching a group perform,
while the Wind blows thru the tents various kites and other objects.
Nearby we sipped hotdrink in Angel tent, strong feelings of Shalom.


sway and Ryscop not music l would normally listen too but great fun at greenbelt.

Sep 4, 2009

my hat

This hat was bought for me in Barcelona by Rosemary in 1998 It still fits l wear it every Greenbelt it part of my own GB trads.
l think l look cool!
l think l look sexy!

. . . Ok the hats back in the box

Sep 3, 2009



our youth at greenbelt

more pics to follow.
but greenbelt was so different and a real blessing,
l got sense from our youth what a great occasion
they experienced real large God
the feeling. . . that only way to describe the spirit of God
the spirit was evident among them listening to them laughing+sharing was a real level five experience as they where open to new ideas sights and sounds.
Along with new relationships they formed among self's and other new BHP.

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"