May 31, 2020

my first cafe cuppa since C19 struck

It not high price..
But sun demon today,
Already high in the sky..110 in the shade!
Waiting for older lady to pass.
Maybe later swear
.."she was winking"..
Sat with cup of tea....
Only thing can add...
Its passing ..
God bless..

May 30, 2020

Health makes me frustrated

My l make sense of God,Jesus,
his message
Is ongoing conversation
The story of me not complete.....
it still being told

Undercurrent felt....

Speaking on another forum ,to a friend been hiding abroad.Unable to travel home......,best one can do is remain chilled,go about enjoying sun....personally find quickest way can l could ,then get both understand own situations,as long you reasonably well fed,got ready cash,stick it out.
things are opening here today ,more next week Local beach packed,Chippies food shops..Monday expected more stuff open.
Spiritually real undercurrent violence ,it's overspilled .
expect when new paper journalist seek other venues ,not C19 ,more will be known.
l personally detect sinister happenings hidden out of view...

May 29, 2020

paddle....if you can....paddle

Breathe...walk...paddle. Urself. . 

Suggest we stop telling people how to behave begin start listening.

time we stop telling people how to behave and start listening.
In the church
Wider society
Health housing surgeries 
Imagine place where we took time we stop telling people how to behave and started listening.
Well imagine it sure as hell notgoing to happen 

As we ease the lockdown, l myself along with few voices critical 
of the government’s decision to go into lockdown,frustration has grown,
We are still a small minority. Some of the public discussion within the flawed paradigm of when and how we should have locked down, 
I Ask should we have locked down at all.....?
 Recall was in Malta whole locked-down and expelled 
many within 48 hours some,to this day not got home.
This is despite the mounting evidence that calls into question 
effectiveness of lockdowns. 
The questions also need to be asked ,
Did we we take the wrong course, how will we know? 
Will the government admit it or justify it?
Will the media? Who appear to be repeating each other in naive ways,
Why was the lockdown considered the only path?
Who go hurt by these actions?
What other crimes flourished?
Economically who has benefitted?
What ...when ...will true cost be known?

May 28, 2020

heart ache

My heart grieves- plus aches
Health ways took tablets ...spray
Slept awoke pain,not been good health ways with heart.

My heart - little boy blue-about Rhyis from everton. ..Killed by a older youth...trying to be a gangster.Evil wicked hate filled act...hopelessness envoloped me..l grieved for that situation...loving family..sadness...wasted lifes of wanna be gangsters,desperate families ...wicked way they behaved.
Still my heart grieved this day.

May 27, 2020

sounds of long now

Not so quiet
But still odd
Some appear enjoy limited interaction
To little communication
Life stalled
Lawnmower noise
Replaced traffic
Birdsong replaced chat among humans
Muffled grief of abused. . .
Domestic violence crys
Ignored as lockdown carried on...
Sounds of sudurd in 2020

May 26, 2020

Breathe we are getting close to period reconnecting

Breathe.....we are getting past difficult period
Breathe....connect again .
We will no longer feel alone

Tomorrow coming

Oh despair. You’ve crept around us for months. While there was selflessness 
There been death
Deep pain
Many died nearly forty thousand.They like you and l, the very many made sacrifices.
Today l feel better is it passing?.
Then the shabby underbelly of corruption also showed its face.
The reality of how dark it is, has been & will be surfaced. 
But yes lets hope plus pray. 

And you plus l must get into the new tomorrow 

O Great Love, thank you for living & loving in us & through us. May all that we do flow from our deep connection with you & all beings. 
Help us become a community that vulnerably shares each other’s burdens & the weight of glory. 

- Fr. Richard Rohr

May 24, 2020

lockdown on the coast with excluded

In our societies, many of us look for ways to compare, contrast, compete and sometimes condescend others. We do this for many reasons. A lot of it is based on manufactured offense. Very first step is to find ways in which we can identify with or disidentify from others. It’s a way to separate ourselves from those who disagree with us, oppose us, or challenge us.  bluntly, it’s so we can draw a line in the sand to show a difference between us versus them.
When we draw this line often if we Look up find our 
Saviour stood opposite looking towards us

Coronavirus bringing out lot of dislike to others

Keep away
No bikers
Even roads signs discourage others arriving 

Stay in line
Non viral

May 23, 2020

Here in the --heart of new Saturday nite--!

As so often news channels don't really bring news.
They bring biased views of the broadcaster.
Do not listen
Hope going to get educated debate . . .One that allow a new view to be formed
Purpose of news appears to me ....
Promote argument
Instead get lack of social experience.
Perhaps do not understand some act on wrong statements.
I watch BBC seldom...equally unimpressed by ITV
Wonder over to other minor channels RTV plus even ALJZZER UK works little.....
Got older become more reflective 
Is that age?.

May 22, 2020

Poor health days do occur

Poor health day includes the following
Unable to stay awake
Expanded dropping off lethargy .......snacking 
Frustrated is the biggest issue 
Dropped out of society
Powerless at personal extreme.....
Not contributing
Worth less....yes not contribute to most things
Education suffered.
Community cohesion stalled
Yes again
This week played squash.....Wii games everyday...walked most days
Got up regular time
Eaten healthy
Never sure when healthy day arrives
Plans cannot happen
Honestly know others are worse off.
Honestly wanted other to know what Ishemic day amounts too
Often get few days like this a week
I am lucky....l am blessed....recognise this......its just life.

May 21, 2020

Wisdom about pondering anew...ole hymn

We are starting to focus on learning
Some say 'going back to way things where'.
If that became the learning we have done injustice to dead plus further those who fought 

Historical not good at new discovery
Sceince can teach.
Society can learn.. grow.. plus develop

my own fear is loudness! along with disharmony,become narratives of the many
people who are loud ,
promote themselves in news station's.
Really wish could listen actively!
Look around for those
 left out of the debate's
Settle less for quick solution's,
Ponder ole hymn suggests

May 19, 2020

Keep on keeping

4 million children in England live in poverty. 2m in homes where there is parental abuse, substance misuse or mental health issues. 

COVID-19 picks on the poor & vulnerable. Privilege cushions much of the pain; it creates the space & resources to be able to cope & learn better.

ACCORDING my ole mucker Rev Steve Chalke  . . .

That slightly disengenrous...C19 attacks many,truth those already vulnerable but aged most unable to cope unsure privileged ,perhaps most privileged.
Witnessed good support for many 
Churches stood firm with enabling some support
Faith community from Islam ...Hindu...enabled
Welfare groups acted
Lots of individual effort
Goverment in a difficult way stepped up
Sure much more....also harked on about vulnerable through acts,words,prayers many time in past
But here yeah got to say
Lot been done
Keep it up folks

May 18, 2020

Closed V open

Really sad way much divide creeping into our society.
Although should mean back into society
People going out having been imprisoned
Very little open....Odd Chippies
food stalls..
Toilets closed.
Parks closed.
Cafes etc closed.
Vile words are spoken to bikers going out for ride.
Radio 'talk shops', get councillors mouthing off about,' unwelcome visitors'.
Stay away ...has become a chant,
Heard that enough.
Add it too 
Stay at home,
Stay in line,
There are some enjoying telling others what to not nice.
We need more "open" society
We closed down mentally when should be more embracing,towards one another.

May 14, 2020

Character growth

Relationships were most relevant as my faith in Jesus became a commitment 
Church was stable place to grow,develop,learn ,be mentored.

But music enable me to grow spiritually! 
Movies spoke with depth into narrative of my spiritual journeys.
Bible was important searched there further...but statement in a song,the lyrics
Moment in a score...narrative...issue in TV Drama ...spoke also
Grew as my souls was disturbed 
Grew as my soul was moved
Grew as my soul experienced the cultures,language,persons,eventually visit place or issues.

Artist spoke --concerns voiced --issues addressed!
Here l grew
Still l grow. 

May 13, 2020

Then l dug deeper...

Music some say changed their life's
Not gonna make such a bold statement 
But music affected quality of my life
Movies had affect on my life
Changed narrative ,....emotions,,,,,pain...views
Helped me develop  . .gave me insights
Created sense of justice...big issues
Creative ....views....stories...images....cultures
All informed my social view. . .spiritual level ....insights .....politics
Films,TV movies....CDs...Vinyl....all created in me differant views...allowed internal growth
Expressed pain...laughed.....cried also
Dug deeper because it f

May 12, 2020

began to process storms passing

The storm is passing its more quiet
Life not so silent
Promenda is more fuller
Clouds dispersing more fluffy and white
Less bird song more traffic
Its passing

Process has began
Society wants us back performing
That how we measure our values

May 10, 2020

Stop glorify the past...futures dead ahead

Sorry ......please heard enough about that war
Plus that generation which,compere them to
Rest of us drop outs and losers.
We are peace makers
Appreciated all the efforts....but.. enough

                                           We glorify the past when futures  . . .dead ahead
Today suggested.... enough
Poverty is more ripe now then 75 years ago
Sorry not a plastince man
You got to stop being embittered with those of us who do not glorify WW2 

Breathe...simply are special,this is passing..

May 9, 2020

I do not have the answers...but wrestle it out here

Fedup being told stand in line,
Being told to get on my bike 
Told walk more
To stay indoors
Did not like the VE celebrations
More comfortable with peace in Europe
Accept it is questionable we won the peace
I know what sound not like hero worship of people who had togo to war
There was so much achieved and commemoration is well in order
But celebrate
Not allow others to question 
Bullying those who oppose the celebrations 
There is a nasty spirit working in such objectives...almost a hunger celebrate that we beat badly lot of innocent people...while no attempt to ask what did we learn from War...
Do we still seek war ,acts of aggression , to deal with those opposed to us.
Theology around ...just war....
Got to wrestle with this yeah may not covered it all..but that's blog
Your supposed to NOT have all the answers.

May 7, 2020

father of all

Father of day
creator of dew pastures
Sand...toes...warm fizzy drinks
Trips away plus conversations

Father of night

Creator of odd Stuff 
Way things arrive and disappear

May 6, 2020

Churches steps away from C19

Well Church reaction to C19

Closing down
Not speaking up
I say again.....
Change.. but suggesting that for long while
Reflect . .which something should been leading on in many areas
Protect...suttle stuff coffee mornings,
Belonging, sense of community
Spiritual guidance. .peoples well being work...development..colobrations.
..creating mutal understandings.....inclusion...yes gonna add this
Religiious practices
Places to breath.....

May 5, 2020

These times

In time like these we have to love more 
times like these we need to give more...
Times like these connect more....
Times like these

May 4, 2020

now sun mocks us....

The sun is shining and we are ordered to stay
however Church folk are main concern,.
discipline of staff.
Not trusting others,
Petty stuff,
While big huge issues.
Dominate events
My brother bringing up nephew in wonderful way.
Hope you are involved in family.
Life is hard,
Life is worth all efforts.

May 3, 2020

hardship,tears,discomfort.........just life

Another young person worked with as died.
That makes 24.
Can hear her laughter,
See singing on karokoe,
Witnessed her strengths.
Recognised principled as defended lad being bullied.
Deep sadness
Concern for rest of loving family now battling disstress
New day begins

May 2, 2020

Coastal view chilly north east

Missed funeral of family member
feel sad along with deep heartache
Was that news arrived after wrote...

We are here in long now.... at present

May 1, 2020

We have got to get outa this head place....get to be real again

As with Brexit.....there lot of other stuff going on in our communities
issues like......
Price of basic foods.
Youth wellbeing ongoing issue.
Under employment.
Also little stuff like cracked IT Systems .....mine one example.
People had rent increases...council tax risen..incomes remained low.
Grandparents are missing children.
Lack of social mobility.  
access to limited services.
Friends wheelchair is broken.
Low wages. 
Low esteem.
Low spending power.
Low place of Hull city in relegation battle.
iTunes and vinyl records......cinema release....price of popcorn.
Big questions,
Bad theology,
Holiday plans. . 
Social disturbances, 
Still all there....... just relegated to another place!

Perhaps it's just age.

Getting older not for sissy's  Forget things, names, People. Drop stuff Yougart, milk, cups. Struggling to adjust to limited or fixed in...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"