Mar 31, 2020

right. . . . you wont ....just me dreaming

You would contact me...
You will make that call
Know they are waiting right....
Correct on this one.....right
You would right
Maybe ....just weren't forever..but will

Enough with Bible study. . . play your music...God luvs that

Kinda not interested
In any who say "we are studying God
Word while self isolating"
do that anyway for sure,gonna 
Make them even more boring
But keep returning to records
Loud ,dance, Love more,
 eat less
switch off the TV

Mar 30, 2020

Make that these times you should

Worrying what will be responce ...well that not an excuse
Maybe feel strange.....well truth in that
But it been a while....Ok got me there as well
Make that should
But you should .....still you should make that one call
I expect everything will be forgotten ..just the sound of his voice
Laughter will return ...memories that haunt you ...still
Make that call
You should
You will
Go on then.

Mar 29, 2020

pandemics..plagues..since faith journey those following Jesus

There always been struggles...pandemics..plagues..since faith journey those following Jesus started
The responce of pagans worshippers was lockdown, run to the hills.
Isolate. . 
Look after no 1.
The responce of the faith community,calling them selves followers of' the way ' was
Use practical help,and science to sort out issue.
Be kind. Charityable.
When we moved without guidance of the spirit, we always act like the world.
Fail to show why we are 'Kingdom people'. . . 
That what we have become.......worldly people ...not people of the way.
The Jesus way

The other argument Go basically like this

1) Millions of people won’t die and there is value to human life since, if we devalued life (further level of consequentialism), society would be unworkable, including for ourselves. Mass deaths and illnesses would actually have a far greater negative effect on the economy, and thus quality and standard of life for all society.
2) Keeping the economy functioning to a) have a strong economy that remains competitive; b) raise tax income; c) not have huge expenditure in rescue plans and welfare payments etc.; and so on.
You could argue that there is a sanctity in human life that requires one to take option 1) (even though this could be seen as consequentialist) but it’s odd that, though this has more of a theistic feel to it, is not the options most (conservative) theists appear to be taking.

Mar 26, 2020

How did we get to this point
Why Church so silent...why are we no longer
Relevant nor vital
When did average person stop being concerned about our temperance
Was it long
time coming
This long now we are in.
Plus bloody bored.
No really l am

Mar 25, 2020

Shine brightly

Christian community must respond better
God feels silent
Lacking comfort
Locked down
When should be shining brightly
Light required
Selfishness may be evident as crisis developed
But let this not blind one to many acts kindness
Key services also letting vulnerable without support
again poor forgotten
disabled more isolated feeling more ignored
nothing new here. . .voices speak for them silent ...fear has won

Mar 22, 2020

All lost something at present

When we behave in a way that isolates lose our human senses cut off from
Each other. Not communicating not engaging all broken
Perhaps present time will be known for our detachment
We will get through this. . .but we must develop
All losing. . .

Mar 21, 2020

communicate more you should. . .

Turned to another
Place diffarent issues
In middle everything
Still miss you
These times
Well you should get in touch
Should make that contact
You would
Think you will?

feeling bit mixed



Mar 19, 2020

V C19.

So my responce is to carry on process calmly my response.
Walk even further
Be grateful
Smile at strangers
C19 no one person is responsible
Remain Human
Remain in the light
Recall .. 'this will pass'..

Mar 18, 2020

Uncertainty it arrived

How will this Virus change us
We spoke today. . .
Glen said 'he will be more prepared'
Tamrl said 'we won't let locals do us out of work'.
I am going to examine 'how to trust others who are strangers better' . . .
Need to be Home
In that place
My place
Walked,swam,been with friends,
here in this place it is uncertain
This here in this place well its not where l need to be. . .
Home. . the unclear future l know about this well without warning it arrived.

Mar 16, 2020

C19 Churches closed when function is to be open

so many places closed
Hence feeling not belonging grows

Lack of faith that one community help with being connected closed its doors
Almost instantly in this crisis
Almost the first to isolate buildings from function built to achieve

Mar 15, 2020

Period of transforming


Duck island place of interest
Direct reduke to hunters
Who target protected wildlife

Jersulam artichokes growing wild

And the afternoon goes on forever like some drunken bum.

And the afternoon goes on forever like some drunken bum
‘Til the sun finally drowns ‘neath the bridge and night has begun
Down by the bay, the ships horns are blasting the fog
And we stumble and mutter, run through the gutter like dogs
We’ve one card to play, we’re dying to play it each night

Mar 14, 2020

From a sunny if concerned place

we find purpose of Faith
Spiritual nature is to inform
Society, further to temper community
Also to counsel, plus guide.
If society will allow such a vehicle

Mar 13, 2020

No mass today...says the sign upon the door

 Interested see people's reaction to the C19 virus. Strange plus weird.
Wet fish shop,have to stand 1 metre from stall full of fish covered in ice.
Staff all got face masks on.
This is place where saint Paul shipwrecked in Bible,Book of Acts, they say brought many to him ,to be cured of disease.
Here is irony Church,is closed due to virus.
No mass today. It was not always so.

Mar 12, 2020

Still wishing. . .

Day on this coast and the best views
For anyone who spends time 'wishing on stars'
 looking for better tomorrow
Hoping and praying
Further dreaming

Enjoyment is what l need
Walk ,breathe,trying to ignore madness
Surrounding this world wide virus

Mar 11, 2020

State of me

The days has been warm along sunny
Pretty sure this effects our emotional stability.
Living in cold wet chilly place despite my faith sure it gets to my demea
Relationship's affected by poverty we encounter. Even though presently getting some exclusion, from power that l cannot speak truth too.I am coping with the issue.
you see l believe in me
I have hope. . .

Mar 9, 2020

There are coded messages our minds send to rest of our body.
Same type of coded messages are sent via internet, to our social media platforms.
We are widely out of touch with our feelings.
But relationships can improve, if we work hard at decoding such data we can understand ourselves better.

Views of simple day early March

 Long time ago someone built this home. It has stood.
Type of Solidarity.
If  walls could talk what tales they would tell

This is beauty of the bay area of the island of Malta.

Enjoying breathing and walking
Even swimming
But best sleeping through the nights.

Mar 8, 2020


Then as we walked stopped mentioned he was retraining to be mechanic told him 'great idea'.
God bless,. . . 'thanks God bless you as well'.
Spike Milligan said smiles are contiguous. So is engagement

Mar 7, 2020

Kingdom values....l a introduction

Seriously. Just look at what Jesus taught: Love for enemies, nonviolence, care for the outcast, compassion for the immigrant, mercy for the sick, radical inclusion into God’s Kingdom and the Church family, the message and ministry of reconciliation, the dissolution of tribalism and nationalism and racism, the declaration of value and worth for every human being made in the image of God, and the assurance that God’s love, mercy and forgiveness is for you, and me, and everyone…

Faith not a private isolated event

My faith is not private affair
It linked to culture live in
Where that is placed
Here l get formed. Created.
I develop . . my identity is emerging
Every day both my faith
Belief in Jesus
Who l am cultural play with each other

Cannot reduce who we are to isolated parts,we change grow develop,not bad thing, it's along with nature, that's good.
Find many do not expect same of their
faith,or their relationship with Jesus
Nor understanding of Bible.

Places we visit. people we call mates
All change.
so it is with our faith it is a journey

Mar 6, 2020

Present upheaval

are we in a time of upheaval
Can we see truth what is taking place
Or are we stumbling guide more by cultural norms
Or do we seek God view do we discern events

Feeling safe

Feeling safe

This presently is me .....l am away reflecting also writing
Talking yesterday guy who feels unsafe back home
Honestly get that
In rural coastal where l live do feel safer
Here in this place always felt my safest
Belief system
Own sense of belonging across age gap
Wonder why people feel safer here
Where as back home many fears born --'out of fatigue also loneliness'

Mar 5, 2020

Millie Jackson singing Loving arms on the radio . . . .And l can almost feel your loving arms again..

Half world away from my home....modern internet bit scrabbled but families arrives in a song from own back home this place
At this time
In these moments l can reflect wee bit more...
So hunger for home although only been few days
Music takes us back
It reminds us of that time
Emotions come to play...heart remembers
Mind recalls....all those families friends and places visit.

All those familie friends and those places are revisited.....track of music can do that.....
 . . . ."If you could see me now,one who said rather who said rather be alone...
If you could only see me now"..  . .

Mar 3, 2020

Today honestly reflect only me to others
Hoping my vulnerable side will not be exploited
I will be courageous stand up well try walk in truth and righteousness 

Mar 2, 2020

1 in 5

More people want to solve poverty, understand it and take action. More people find a route out of poverty through work. More people find a route out of poverty through a better system of social security

to sojourner

who do l want to take on this journey?
what do we want to get out of the next month ?
how shall we get there !
what may we achieve !
can do that better with another ?

In what ways can l measure success ?

My faith is being tested, Kev. speaking
..... I maintain this situation is not irreversible.
today well it been a challenge.....

Mar 1, 2020


Sky Sports pundit Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink believes tigers players must stop feeling sorry for themselves.
City slumped to a third defeat inside seven days as Leeds side ran riot with a 4-0 win over their Yorkshire rivals.

Home is a wounded heart.

 When l was younger around 18 years old although was resident DJ several nights a week lot of weekends. Playing latest sounds. Dance tracks ...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"