Jan 31, 2019

today play some Vinyl...

what we should all do today is play vinyl..get the records out and enjoy being in that place that zone where the music plays

on a cold snowy winters day...in 2019

Today is one of those special days with the transfer deadline day coming to its end.
We used to get so excited with the comings and goings.
the expectations...then no one turns up and the team fizzles out as the season draws to an end
`hey ho`.. as l often say ..`that the way of the world.`
........`cum on U hell`.....

This world can be incredible beautiful in the snow,
even those Authority can witness difficulty others experiencing...

    God of Love displays his power

Jan 29, 2019

It not a separate piece of the message.

The bible has much to say about principles ,practice around low paid.
Yet seldom have heard it preached.
The social gospel ,Church isolate these 
condition of the practical important to the spiritual.

It not a separate piece of the message.

not separate piece of the gospel




A picture is emerging of wage structure and link to satisfaction by commerce in UK .Most firms being ‘price takers’ when it comes to labour – they set wages at a level necessary to recruit and retain staff but no higher, and they don’t set wages either to encourage or to reward higher productivity.
The bible has so much to say about principles and practice around low paid.

Yet seldom have l heard it preached.

We call it the social gospel and isolate these 


Why are we afraid to see the holistic gospel?

The condition of the practical is important to the spiritual.

It not a separate piece of the message.

Jan 28, 2019

l often re-read books as well

“Books, books, books. It was not that I read so much. I read and re-read the same ones. But all of them were necessary to me. Their presence, their smell, the letters of their titles,

and the texture of their leather bindings.” —Colette (French writer), born in 1873

Deprived northern regions worst hit

Life in a northern town.

All the work shut down.
The evening had turned to rain
Watch the water roll down the drain,
As we followed him down
To the station
And though he never would wave goodbye,
You could see it written in his eyes
As the train pulled out of sight

Deprived northern regions worst hit, Poorest areas bearing brunt  austerity.

Austerity word followed the cut backs from 2010, rich gave this gift to the poorest in our communities,little reminder of the gap they created.

It bad so we giving you this austerity.

Just reminder of where we have placed you.Place we have allowed you to prosper and grow  . . . NOT 

Jan 27, 2019

be at this attitude

We cannot claim the beatthisattitude
If we are not community bound
to practice
We have the power and the directive to
wrestle the world from fools
Kingdom principles are not a bonus they are guides

Jan 25, 2019


Serpicoserpico @spiritodelarue 3 minutes ago

If we find the beatitudes easy to promote to others,
Does it not follow that we should understand that they

can only be followed if the community of believers are

committed to them.

Jan 24, 2019


‘You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.

But surely that only applies if everyone is living by Kingdom principles
Hard when his agencies on earth is not even following such ideals

Need a really good walk with any other to get a new focus

Feel like I am drifting slightly,

So what the problem we all do at times I suppose.

Missing wide expanse of the sea against the sky.

Enough with food banks Enough with grip of poverty Enough of the smokescreen that is BREXIT
Time for justice that may be direct action against agents of oppression

Jan 22, 2019

hull hell and chalke off

Would a God of love really punish people with eternal hell based on decisions taken in their few short years of life on earth? If God's grace is real, amazing, undeserved, uncontainable grace - there has to be a different story.

Interesting and agreeable podcast about tough issue along with the damage done by ignoring very relevents points.

Was attending a Church in Holderness ,which has strong emphasis on `last days Theology`,first temple kinda doctrine,also Zionist...that been difficult as they are very cultist, so had to not attend.
But to this point they had strong belief in eternal damnation, often saying if life is HELL now,,,when you meet Jesus he sends you to HELL it gonna be worse...
that hurt me...as it means God of Love is vindictive,hateful, and not to be trusted with yours or mine attention.

Jan 21, 2019

one in five . . .

one in five people in UK
 living in poverty
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” Isaiah 5:20

Now we call 2

God hears your prayers. Have faith & He will answer. The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32. When the son returned home v20

but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.

meanwhile on twitter


Passion, Character, Hard work, Desire to defend, Creativity to score goals, Camaraderie and Togetherness from the players, appreciative of the travelling support and enjoying putting smiles on faces as we reach 40 points and go 8th in the league

Now we call ..

As the sun rises over us
we have sung..." Kum Ba Ya my Lord"..
a fair while
so our patience was tested
we performed and followed the faith process

Now we call ..`Lord Jesus Christ son of God 
hear our prayers`..

Jan 18, 2019

la vie non bella

Gee its cold but staying warm and no longer  in caravan that been tough, in the toughest period of my life .
Very recently had hard before.

Last year some reason,2018 was so hard.

Life is hard and cold at present.

Feel like God is about to answer my prayers.

fejn thobb il-qalb jimxu r-riglejn”.

 Reality can have “serious consequences that bring a lot of pain"
, as stated by singer Mike Spiteri.....
 fejn thobb il-qalb jimxu r-riglejn”....

“Heaven is a place on earth”.  write and draw how the community where you live is already like heaven, and how it isn’t.
two minutes of my life wasted.....

feels like heaven.....so when in-my life have ever felt like  was in heaven .....it was with a person and it felt so correct..

God is with those who are attacked for doing good, because heaven belongs to them......
But does it.NOT.... nor doe`s it help such weak comments..

I’m very pleased for Kevin – he’s been brilliant of late.
I know first hand how tough it has been him at times.

Jan 17, 2019

But time has had her chance to do her healing
And I must take these pieces as they lie.
Offer them to you in my sadness
I guess ...broken wings
 don’t always heal to fly...
I need you, more than I ever did before.
How I need to hear your voice.


We need to loosen the grip of poverty on the nation's health - JRF analysis manager

They are talking about poverty loosing its grip on people...poverty should have no hold on people BREXIT allowed many not to face real issues in UK.

benefit squeeze
lack of food
poor wages
whole housing situation
fuel debt
children under nourished
Faith of the people
Sick and those in ill health let down
No contract positions

Jan 16, 2019

something better must emerge.

Around 500 years ago the narrative, story even the image,
painting of the church being presented to the world was not a true one.
it needed to be altered something had got in the way
it was distorting the view
so we reimagined what that may now look like
emerging was a different image
true to the words and coulers and view
but Got so distorted
something had got in the way
we need that hugely in 2019.
emergence in our politics
our economic well being
way we look after poor
those not so fortunate
its got so distorted
we need to reimagining

something better must emerge.

Jan 15, 2019

5277 tweets ....Well I wonder who would lead us if none of us would vote...

The politicians all make speeches while the news men all take note, And they exaggerate the issues as they shove them down our throats; Is it really up to them whether this country sinks or floats?

Well I wonder who would lead us if none of us would vote...

LARRY NORMAN ... ..`The great American novel`

Grazie, K W, most kind of you. 
Greetings from Utrecht,
Jochen Markhorst

Jan 14, 2019

top brummmmmmmm

a dog gets to
lie down in the hot sun`
 Donnie Brasco

Driving Theory Test Quiz

Take our quiz to see if you know the 

rules of the road
You scored 14 of 20

You got top scores!

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"