Oct 31, 2023

Beautiful human beings …Missing!

 When the Irish writer John Donohue spoke at Greenbelt. John said, In a private chat with PIP Wilson frontier Youth worker, that the Greek word for ‘beauty’ is related to our word ‘call’ or ‘calling’. When we experience beauty, he said, we feel called. As I always say, everyone is a Beautiful Human Person. You are a Beautiful Human Person.

PIP Wilson said this and very often...
when we accept and affirm the beauty in each other, all of our behaviour may change
I SAY when we don't,we behave in way that is completely the opposite, that then Blinds us to the beauty of all, including ourselves.

Oct 30, 2023

Ways of Jesus his teachings,actions are that HOPE.

Some fools exist to spread hateful messages, the actions, (from limited but great deal of experience),they won't change until individual either directly decides to change. Mostly its very sudden . Dramatic, there is also a degree of repentance. Or such a event that they change.
Gospel Hope
As terrorism leads to thousands of deaths, Palestinian evangelicals and Messianic Jews share astonishment, grief, and prayer for peace and justice.
Some remain wicked involved in crime, because it's benefit.Econmicaly further social benefits. 
There are few who don't really know any alternative, even when it's explained from probation,education, pastoral focus.
But also some whose compass and pattern of behaviour is generative passed down.
If leadership 'Theseus of evil', is destruction of any whose views are opposite to a their standard. Don't see that person inherited focus being interrupted.
Loud miniorty evident in UK, to turn around(repent), go differently is the only HOPE.
Ways of Jesus his teachings,actions are that HOPE.


Dr Jordan B Peterson
I believe that the good that people do has more to do with the good that manifests broadly in the world than people think, and I believe the same about evil. We are each more responsible for the state of the world than we believe, or would feel comfortable believing.

HOPE calls us to , Remain genuinely concerned for Jew and Palestinian alike—while praying for Gaza and its liberation from Hamas.

Oct 29, 2023

Often deep spiritual practice are simple.

Thinking we need more of this.
Thinking l need more of this type of activity in my Life.
Become aware that without realising not been Disciplined in my prayer moments.
Thinking must return to structure that gave me breath.                        
Bad habits they do cost a person. Must, should work to remain connected internal.
Feel cleaner, better, sorry because comes across as very simple 
Often deep spiritual practice are simple. Reflection. Silence. Prayer.

Thinking to follow, the discussion, conversations, chatting even debate.
Quiet prayer has-been neglected, that's my confession. 
Grace offer myself. Some Renewal will take place.
Join me, further join others.

Oct 27, 2023

The Sandbox and things of Jesus sit silent in the corner.

Under the rader potentially others were plotting to destroy LIFES.
Hurt others kill others.
Have we learnt nothing from the horrors of War, the awfulness from concentration camps.
Long episodes and Pattern's young LIFES damaged, lost, with community's wasted.
Fish and chips on a Saturday in Autumn awaits myself plus mates
But weekend of protest, along with Hateful comments,Actions is planned.

The Sandbox and things of Jesus sit silent in the corner 
Patten's of destruction.

Long emotional damage is gifted to those responding to each situation.
Not saying we should go into a Warren and hide away.  BUT many are getting exhausted by tearing of emotions.
We had so many difficult issues for several years 
It's the work of Evil. Young LIFES damaged, community broken, poverty, emotional literacy, dispirited society.
It's one way Evil attempts to stain God of Love.

Oct 26, 2023

That life is more than merely something to be ‘got through’.

 That life is more than merely something to be ‘got through’, it is a gift, even if it sometimes feels like a relentless pass-the-parcel with nothing but forfeits beneath every layer.

Spoken by` Leah Bracknell`, actress who sadly lost her battle with cancer a few short years ago.

But wonderful nature and polite gift to us all lives on .

These words are so true, they reflect a battle but also point to there being more , yes more in the Here and Now.

ALL around there are people who give us a pattern of behaviour to champion.

Display attitude we should follow.

That life is more than merely something to be ‘got through’, it is a gift, even if it sometimes feels like a relentless pass-the-parcel with nothing but forfeits beneath every layer.

Oct 25, 2023

We need some sweet sounds of Kingdom here Now.

Let the music, let the music play loud, play loud

Let it burst, let it burst through the clouds, through the clouds
And we all feel the heat
Of the sun, yeah
Yeah, let us sing, let us shout, let us shout
Let us all stand up proud
Let the old still believe
That they're young, yeah

[, Mick Jagger & Lady Gaga]
Sounds so sweet, oh, so sweet
Sounds so sweet, so sweet
Heaven, heaven
Falling' down, falling' down
To this earth

Oct 24, 2023

Patterns are visible.

l enjoy watching people behave, all the time in small groups, in Community, as individual people.

l observe a lot, watch others  behaviour, plus in those images, recognise clear patterns. However not always at the time able to grasp extremely sophisticated processes. Also not schooled enough to fully cognitively understand what l witness. 
Do read a lot of books around person centered and group dynamics.
Two comedians John Cleese, Pamela Connally Stephenson, written great books about Human Behaviour.
Pretty useful also had lot of years being trained in practice of counselling, but favour being called an` active listener` and `group worker`.
Counsellor does not fit correctly with my practice.
Recognise great skills tolerance and depth of patience held by Counsellors.
worked hard in the area learning about myself, That is kind of a strange thing. 
Those street corner encounters, maccydee group dynamics. Walking cliff tops and promenades with some who don't converse a lot. Group talks at residentials and camps.
After Boxing session with ginger biscuit plus cup of tea.
Sat in mini bus. 
I abstract patterns of behaviour not always directly at that time bringing them into focus.
Observe later share the pattern, giving a insight. Then we abstract out images of those patterns of behaviour,
Looking for a way of improvement
sharing positive pattern,
encouraging the sharing even accepting young love that's being found as couple share some music.
See pattern among males they need to be affirmed when not noisy.
Music and disco see patterns clichés form.
Storming behaviour which is a pattern.
Quiet people being alone is a pattern.
Exploring, Conversation, showering encouragement about encounters observed. But writing down and recording reflections is helpful.

Oct 23, 2023

When we engage with only those involved with our likes, values, beliefs. We perform detachment

Some of the compression, around disengagement with faith is creating another area of argument.

Understand that faith alters, some parts of faith remain unaltered. But what found in `Nomadic` form of deconstruction, is full out non Christian backlash.

Arguments about sexual freedom. Being imprisoned by virtues that forbid teenage sex, discourage non faith relationships, encouraged to stay away from customs not Biblical.

When we engage with only those involved with our likes, values, beliefs. We perform detachment.

But even as 16-17 year old l could recognise damage done not engaged with others around myself 

Didn't need to be told that, nor was that option presented to myself.

Perhaps because brought up in a city in the North. Perhaps coming from working class council estate.

Perhaps it was Church l was involved among. Probably combination all three.

The canvas painted about faith offering was wide, varied, pretty colorful.

Every Sunday in Church, most weekdays in boxing gym, working among ethnic groupings, no one encouraged desperation.

No old fashioned ..'remain in isolation only mix with your detailed Faith community' ..View was expressed.

It was always engage, include, and encourage encounters, invite those in relationships with to our events. It was part of us, To be inclusive.

Hope programmer involved with, activities engaged with, meetings people attend, Hope that comes across.

Oct 22, 2023

The sandbox is quiet and sits in the corner.

 Where did it go that yesterglow, yesterday, yesterme, (at the left side).

Yesterthem, Brother's. In old caravan park on East coastal area 1965?.

Among the things we need to bring back is Sunday and going to be in Church family. Vital but presently it's missing, required but missing.

Been rejected buts it needed  period on Sunday to be reflective.

Me l can do the 'Gospel in songs', followed by cuppa maybe end with communion.

All retire home, or those wanting more fellowship. To the public house for a beer.

We throughout the sandbox, felt Jesus was one of those childish toys we grew out of. Now we yearn for something more meaningful.

The sandbox is quiet and sits in the corner.

We had discussion about everything from UFO to Middle East. Learnt words like Shalom, Kingdom principles were wrestled with, the older folk welcomed the younger ones.Sunday evenings and fellowship around cup of tea.

OK there was also girlfriends, this was ingredient desired. For all us teens, it was walk home afterwards.

During week many Sandbox topics would re-emerge.

The sandbox is quiet and sits in the corner.

Oct 21, 2023

This storm is passing, LIFE going on, returning to some sense of normality.


This storm is passing, LIFE going on, returning to some sense of normality.


Matty my son is housebound and in a wheel chair, so need to visit him. It was mad as hell windy, wet, raining, drains and rivers overflowing. BUT it needed to be a visit day.
Nurses, doctors, prescriptions not collected, only add up to pressure.
l got through the storm, and have settled into resting up today.
This storm is passing, LIFE going on, returning to some sense of normality.

This is the present situation, more settled weather.
less rain, everything returning to normality.
But in my mind, we get these type of storms.
At this time of year.
Time for getting into the new scene.
Others are still experiencing emotional, plus chaotic traumatic, storms.
I am blessed, like you.
This storm is passing, LIFE going on, returning to some sense of normality.

This storm is passing, LIFE going on, returning to some sense of normality.

Oct 20, 2023

Sun going down and the season changing.

 Really enjoy conversation but especially like conversation with people who don't hold my view.

It's something missing more and more.

Old skills of chatting, conversely, being among Social narratives. Disappearing.

Indeed among educated it become something cancelled.

But also like to just listen. Often on weekly encounter 4 of us get together.

Talk therapy, it's just fun. But more swearing then l am comfortable with.

Clear one person not warm to individual. But we process chats.

Sit watch the tide, interact with others, enjoy odd cup of tea.


But it's essential to our routines.

For one of the group these interactions are often the only social engagement they experience.

May you talk, may you be listened too.

We sometimes sit, while the tide, nature, sun going down and the season changing. They all speak to each of us., 

Oct 19, 2023

But even when its within our experience, Even when we can perform support . we fail.

 Jew-hatred exists because evil exists. Because there are people who have, for all of human history, hated the Jews and sought to strike at them while they have been weak. Who have blamed the Jews for their own problems, who have crafted complex conspiracy theories about the supposed power of the Jews.

All that genuflecting to Holocaust Memorial Day. That was so easy wasn’t it? But being there when Jews really need you.

Sorry but again further again we see people protesting by some sticker and a add onto social media.
But proper investment of reading a book, Encounter of a person holding this faith, getting to understand the real issues, its all too difficult.
witnessed this across the Christian scene they appear either very pro-Palestine...or supportive of Israel.
When ask about the issues what internally they feel. why externality they have chosen to write this or write that view. No though process can be explained.

If you are concerned about how we form a balance.
these topics illustrate the concern.
We should look out for those who are vulnerable.
We must examine our response to those in a bad position.
Its in our best interest to enable the best for those who are suffering.
But even when its within our experience, Even when we can perform support .
we fail.

Nation wide, local, internationally, we are failing.
Failing to deliver a proper response to those we must, further we should be supporting.
But we want to invest in self, may express a social media tick on the subject.
But we keep it all at a distance.
Someone sang a while ago...from a distance it all looks fine...
Its not we as humans are l think failing.
From a distance, you look like my friend
Even though we are at war
From a distance, I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting's for
From a distance, there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it's the hope of hopes

Oct 17, 2023

Our musical reactions can be like our relationship reactions

 “Now what we’re seeing occurring in Gaza is extremely problematic — I’m very concerned about our (Christian) community. This war will have a big impact on the faithful there, and with the disorder of the situation, we don’t know where many are.”

“We have a little less than a thousand Christians in Gaza, but we don’t have any place (for them) to go,”

So exploring impact of listening to music, as perhaps a  conversation. The track of music is compelling, reference what you know, what you understand it but it also refers to what you do not grasp.
This is true even of new music, or genre perhaps don't automatically navigate towards , listen something internal reacts, otherwise it would not be interesting. 
Our musical reactions can be like our relationship reactions.
Shouldn't remain only with people we like. 
Should try navigating towards uncomfortable.
Then like music you explore, may like or even love the new scene.
It's not too far removed, spirit of meaning, new liking can pull you forward So like a visionary experience. Go on to share with others, l often find others gone before.
Have you not heard this track...Or that group..they were featured in this film...etc..
Hell what do l know.


Oct 16, 2023

Maybe you, like myself have friends in Syria, Israel, Lebanon.

Like myself, if follow world news, know by now that, 10 days ago on a on Saturday, Palestinian resistance groups in Gaza launched a surprise attack on Israel. Like myself, you may be watching events closely. Like myself you have been following the situation for many years.

Maybe you, like myself have friends in Syria, Israel, Lebanon.


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Hope in these hopeless, it may appear, days.

Written long while ago when the Author knew less then today, and more then he ever will again. This too will pass, love must win .

Oct 15, 2023

The love of music.

When I listened to music my whole being is engaged. Mind gets challenge as work out lyrics.
Body gets sense of wanting to move. Wholeness health, holistically l am improved. Interesting why a person or group Recorded track.
What's the style, all that stuff around this beat, those lyrics.
Even maybe a protest or Political literacy bring explored. Never just music. Brings healing, exposés my misgivings, lost love is by my side. Memory is relived.

Enjoyment strong emotions, feelings, connection. Never just music.
Conversation, act of rebellion, praise.
Never just a track of sound.
We need Music now, like many other times before.

Oct 14, 2023

In the Middle East life’s, places, people are in Ruins.

Ruins are good places to visit.
Once they were something else.
Entered ruins from hundreds of years ago. 
Go to ruins were not supposed to go. But something of a rebel in myself.

Love walking to ruins their odd sense in the air of adventure.
Been to ruins with others , who nearby changed their minds decided not to visit.
Me still going today enter.
Ruins come about due to neglect, ruins are places that bring back dreadful memories of a time before.
Ruins are places created by wars often….like recently in Syria.
In the Middle East life’s, places, people are in Ruins.
Palestine, Israel, the Gazza Strip is becoming a ruin right in front of our eyes.

Today in the hopelessness, met
old friend, Danny T not so well.
But gave me joy, we have got plans to meet up, share journeys we been on.
In the Hope you can, move away from the numbness many are feeling. The anguish felt towards those whose life's ruined.
Hope better will arrive, Hope different will return. 

Greatest hope that Love wins and soon evidence is clear.

Oct 13, 2023

In Gazza tonight, bomds fall down, prayers are muttered. Tears are rolling down people's eyes.

 The newspaper staff met because advertising down.

Staff will lose jobs, some may never work again.

Hard choices got to be made...

Youth centre closed,Kidz on streets, l pass, not in employment.

What do these young folk do now?

Hard choices are ones they gotta make.

To light up Wembley stadium to show soliderty with Israel.

Not going to be shown.

Hard choice but wrong choice was made.

In Gazza tonight, bomds fall down, prayers are muttered. Tears are rolling down people's eyes.

Warmongers gather, to send in Tanks and Weapons to kill others.

Hard choices still to be made.

Oct 11, 2023

A prophet from late Sixties said we should give PEACE a chance. We shot him.

All we are saying is give peace a chance.

Say it, sing it,dream it, like nothing else could work live for this.Want this with all your heart and mind.

Remind myself act of unkindness by me goes to prevent this, so renew yourself. Jion me and renew the call 

So all will realise...all we need to do is give PEACE a chance gotta get some help from man above.



Oct 10, 2023

most underused word at present, WHY?

Hamas launched a surprise assault on Israel on Saturday morning, attacking towns and army bases in the south of the country.

In response, Israel launched airstrikes on Gaza, declaring a "complete siege" of the area.

"If you don't call it out for what it is, you have to ask yourself why is it that you treat what happens in Israel differently from any other country? This would not have been acceptable in the other atrocities that we've seen.

"Why in this conflict is it treated differently?"

While some confusion still is out there in not too deep social media.

I am forced to confront an issue.

Why is the LBQGBTX/ Community so evident in the support of the terrorist that attacked and lead these actions.

Have they any ...have they any even the slightest idea, what would happen to them in a Kalifate held by their Muslim brothers?

What would happen in an enclave governed by the ISIS movement, or the Taliban like say` Afghanistan 'or perhaps, Iran?

Stop the confusion, talk, listen, observe, witness, listen to other voices.

But get your facts stored. Don't just run with a crowd.

I have chosen like in the past to listen actively to `outsiders commentary`, been worthwhile...Tune into Al Jazeera news.

We didn't become better community's.

During infection outbreak that we called COVID C19. We had to isolate, be apart, stopped gathering  We had space, we some for first time we ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"