Jan 31, 2025

`To speak truth to Power` example. pt. 2

Christians, l was reading today, are not to be caught up in the worries or cares of this world. We are to be rooted in our connection with Christ, knowing Him as our anchor and hope. so hearing that .. from that place we are to be a light to the world, people,  communities, plus society around us.

Rubbish its escapism, CHOSEN PATH BY SOME,  we should be more deeply then others be concerned about poverty around ourselves plus the quality of LIFE others are living. In this moment and weeks to arrive.

If group of people in Society, community's we are part of struggling we need to challenge the principalities and powers that place them in a potentially limiting existence.


Ask questions, reason with the projected outcome, So poor wages, not having enough each week, will not allow growth in mind, nor body. Is that deliberate policy?

Force others to confront, delima faced, chosen a path that hurts others, then we all suffer, we all are effected.

Turn up be the awkward one asking questions, explaining your reasons as to why such ethical behavior is an issue. Share as community of believers ethically conduct, stewardship of joint resources, using gathering place as `Boxtop`,(place to speak into issues). for community expression.

Get noticed for being with outsiders, not labelling pointing fingers and on side of authority.

It will cost. But that's who we are, table over turners, Rabbic finger pointers, `loosing our head` kind of people.

Speak with Love into the issue, we are informed. Love wins but this here, this its costly.

Jan 30, 2025

To speak truth to power 1:- facts

DWP have lost a major High Court battle over Conservative changes to the work capability assessment.

Labour have decided monitor claimants’ bank accounts, while further give the DWP powers of entry, search and seizure.

Economic Affairs Committee (EAC) has called for faster cuts to benefits.

Labour have stated,“ the Conservatives lost complete control of the benefits bill – with a project overspend of more than £8 billion”.

CA reported that “We spoke to a work coach who travelled for over 2 hours every day to get to work to avoid working at their local Job Centre, out of fear of being recognised on the streets. From our 12 conversations, work coaches avoiding working locally seems to be a common phenomenon.”

Members of the House of Lords receive £361 per day for turning up, plus travel expenses. They also have a subsidised restaurant which costs taxpayers around £3m a year.

Been addressing these issues all my working life.Now Autumn's arrived for my personal journey, no real change, argue it's got worse.

Jan 28, 2025

The road which leads me to you is safe.

 The road which leads me to you is safe

even when it runs into oceans.
Edmond Jabès


My heart conditioned took my Grandad at 56, Uncle David in 40`s and Dad got type of dementia, Matthew David...Loved and Blessed, `Cardia vascular dementia` was key factor in his passing away too soon.

We inherited this from Oldest male in family. "Inherited" means your parents passed the gene for the disease on to you. In my case of heart failure the, Syndrome it is inherited.

If you have cardiomyopathy, well lets call it simply` Enlarged heart` means for Kevin,  Heart muscle has become enlarged, thicker or stiff. now that this has  happened my heart is less able to pump blood through (little plump, cuddle, warm, tender...is this helping....). Any way my body , sometimes l  get abnormal heart rhythms. Can lead to heart failure or arrhythmia, Well it happened had triple heart by pass, lovely people at St James cook, Middlesbrough.  That was November 2012. 

Still here being a pest at times.. In  heart failure cause fluid to build up in the lungs. Now joking no more, this was mega issue last year and caused lot of hospital visits few call outs. 

Water retention can happen in ankles, feet, legs, or abdomen. The weakening of the heart can also cause other severe complications, such as heart valve problems. But not experiencing any of these.

Jan 27, 2025

Do you see you in your LIFE direction. Do you value you in the stuff of LIFE that happened to you.

Sometimes just feel like to switch off from people, only be available on certain conditions. Despite all my communications like to be the invisible one. That's why became a DJ at clubs, cant dance, not good (away from work place) in crowds.

Its why l was a Boxer, best being maverick sports player, working on my own. taking the blows face distorted from beating in the ring, but l fought.

I fought.

Remained sure, even in my Autumnal years, that if I can find an air of love.
Lived, hoping that Love still speaks in a small voice.
Struggle to be still, not be engaged that's me in the corner, my resilience means cant give up, can`t let go,  Love deep ,only way to Love, it wins its the best way. Still.
Risky as sure as there are Stars above.
Perhaps in the heart lost quietness when my heart slows right down, except when am asleep, 
Only then I am not available
As far as Kevin understands.

So, what’s the chance of a Maverick, detached pastoral, kind of guy,
hearing the vulnerable in the traffic of every day city life.
The screaming disturbances of rural town community,
This freezing bus ride to see if cars ready.
Supermarket queue, Which hate being stood in
A beer filled pub with punters shouting allowed ?
Everyone’s different, 
its why worked detached, unattached, why came into a place where managed the settings, developed the programme, reached other outsiders.

 Its because God in heavens made me this way. He controlled my direction long before the NOW arrived .

Do you see you in your LIFE direction ?
Do you value you in the stuff of LIFE that happened to you ?
Closed with few questions for you to ponder, get in touch the normal ways, share with yourself, if confident share in community gatherings with others.

Jan 26, 2025

Every journey doesn't include a map.


Most journeys need planning some thoughts about what's ahead, some journeys are a repeat done before. Some journey are ones you look forward to seeing others at the conclusion 

Some journeys are difficult indeed most travels include degree of risk. Some have incredible views, some forgetful. 

But relationship journeys are into the unknown. Not always sure of the outcome, maybe filled with conversations, laughing, good company. Still risky.

These don't come with route planner. 

Whatever journeys coming your way, ponder anew. LIFE is short sometimes can change with unexpected events ahead. Sojourner always been pattern in my pastoral ministry.  Still here being Kevin.

Jan 25, 2025

We don't always have the moments we think we have...

 Time we meet is nearer then it was yesterday.
Tomorrow it will be even nearer.
In a week's time it be so near we can make an arrangement....

Hull city returned to winning ways at Sheffield last evening. Well done the tiger's.

LIFE so they say can turn on a sixpence. That's old coinage talk. but  tell you this much KW has discovered.

Don't wait too long. LIFE takes unexpected turns, and we don't always have the moments we think we have.

Jan 24, 2025

Expressions of Hope.

 Stormy weather today, hospital issues ,but being looked after. Despite the issues LIFE throwing at you. There will be a rainbow to offer hope.

You light a Candle, it's physical thing maybe in lonely Church with the smell of incense. The benches of rows where believers rest  it's transient effort. Is it unseen?

You offer prayers it's again quiet moment some place only you go, it's transient.

Does a God above via Angels listen?

We feel like your in a place called being in Love. Transient effort, you cant run from the feeling, nevertheless like the candle you light, the words in your prayers, Love is real.

All expressions of Hope.

Rainbow, lighted candle in Churches, prayers silent and spoken, being in love.

Signs of Hope.

Jan 22, 2025

May not now need to kick the darkness till it bleeds the light. But can be ready for when you do.

Slump carry's on for Hull city, and on the images of those now connected with former premier league club . Suggest things may not improve soon. Perhaps what they are witnessing is not what they're expecting.
Perhaps home form of relegation battles not what they signed up for. This wasn't what quite anticipated. But that's what's on offer at present.
LIFE twists like that.
We don't know what's coming next nor how cards will fall.
We make plans then everything swings in another direction.
You get blindsided, it's 4 o'clock Tuesday no services to offer support. Friends not able to answer the phone. Bus running late. Or it's deeper.
Love departed.
A life ended.
The money failed 
Payment not been received .
Resilience is needed. Strength of characters required. Prayers need to be formed on your knees.
That's when you fight like a man.
May not now need to kick the darkness till it bleeds the light. But can be ready for when you do.

Jan 21, 2025

how we feel can make us vulnerable.

Sometimes unexpected happens, now l`m level 5 sharing here.

Open ,honest stuff.

The stuff we try too share but fearful of rejection and humiliation.

Anyway here goes.

Time was altered for me , when  Matthew my son passed away. Gosh so hard to write those words each time it hits me again.

Time remains altered, there was an emptying. Need for myself to get away from events, issues, LIFE l was experiencing . Need to exile myself. But also in place called comfortable. Malta island in the sun been that place.

Losing a child is strange weird emotionally tough, the grieving arrives, but begin to recognise that those departed still with us, still have conversations, still talk. But its mostly from my side.

See these images and share stuff Bird life, nature, places.

So l went away got this sense of freedom, swam longer even in outdoor sea.

long warm walks, ferries crossings across the harbour. meals out on Saturday evening. Cultural visits to Church's, art galleries, museums.

Spending time with different people, more communication, different communication, old friends.

New friend, long talks, felt only a few minutes, time stood still instinctively felt comfortable in another's presence. Have you felt that?

Excising not having to do, but allowed to be. Extraordinarily feeling of connecting. No rituals routines expectations nor demands.

When you can share on such levels its liberating, but especially love of music. Desire to really really get to know the other.

But its dangerous. when we share we put out into another's world owned vulnerabilities. We leave that comfortable place. Are you able to do this?

This is where it gets really challenging--Level 5 conversations involve how I feel about you, and how you feel about me.

Such experience are real integral, complicated, hard, normal, LIFE.  

You know, the only love I've ever know

When I was lost and all alone
I took a look on what I'd done
You know, the only love I've ever know 
 I've been most everywhere
A man can go
I've been this whole world round
Yes, I have
And I've seen most everything
A man can see
You know, the only love I've ever know 
Was calling' me, calling' me, calling' me

Jan 20, 2025

Bottom looks.

United Kingdom 2025... delayed trains, no toilets, expensive cups of tea. Unhealthy refreshments offered.

Escalators broken down. Lifts not working.  Looks dirty, transport system cancelled, running late , vehicles packed.

Expensive cold chilly, place called home.

Fearful places, little evidence of indigenous group, others think this was good utopia even. It's not ethics and Moral code is absent. 

Dickensian attitude prevails as we appear to have been called into race others to bottom of ever value platform that once exist.

Journey home with tender God favoured mercy's.

leaving this place, it's Churches, warmth, religious people. 

Leaving the Love I've found. Sense of closeness. Touched by another's beauty. All getting left behind.

Cafes and cappuccino bars, pizzeria at sensible prices. Leaving old acquaintance coming to think of as friends.

Leaving the chaos of overcrowded buses. Wild sea storms, rolling ferry journeys. Seaweed swept promenade. Corrupt Government practices, cheap third world labour.

With tender God favoured journey blessings.

Arriving tired frustrated bit worn out.
Arriving at place called my home.
Arriving where for a long while not felt l belong.
Arrived after cars Planes, Buses get me  home.

Take with me hope. Fresh possibilities Someone really sad to leave.

You see memories don't leave like people do.
They always stay with you.

Jan 18, 2025

Looking for this kind of Love.

 There is love that makes a cup of tea,
Love that loves both …who you are,
And who you …wanna be,
Love that waits for you...
When you fall behind,

Accept sometimes there's no love, just means search harder enjoy looking seeking .
Might just have to make own cup of tea. 
All really know about love is got work really hard.
Relationships hard work .
Family, friends all hard work.
Love is sometimes putting endless effort in , maybe just keeping afloat.
But best thing about love is this.....LOVE wins.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.

Never forget LOVE wins.

When you rebuild, try something new: build homes, schools, and hospitals for your children instead of martyrdom for your hate. But you won’t, because your obsession with death blinds you to life.
Did we win? No one wins in war. But we have our priorities straight. We’ll celebrate the return of our hostages, mourn our dead, and rebuild stronger than ever.
 The U.S. knows our value, and we’ve got years to strengthen bonds with allies across the region.
For 467 days, we’ve endured this war—not because we wanted it, but because we had no choice.
 October 7 was a wake-up call, a moment that reminded us of every attack: rockets, mortars, UAVs, stabbings, shootings, and car ramming's. The world let Hamas exist for too long.

Jan 16, 2025

 Hears to the workers on the streets tonight 

Here's to the lonely everywhere .

Jan 14, 2025

May you in next few days be able to see colours of nature. Treat yourself to art visit.

Nature screamed today displaying in a messed up mixture of weather incidents. Thick seafret, torrential rain, wildest winds, warm sunny embraces. In that messy condition. While enjoying beautiful cappincino ,with Linda in Malta observed this flower.

Can you see the blue twinge alongside firey orange. Muted by various greens. It just got put there not created nor formed for us to enjoy. OR I prefer God created.

Over here on this island often come across Artistic elements that capture the colours of the Mediterranean. Visit often one particular art gallery, St James Cavalier. Images in a space where inspired. Relaxed, mind is fed healthy tonic. May you in next few days be able to see colours of nature. Treat yourself to art visit.
Maybe can walk for while with a lovely Friend.

Art helps,also confuses.

Would have loved deeper.

Would have walked longer.

Listened more actively.

If l knew then what l know now.

Jan 12, 2025


Standing alone on a Saturday evening watching world that just appears to be circling from evil to wickedness. Turning away back to same old mistake more wickedness and further evil.

Asking again where's the Hope? How do we end these situations where we can't live together?

Conversations between individuals can be rich warm and honest. Where community's gather sometimes debate and resolution people move on.

Why can't we just live together in peace and harmony. Why does the family of man keep hurting each other. When we got so much to give each other ?

Old fashioned questions!

Jan 11, 2025


Individual development.
Community growth.
Impact upon Society.
It was 1989. First time encountered these ideals, this way of thinking. Place of being that carried with myself into practice for rest of my working moments.

Individual development. Place of gathering understanding of community. How these two factors impacted society.

In service training,spent that year put back into higher education. Gained first qualifications . This started to lead towards employment, then led to accreditation, again higher rate. Opened door to University diploma, Counselling,management sourjourner interment ministry.

Individual development.
 Community growth.
Impact upon Society.

Jan 10, 2025

He…..OK Guy…worth knowing?

He can turn the tides and calm the angry seaHe alone decides who writes a symphonyHe lights every star that makes the darkness brightHe keeps watch all through each long and lonely night
He still finds the time to hear a child's first prayerSaint or sinner calls and always finds him thereThough it makes him sad to see the way we liveHe'll always say "I forgive"
He can touch a tree and turn the leaves to goldHe knows every lie that you and I have toldThough it makes him sad to see the way we liveHe'll always say "I forgive"

He...by the righteous Brothers. 
Weren't really Brothers. But beautiful people who have made some great music.
Stuff like the lyrics to songs, stay in our consciousness revoke memories. Found Recently with Alzheimer's  illness how strong music can be in memory circles.
Must rediscover value of lyrics, sharing our music, value of wide variety of music. Space to listen. To hear who others are singing about.
Sometimes it is just music to dance too.
Sometimes it is just music to protest about.
Something in music is just about settling down.
sometimes it just about singing along.
Always music can move you.

Jan 8, 2025

There a Place local, reserve you a seat?.

Walked some streets looking for favourite record shop, browse odd CDs, old familiar feeling. Know it's not human but still real thing.

Well asking you, suppose it's like an open invitation.

If you Stop up maybe, moods, thoughts, this LIFE bit messed up. If you would be happy to eat plate of pasta, plenty of oil drizzled over. Here found when eating, no one uses phone, so you know vaping, like dogs are banned. Just people wanting people type contact.

Corners you just turned, circles of cafes ,something feels like place to have small talk with lady friend.

No need or reason to hurry, maybe this is a town people should head too when you’re local. Never expensive gig, faces of people you don’t know smile at you. 

Near full bus pulls in people get off. Pavements feel safe, comfortable, OK holding bus so two Lady’s of Church can board ahead of you.

No sense of hassle or trouble, observe girls with Mum ? Sharing shopping triumphs, older guys on way to soccer match, full of anticipation.

That kind of sweet place world away from Hometown experience, really breaks my heart that this is not the normal everyday experience.

Place where somebody like me,reserve you a seat, hold place till can get here. Together we can look at Stars in the sky or just look at images on Album cover, laughing at lyrics.

Till that time, enjoy the coulers in own someplace else.

Jan 7, 2025

The grooming gangs in UK. Part reflection.

For many in British political party called Labour, what some call Lefty’s inability to face the awful reality of the organised grooming, further rape of young girls by men mostly Pakistani origin across English towns.

Something acknowledge ,spoken about at Youth workers senior monthly meetings far back as 2001.

Well it created clear strategy requirement from those of us on Street corner detached work. We tended to see stuff, involved among issues before raised in social discussions. For others ‘Bless them and pretty pink soxs’… severed their faith in progressive politics for good.

In a scathing attack on Labour party’s leadership,[Starmer, Corbyn, Brown]? the statement  “too many are still doing that today”  .  Results in them immediately turning pivot to talking about the 'far right' or Elon Musk. 

This issue  is not about them. It is about the Prime Minister. 

It is about the victims and their families, and Also very much, very much about failures at every level which enabled their abuse.

It's about dishonest way, method of creating false community's ,imposing large immigrants onto poverty blighted inner city estates.

Damaging community cohesion to false prophetic vile wicked belief system.

Jan 5, 2025



It's late at night,odd to be around  the streets
Feeling safe comfortable. Why is that so odd ?
The way we live, words we speak,choices we make,
challenges we embrace.
This community created among us.
Belonging it's all Vital.

Jan 4, 2025

Inferred values.

We all need lots of stuff in 2025.Perhaps greatest thing resource, attitude even ideal is Peace.

Some of the inferred values inferred values witnessed in lights around Mosta at Christmas time. Simply ideals we should all strive towards.




Love. So let's allow Peace as an ideal to grow, all John Lennon wanted.

Morning prayer. Beautiful

 #Morning prayer..... Shall we gather this morning. Greeting the day in most humbling collective way.

Lord, the world’s

calendar counts down

to the end of a year

full of issues, conflict,

changes and challenges.

As we go ahead

into the future,

help us always to point,

in our words, ways,

policies and practices,

to you, to your love,

to your promise

of hope for all.


Jan 3, 2025

Another ugly Truth.

Only in love songs do questions get asked around meeting again and coping better.
Last time we met only in song's and odd film script. Only to here do we get another chance,  reflective moment's.

Life not like in the movie's it's more disappointing as generally have found.

Romantic to view sunset then imagine it's beautiful place to live. Reality different.
That last walk with wheelchair would done so much more, walked further,stayed out longer, got you back later Son. But never knew it was the last time.
For you also, would watched our movie again, baked you favorite Lasagna. Talked longer in the night. Kissed deeper.
Sorry that's a movie.
We departed differently. 
Felt for so long it's was mine to regret. But it's simply not.
We live, we have regrets, then have to carry on.
Ugly truth but true this is. 
Do try best l can this day. If fail again. Ask for grace again.
Offer the same to others.

Jan 1, 2025

Odd days it like this!

Level 5 honesty ....when my illness kicks on occasionally can't sleep, fatigue becomes normal.

Eating bit issue, get frustrated. Short with people. Feel Day is wasted, as can't really read or write. Thinking plus assimilation of events. Got foggy feel powerless .

So what where you doing those 5 years ago

Well many prayed. Many died struggling to stay alive. Many couldn't understand. Many looked after those who were more vulnerable. Many l...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"