Had another difficult evening ,and week at work .
All Unison staff facing same issues.
Heard from Old colleague she going thru it.
Myself Romance effort been made towards me, Like, wanna be friend, But sorry your in a struggle with myself if any want more. There a girl ,Myself not very keen on knowing, sounds unkind but well...replied to emails and text, Glad but no movement, me not good with forming, relationships, work mates, friendships, Guess just a mix of complex issues.
So lot of Level 5 disclosure.
At present appears to be about trust, so not really wanting new friends of either gender. That could be lack of trust very much on my part.
Matthew helped me do a disco at work few days ago it was great fun few days with my son.
Well if l could work out how to add stuff everyday. Lost loads of 'videoing editing' three weeks work all because of others using equipment wrongly. Would write something more regularly, today is 7th December it cold, add to that workplace which is ex car garage large, Vast roofs. One person not talking.
lce cold could be accurate. Dublin and Romania appear miles away (actual they are miles away).
Worked on using "its a Wonderful life". Not sure can make it relevant. Music DVD and video take time for 3 minutes of programming, then not sure others understand inferred message or relevance.
Year's now since Forever Angel moved On. Guess,feel, time gone so fast.
Plugging 'Ugly' by Sugerbabes , for next two weeks a pop song which tackles issues of bullying and self worth.
Not a first but will others get the meaning.
Power played twice a nite bit of Yee ha (country) music.
`Tom Russell I`m on fire`.