Jun 30, 2020

What does God sound like......


When mix my theology ..with my reading of the Collection of sacred writings,
mythical stories,poetry,historical and factual accounts


Add in modern society in which l occupy,mix in our need to over analyse,sudden rush of information.drop along into that fake emergance around oldies ,clever writings.


Jun 27, 2020

Back to life (5)

Bought cheap new trainers
Drove to not packed Bridlington bay.
Shopped in supermarket no telling me to 'walk that way'.
Had ice cream on front....people boarded the 'Pirate ship' . .
Drive along country road..
Bought new book...about ART...street art...
Began to think about possibilities of working in community.
Shock friends hand...
Worried about family whose daughter l knew has passed away ......
Got wet in big downpour ....
Watched match of the day......

Jun 26, 2020

the government once had bright idea' related Bedroom tax'...help creatmore poverty... which means housing benefit is cut for people who aredeemed to have a spare room in their homes

Punish people .....tax the poorest
Make them live in slums ..caravan parks...high rise flats...overcrowded places...isolate
... detached garage...mates couch...hostels....rural no transport links...price the food...
Is this what they mean by white privilege???

Jun 24, 2020

Back to normal (4)

So it's been just over 48 hrs now since a Libyan refugee murdered 3 people in an unprovoked attack in Reading.
Edge of south west Slough....pretty nice place ...But  So far there have been no protests, no outcries,
Faded into chip paper of news value very quickly...there been no riots, 
Not one person began looting .
Cannot find in shops ?.."Reading gay men life's Matter".  . . . tee shirts. 
Across the ocean Americans have not gone out demonstrating on behalf of three dead men...
Let's be honest here they probably either don't know or don't care. 
OK that's the way it is!
There are no plans to place any ...'Other lives matter'. . .on the shirts of football players
 We have heard that there are no plans for them to take the knee.
So it seems three law abiding citizens enjoying a day in the park are less important .......
It's just life getting back to what many want...
Shame and feel sad......
All lives matter!  . . . . .all life's matter............,! 

Jun 23, 2020

Back to life 3

Had fun with family
Scaring pigeons wasting time. . .
Mending stuff. . .
Witnessing money going down...
It's life. . . Life as we should know this . .
But something missing...not in a lost love kinda way. .
Deeper then that. . .
Sense of belonging... community.
Some changes suggested it's gone for good..
Like sterile Fottie on telly...

It's changed
Life we are experience . . .not like before.
Some vile narrative not gone away

Maybe just maybe.......life....well at present...unsure

Jun 22, 2020

Back to life (2)

You are unigue
 . . .   Yeah complex,emotions are complex
Created so special...there is no one like you
Bet don't often reflect on you
Perhaps this thing that's passing slowly ....maybe...maybe get time to work understanding you
That complex being living life you are experiancing....
Others maybe don't get you....
That OK
That's fine
That's life......
Your life been special..
Maybe just maybe....this period been a big challange....so give yourself a cheer ....
It's passing...you are getting through this stronger...more unigue ..more special..more you like.
Don't let any idiot wind tell you other ways.

Jun 21, 2020

back to life (1)

Caught this dogshark
today good meet friends
Sit bored while they did
Sport...let down by home town
Footie club lost again..
Some things not that
Important...but required

Jun 20, 2020

Back to my bread and butter.....

Trying to return to how community's must now exist, after plague that we are still passing through ,Capture the  evidence ,further publicising the impact of people's experiance.what been singular involvement.


Must start Recognising that every point of contact is opportunity for information to be transferred allows for the harvesting reasons for future planning


Very important to recognise Changes in demographics profiles.
Where people live?
Income able to generate?
Housing...education ...culture...places
Seance of belonging
Church faith community must move away from the traditional methods of communication.
At last we can start more engaging and appreciated methods.
Explore work of experts like 'spirit of the streets'Knowing the target audience and their characteristics is essential to faith sharing and development.

building protection on coast

Jun 19, 2020

taking the knee......its origin

Taking the knee was enforced upon slaved by their owners
Still sounds awful
100 years after abolition
The slave had take a knee
During most famous event in front of Master
Slave asked
"Am l not your brother"

That hit home
"Am l not a human"

Jun 17, 2020

Finding this lockdown spent lot of time on my knees...placing albumcovers back in their sleeves

Think personally God get fed up of all the sermons plus Bible reading
Expect more interested in music choices further your dance alone moves 
He like that God
Not half as serious as we feel

From January to March 2020, there has been a 96% rise in UC appeals but a 77% drop in ESA appeals, as claims for ESA are replaced by claims for UC.

However, there has also been a 38% drop in the number of PIP appeals being lodged, compared to the same period last year, down from 27,000 last year to 16,700 this year.

Jun 16, 2020

When too much wrong kind of harsh... loud ..shoutout noise. Retreat putthem on pause.....settle yourself get your mind in your place.....Return when U ready

Only then
They don't owe you...nor do they own you...
Switch off TV plenty times....

.presenters taken over got weather girls who feel now experts on your life while forecast wrong weather...
All want you as new recruit to thier money making political protests
Go carrying agents card into battle....battle they organised
Brown cardboard placards carried aloft....next week it's another cause
This present ones losing its value
Find your place.....
Your journey...at your own pace
They don't owe you ....your time...
They don't own you...your life
Protect you
Read enjoy the silence
Noise will still be here should you return...
If follow this rule...adjust to the volume and listen deeper
Listen actively 
Switch off vexatious noise
Gain control.....
Walk by still pastures .....with loving shepherd ...even better

time outa own mind. . .

With all the narrative concerned for own thought process
Decided like you to step back in my mind
Hard to take time outa words all around
Kept away from ugly debate
Harsh and false descript...
Only way allow
My mind on pause
Let hope can be more level minded
Join me in dropping out

Jun 14, 2020

Expected better

The new normal did not last very long.
Old word.
We do not like to use Sin. .
That fire, brimstone world.
But returned.. fighting, Drug chaos
Rape.. killings .rioting all taken place.
Just, last few days
Need some forgiveness here.
Expected better!
Belief held by me.... That we capable of more. .
Lets commit to Sprinkle God loves 
Into scene

Jun 12, 2020

postcard humour required

We need to be less precious
Not be offended,laugh let comedy
enable us to be joyful...
Stalin and Hitler not funny people.
So we mocked them,ridulced views held

buckle up folks....trouble ahead

Scale of what's is ahead very unclear. . .
Books peculiar things
Little in size,
Don't weight a lot,
Look inoffensive.
Can create sunarmie,hurricane of impact.
At Right time
In Right place
Can create disturdance. . .

Jun 9, 2020

Urges all to be respectful

We lost something
Lost chance to reshape our society

Needs to be communicated
Between you and l
Between community's 
Between those opposed to each other 
Keepcomingback to this line
Another said this...
...when you draw a line between you and others 
Then you lookup Jesus is stood looking back at You.....
Luv it
Luv it
Luv it

Jun 8, 2020

When you label on 6 June Churchhill a fascist, You lost When you dirty, cenotaph You lost, When you do not understand all life matter you lost.

Dynamic issues being lost some uneducated platform taking place.
Hurts that on 6th.June protestors attacked plinth of WW2 leader Churchill. 
Also fact destroyed and damaged part of cenotaph. 
Yet few understand who MLK nor Malcolm X
Huge turn out but limited Understanding on second life's they live.
Policed by `political elite` who feel better to avoid truth, promote untrue Statements.

But if promote `all lives matter` …get mischievous comments. Ugly , start abusing police,
Same people applauded. Wednesday evening previous
Protector of freedom ….those freedoms you neglect to accept are not open to violent misuse. 
Time To accept many are not white enemies.....our lives matter 
Our values matter.
Our freedoms are important.
Your place at table is alongside us.
We did not create issues you feel so angry about
I do not have a blind spot to your concerns. 
Just want better for all....because all lives matter. 

Jun 7, 2020

someone thinks white is privilaged....ha ha ha

Where U born affects life expectations
Born UK North..isolated..poor...forgotten town
Educational attainment
not encourage...
Spiritualy alive ..open..healthy

Always felt journey...sojourner...l walk
Frugale...content..desire better.. for others
Do not feel nor am l
That a lie

Jun 6, 2020

sonic of shut in

Are we sinking?
The rain refreshed
Help us make new start.
Perhaps that just a dream!
There is present narrative 'loud',
Finding some youths desire need to protest,
But no desire to listen.
We must seek out quiet voices,
Discover sonic murmured,
Desperate time in a strange place called lock down.....
AKA shut in

Jun 5, 2020

What are we transforming into?

More technological society
Less well paid 
Less skilled
More individual community's 
Less religion more secular
Society maybe Still has hurried .........emotional Illeterate ...TV Focused
Church hasn't offered much hope.some of us voiced this loud.
Building focused ...presented Authorities messages....numbers ..economy ..size driving the debate, 
Perhaps Church  mirrors society?
 Localy Christian community been messy......played it by ear...just 'got by seat of our pants'.
Do you know what .....OK with that .
Yeah OK with Messy.

Jun 3, 2020

assessing situation

Assessments required
Trickle of support must grow
Urgent options developed
Warnings must be heeded
Less complacency
Question distortion 
Spiritual leadership to quiet

Jun 2, 2020

Lot less dialogue and discussion less balance

I was brought up in Church and youth service settings were we shared our views
Sure,100% Sure,
I had odd views.
Views difficult listen too.
Confident some disagreed,
Duel meanings expressed,
Hence developed,
 l grew my comfortable was changed.
Learn't to accept many sides of argument.
Something lacking in society witness,
Tech savvy more is this true on socail media
Lot of bullying occurs across such platforms.
You and me must disagree .......simply so we can grow and develop,
Into people God wants us to be......
Growth as you know ......does not reside in a place called comfortable


Children feel deeply
They carry stress
Understand sometime what older
people can no longer
All times they grasp more then we imagine
Let children play
Ask God send his Angels
 They are not Children for very long....society values childhood little
Soon they enter being youngster .
Where they are targeted by economics, ethics,ideals,greed. . 

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"