Aug 27, 2009

we are gonna get blessed
we are gonna get blessed
hope you do also.

Aug 26, 2009

getting ready for trip away

planning goto greenbelt. and
getting excited
lots of memories
meeting friends
expectations high for a blessing
Returning back thrilled, aware of the Godness.
the vastness of God
the newness of God
God his son love way he emerges bigger in my life+the young people awareness increased.
hope faith

Aug 25, 2009

more in the country

tough but hard fun following the river to the sea

in the country

had a great weekend with my son Matthew and other friends,we walked ate out at a Greek place.
Cooked together went for walks and enjoyed music.
Matthew always had love of Animals and strong interest which he`s made his vocation he studies the bird flight and nesting keeping notes and always carrying field books and binoculars.
over the ramble along a river side he was able to expand our learning around the habitats we explored
loved it ace time

Aug 24, 2009

falling down,laughing, getting wet,and being out

fighting on a lie

“Don’t matter who did what to who at this point, fact is we went to war and now there ain’t no going back. I mean, shit, it’s what war is you know, once you’re innit, your innit.. If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie, but we got to fight
so said the character Slim Charles in the HBO series the Wire.
as the youth of this nation lose more life`s
and not just the streets of the middle east but local as well.
someone took psalm 139 and created this
you are a unique beautiful human person from the day you were born and knitted together in your mothers womb
l knew you
that is the Lord in Heaven knew and knows me and you now

Aug 18, 2009

there is a penguin called Kevin short hairy a hit with the females and loves fish and swimming.
and then there IS me, short hairy a hit with the females and loves fish and swimming.
2 words to describe me;- a bit tired, and tense.
how are you loads of other stuff more tomorrow.
God bless you.
that's means may God look upon you with grace and favours and God kisses.

Aug 17, 2009

a gift to all passing by

Its in a east coast town if you wanna know,where, get in touch.
The people who did this have done the all street the same and they state;-
`it`s a gift from us artist`s`

someone like me passes by and gets all excited and thrilled as time and tide pass the gift gets appreciated and inspires me
hope you feel inspired and loved and valued this day

me and chris resting on our walk last wednesday,
Chris is always helping me around the Church project
He also a boxer with golden glove prospects,
The first at trips helping to choose mini bus music and drinks,
Task himself searching Internet and selecting places of interest like Wilberforce
museum and york railway visit,
The last to leave a venue whether it be a gym session,
or walk,
or cleaning the mini bus after day out.
He lost his Friend and brother Daniel who was killed in the Afghan conflict.

Aug 14, 2009


how do l feel now?
gutted a young lads older brother has been killed in the afganisten conflict,
lost and empty
my words and attempts to console appear less then appropite.
only the day before this 12 year old lad was telling us on a cliff top ramble how he could not wait for his brother to be home.
the first funeral of a young person l attended this preist sang this peice of music and never found it again but the words are still in my headjukebox now
my love will be with you to the ends of this earth

the warm summer nights are already drawing in and it feels like long sleeve weather
but l always feel the cold.
this looks like UFO but it the moon over the sea local to me

Aug 11, 2009

Today I saw somebody who looked just like you
She walked like you do I thought it was you
As she turned the corner I called out your name
I felt so ashamed but it wasn't you, wasn't you

You are everything and everything is you
You are everything and everything is you
Oh you are everything and everything is you

How can I forget when each face that I see
brings back memories of being with you
I just can't go on livin' life as I do
comparing each girl to you
knowing they just won't do, they're not you

You are everything
Everything is you
You're everything to me girl
I miss you baby
Everything is you

You are everything
Every little thing
You're all I've got
Girl, you're everything to me
You are everything and everything is you
Everything to me

well my heads buzzing,the phone ringing,e-mails are sending,a worker didn`t turn up,forms been delivered,someone DVD not working,? are targeting me.
They call this peace,there a woman nearby talking about her new kitchen, pretty thing but noise that come outta her,well it beats the crap as we say up north. So LOUD.
This is about me a youth worker.A man supports hull city,loves walking along deserted beaches,cope with being alone but don`t like loneliness.Bible still best book l ever music can l not understand those who don`t hear music every day.
l recall summer of 74 hearing Diane Ross and Marvin Gaye singing you are everything was so real l connected with the emotion the souls heart it touched me and still does today.

my friends

love cooking for people and having friend's round for food.

salad with balsamic vinegar and bread with fish.

culturally and fitness wise,
Love these people.
We enjoyed good snack.
Later shared main meal

Aug 10, 2009

When will l ever learn to live in God?
Paints the most fantastic pictures,
always sets the tide.
Brings the seasons along as promised!

Aug 6, 2009

been walking and climbing pics to follow
just a brief line to say hi to all
need a bath and some hot food
had a Chinese yesterday but felt heavy heavy anyway more soon.

Aug 3, 2009

Making plans for October it may seem years away, but it`s not!
Excitement for some of our youths who are also visiting the Wilberforce museum
Will be a great day.
Heard from an old friend today
Hello was good.
But not F.A. shame
Level 4 for those in the know.

The Matthew blessing,

  The Matthew blessing, May God grant us enough stupidity to believe? We can go from this place and make the world a better place, May we wi...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"