Oct 31, 2018

Not taking over

'So when Jesus directs us to pray, “Thy kingdom come,” he does not mean we should pray for it to come into existence. Rather, we pray for it to take over at all points in the personal, social, and political order where it is now excluded…’ Dallas Willard

Don't feel lot of Christian entertain the 'kingdom principles', or read into the 'ways of kingdom'.
Struggling with Zionist, and hate filled street pastors.
At present Church fellowship is becoming polarised,
the `culture of this environment` is blighted 
by rural ignorance, lack of education, 
plus refusal to study hard the word of God.
It the making sense of it all,that so important
I spend time in places plus with others who are not of my view.
It how l grow.
It how l learn..
It makes me reflect deeper
Grown....yes l grown at way it becoming less a image of a God of Love....more a bad theology that damages people ...plus distorts the image of God

Oct 30, 2018

It was different ...that all

"We glorify the past
 when the future dead ahead"

Looking at period when life appeared simple But it was not...just different really that all it was...kidz just as bad or better behaved  Money went about same   Malta lay undiscovered Music was just as loud
Manners practiced around the same
Fearful behaviour meant we were just as cautious
God was still in his heaven
Hull city struggling....goals were rare...stadium mostly empty
Faith journey was perhaps not that polarized
Little Auks flew on the Harbour 
Waves crashed onto the beach making 
that wonderful orchestrated noise
Wind chill made our cheeks feel raw ...
deep breathe filled our lungs
That feeling of thankfulness stays
in this present....Awareness of something
 bigger that God sense 
fills my life like in that different period......
take heart it may appear furlong but just different
...that is Good

Oct 29, 2018

what`s draining the life out of you

Jesus follower ,seeks new experience ,

better community platform....

what is life giving ,
what ideas ,resources,openings,
is coming toward you.

what`s draining the life out of you

tough questions,...perhaps my answer would include..well the environment and its remote setting

Church fellowship experience at present.
Lack of community.
Need to find others with desire to challenge injustice,
Too old to be this cold with long winter ahead.

what`s draining the life out of you

Hull city win and move
of the bottom of the division
again its Frazier Campbell goal

But team need some 
fresh legs, and talented 

quality players.

Oct 28, 2018

New direction required

Winter defiantly arrived, like so often recently facing another winter ,tough bills.
Uncomfortable conditions,    cold bitter wind,   harsh coastal weather is wearing    my resources down not good for my health.
Praying for chance to retire to Malta for few months,
return next spring.
That my prayer..
Know pretty personal but heart failure not best,
in harsh coastal winter.
There is a `bunking down` that I witness here, 
Get drawn into retreating . . . that not me
I want to be alive, discovering more
Searching new ground, different conditions,
Really need new experience.
But `culture of this environment`,. not enabling myself correct opportunities 
Maybe it also my time of life
Want so much to be an example of fresh expression, vital real spiritual,
Jesus follower ,seeks new experience ,better community platform....now that could be created hash tag 

Oct 26, 2018

Just to your left matey......no not that left your left...bit morebehind you then that...face right ..should be coming your way soon ifyou turn round

Snow goose and 
2 Ruddy shelducks 
on main reserve
 together with 1000 Greylag......Where that mate where that....

"Just to your left matey......no not that left your left...

...bit more behind you then that...face right
 ..should be coming your way soon if you turn round"

Lack of economic well being

As a society, we believe work should provide a route out of poverty. It should improve circumstances...then the wider community....the whole economic reality focus on this value...we call it well being
We have record employment rates in the UK, that's is what we are told..but children still growing up in poverty despite their parents working.
The efforts,resources to become better are not enabling people
to grow,develop,or move away from Poverty
Those experiences will be with poor, the vulnerable, and be impacting them for life.

Oct 25, 2018

One of my very own best views in the world..........Gozo l luv it

The presence of the Cittadella amongst Gozo's skyline is grand and dominating to say the least, juxtaposing beautifully with Victoria - which looks small and humble in comparison. High up on its promontory, overlooking the Gozitan capital, the dramatic structure of the Citadella stands out amongst the otherwise mostly rural landscape.

Casper and different period

The CASPER approach is a handy tool to help you remember key steps and ideas when approaching and dealing with behaviour management. It can be used before taking any action:

  • Calm: Appear calm, even if you don’t feel it. Take a breath and stop to think
  • Assertive: Maintain your authority and remember you’re in charge. Maintain eye contact
  • Status preservation: Reprimand pupils in private to remove them from their peer group
  • Empathy: Try to understand how the pupil is feeling. Avoid asking challenging questions
  • Respect: Always show children respect, even if they are being disrespectful. Reinforce your expectations by modelling appropriate behaviour

Schooled into the faith of a `God of Love`.

Some Christian Zionists believe that the gathering of the Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus. The idea has been common in Protestant circles since the Reformation that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, along with the parallel idea that the Jews ought to be encouraged to become Christians as a means of fulfilling Biblical prophecy

 this awkward  "theological stance of Christian Zionism affects:
  • justice and peace in the Middle East, delaying the day when Israelis and Palestinians can live within secure borders
  • relationships with Middle Eastern Christians 
  • relationships with Jews, since Jews are seen as mere pawns in an eschatological scheme
  • relationships with Muslims, since it treats the rights of Muslims as subordinate to the rights of Jews
  • interfaith dialogue, since it views the world in starkly dichotomous terms

Me... am just a sojourner, a faith person. 
Whose primary task is too listen.
I am `no expert` . .
but this l know
`was schooled into the faith of a God of Love`

hatred towards others is wrong

the displeasure of disobedience to God fills into whole areas of life in society...and affects a country's Narrative..

Bible has clear teachings . .
stuff to wrestle with . . among issues we face daily and beyond.
Many reasons for others having no concern for the minusre  of life,
Simply because they are not humble,to consider such issues relevant.

Oct 23, 2018

some of Kev Wallers rules for life

Plan ,reflect, think ,share, talk with others, always try work diligently. 

If possible maintain the romance in your very special BHP relationship.

 Make at least one thing better every single place you go,
 Everywhere you go. Every person you encounter.

Make one room in your house as beautiful as possible, if possible keep vinyl and enjoy your playlists 

DJ where you can

Drink jack Daniels smoothly sip slowly not to often.

 Maintain my connections with people, even those who don’t approve of myself

When read the Bible, think when it was written, where, to who where they speaking, What is it saying to you NOW

Empower others, in ministry it first,along with participatory approaches

Second rule of ministry delegate, delegate, delegate

Love God, Love one another ,Follow Jesus.

Oct 22, 2018

its so cold at present with sun rising later . . . still some magic in the coulers of the world

heteronormativity in case you wondering

Heteronormativity is the belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (male and female) with natural roles in life. It assumes that heterosexuality is the norm or default sexual orientation,[1] and that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between people of opposite sex. "heteronormative" view therefore
involves alignment of biological sexsexualitygender identity and gender roles. Heteronormativity often linked to heterosexism and homophobia

Now this is worth reminding myself and you as we explore this newish word and the undertones it spreads into culture. Know this Joseph and Mary were unmarried when Mary was pregnant (Luke 2:5). Jesus is called the son of God, who is imagined as a Father with no bride. single parent...don`t imagine that the case.
my Lord and saviour Jesus scandalises many, especially in Luke’s gospel, by travelling openly with unmarried women. 
He is instructed by widows (Luke 21:1-4), mothers who may or may not be married (Mark 7:24-30), and young women (Mark 14:3-9). 
We are led to accept that his whole ministry was underfunded by wealthy ladies.
Let me tell you that causes debate and hostility.
Often Jesus’s opponents try to trip him up with complicated legal questions involving encounter, The Lord shockingly cavalier in forgiving an adulterous liaison (John 8:3-11, though he offers much harder judgements in the Synoptic gospels, especially at Mark 10:2-12). 
Paul has his own distinctive ,lets be truthful complicated view of gender relations ,of sexual desire, plus marriage (most notably at I Corinthians 7:1-16).

But can l argue, should we not try do what's best for us, with the love we need, without hurting others
Is that allowed?

Oct 21, 2018

There is a reason why there is a time to.....talk?

The BBC plans to further promote LGBT culture on-screen and within the organisation, in order to avoid a “heteronormative culture”.
People’s LGBT identities will be shown more often, regardless of its relevance to a story line or news item.
The corporation is also encouraging all staff to use non-binary pronouns when speaking to or about someone who identifies as neither male nor female.

Taking offence

The new policy emerged from a review of career progression and culture for LGBT employees at the BBC, which included “unconscious bias training” so that staff do not accidentally offend colleagues. Of the ten recommendations, all were accepted by the broadcaster. 
LGBT staff will be encouraged to “bring their whole self to work”, while some heterosexual colleagues who “actively promote” LGBT issues will be designated “straight allies”.
Kinda getting hard to use Normal in a Normal way these days.
We live in very different times to those people my age grew up in,
these times it almost everyday we try to reinvent the wheel
But time turns even slowly,season arrive....tide does not await you!
Not sure how BBC can promote such issues as priority when they are 'immoral' with Jeremy vines wages,
but this is the propaganda being forced onto agendas.
Little debate but feel that is the case people giving in,without margins of debate,discussion,and chatting.
Currant place of Worship stifles debate around theology.
So bad theology damages people,loudness wins.
Abrupt statements get accepted Israel issue in our church is clear.

"We need to be praying for Israel, the bible tells us too".
Several people speak out . . . .it gets voted on,and a passage that wrongly interpreted is accepted as correct!
What's wrong with debate ?
Why are we frightened to Question the Bible?
Big issue not getting proper talk time because shout aloud's are winning  . . . .the quiet reflective debate NOT taking place 

Oct 19, 2018

it would be stay warm its freckin cold on the coast

If l could offer you 
one piece of advice
 for this day..

it would be stay warm its freckin cold on the coast

one letter from Hell pt2233

meanwhile in Hull one letter from Hell....
Officers conducted six raids on Friday morning as officers targeted those selling class A and class B drugs, particularly to juveniles.
Police entered a number of properties using a Misuse of Drugs warrant. The raids saw about 20 officers involved as well as two police dogs and, in total, four people were arrested.

Is drug taking a spiritual exercise for those who cannot cope?
Police smash down door of house where woman let 20-strong gang of kids 'take drink and drugs'
Another man has been arrested for going AWOL from the army

we should be praying for the whole situation,

So it was asked could we use our Bible study time to prayer for Israel as we are commanded in scripture.
The expectation was that it would be simply, fine lets go ahead, my friend suggested it would be difficult due to the Palestine situation.

My concerns were also that we should be praying for the whole situation ,but expressed my view that we are in a new covenant, the Assembly (Those God favours, and the followers of the Messiah) was now the direction of prayers.

However pastoral it was put to a vote and it was 8 in favour,
 2 against.with reflection Informed the group .
"l would not attend if we not praying for all people in the conflicting situation around that part of the world."
The original guy who put forward the prayer request said the following.
       I will not pray for the Palestine's 
                                   . . . .does not that some up a view .
There is nothing more 
dangerous then a righteous Man  

Oct 17, 2018

Murdered in safe place

 In statements on the one-year anniversary of her murder, both institutions stressed the need to support the independent media, and for a message to be sent to journalists that Europe is a safe place to work.

Justice for us just not now just not here justice

All over the world we are seeking justice
All over the world the WE are being ignored
All over the world justice cries out
 it screams
it begs
It is ignored forgotten and left silenced
All over the world

Mercy is not shown
Mercy is not demonstrated
Those want a merciful responce do not get satisfaction
They grieve
They are left without answers

All over the world pain 
Are dealt to those seeking justice mercy and the desire for others to live in hope
All over this world
Gods plan is forgotten 

Oct 16, 2018

If l could offer you one piece of advice for this day..

It would be this below....
Except maybe some days change the tea for a small glass of Jack Daniels.
All other advice apart from ...Accept Jesus ...his teachings, and example..all other advice...

Well that a choice.....But the JD and the Lord Jesus  . . .they are among my best.

Oct 14, 2018

Hello it's me......

"Just ringing from here to heaven to say ...miss you so much..
How is life  . .there?
We journey on  . .taking each day as best we can
did l say, we miss you loads . .yeah thought you would know.
best we can try be at peace with the many,
Keep Gods teachings close,
Simply . . .we  journey on together. .

Thank you for listening........See you soon l guess"

Oct 12, 2018





The technical knowledge is incredible
l never been gifted with tools nor with skills to work all this engineering out
.but what a blessing pretty sure God loves the fair.
When its very pleasant like this it can not be beaten.
What a great night.
first time in a long time, no youthies under my control,
walked around the fair with cup of tea and a bag of chips with peas. 

You look upwards,
not something we do often.
The sight, as great big rides explore with couler against the Autumn night.

Look like gonna crash into each other.....they do not.                                                                                                                       first view l came upon is the big ride standing tall and proud against the dark night backdrop.
Screams of enjoyment, gasps of wonder,
Parents wondering .` did we do the right thing?
paying for our child to do this`
...Small children admire older ones getting onto the rides..

Then the pointing of fingers,
as the ride gets higher..
the screams get louder..
the eyes get wider

May we always be fortunate 
in the care we can offer to others

Oct 11, 2018

Whatever happened to Anti oppressive practice

Fine,OK now let's get back to defending here, . . hope you readers of this blog accept.
Not agree, but asking you to accept.
That even people who don’t believe in freedom of speech 
must have their freedom of speech defended. 
What ever happened to anti oppressive practice . . .was l along with other YCW so dumb we understood and were committed to this ethic.
Mind you it was a time without Facebook,Twitter,No blogs,
 there were no modile phones.

Hell l was yet to visit Malta

Then l grew up, for that l ask forgiveness. . . .well for growing old l ask..
        .  .becoming more mature that never been capable in my shoes.  .  .

Be kind . . .it Godly also real good for you

Struggle in all sorts of ways with passing people on street who asking for money

My own experience is to stop, chat, when can afford it buy hot drink.
 offer buy fruit or something to eat.
When invested in others like this always been really rewarding.

Not good idea to give money..

Know we can't always do this.....Just when you can

May we always be fortunate in the care we can offer to others

                         God thank you for all the
                         expressions of care
                         you and l received 

Oct 10, 2018

Relax your reading a blog written by someone who doesn't have all theanswers

“If the government can compel people to say things they don’t believe, if it can force Christians to say ‘I support gay marriage’, then we no longer have freedom of conscience. And that is the first step to tyranny”

Brendan O’Neill on gay cakes and free thought 

Well here we are again ...wondering about transgender other Irrelevant stuff,
Issues that get forced onto the agenda we struggle with.
But like last evening ,suppose 
here l am talking about Jesus again.
Bible study funny thing where l am refreshing myself. . . mainly older men,
Well all but one lady, . . .little room for discussion.
I do not have the answers
But treasure the questions.
Really do enjoy listen to podcast,     .     read a book,      .chat with others.
Pleasant further l get really invigorated.

That a pretty lucky and precious place to be.
In the comfort of not having all the correct answers.
Yeah do like being me....like being this dumb.


Oct 9, 2018

No air nor action

We keep talking but there little if any action 
Jesus community have failed to read around the Lords comments
"That the poor will always be with you" . . .Need action even if it means choosing the sword

Worklessness is not the problem. In-work poverty is rising and now serious action is needed to support people to progress once they are in work.
agents who care about documents and no concern for individual 

No one cares for the person 
Understanding of community surely its about`looking to be with others`
Therefore the poor the vulnerable 
The weakest plus old people
Are all pushed further away 

Oct 8, 2018

These are few of my less favourite things

Did one of my favourite things listened to a podcast
sign of the times. But what a great sign of where we are,
 All is not great at present trying to do the correct thing
 But heck you know its not easy

Spend little time reading but try to do more each day.

One regret as enter late Autumn of my life is that not Drawn enough.

walked as much as possible!

perhaps needed more haircuts?

Never been monitory rich

been awful being poor

been cold too often too long

It a Thinline between Heaven and Hull 
but thinner between Heaven and Here

Oct 7, 2018

Breathe these days

These are the days
That we breath
Struggles come had failures so deep
Pain is visible
Faith is week
Hope is not possible
Troubles ahead

God appears absent
Voice in my head 'don't give up'
But the frost on the car
The dew in the grass
Tells me the hurt lingers ahead
These are the days 
Coming in thick and fast

Where is the love to forge a union
Football on Quest it hard to watch
As the days that l breathe 
Lead to trouble ahead

Oct 6, 2018

Summer over but slime keeps coming

The summer is over, at least for most of us who stopped going to the beach once we started having rainy days, but fish slime continues to dirty our beaches.
Throughout summer, we have had several occasions in which this phenomenon was highlighted, with Environment Minister Jose Herrera promising that steps were to be taken against fish farm operators if any irregularities were found.

The slime keeps coming even though summers over..........think they talking about the Germans we have same issue but it Polish in UK              its a joke

independent.com.mt: Summer’s over, but the slime keeps coming
We get a lot of Germans in our country as well

Oct 5, 2018

Callin me home.........l hear you callin ...

My prayer has to be heard simply need to be away where l can breath get my health sorted
Along with wealthier times it too tough and unanswered prayer crippling....


Former City chairman Duffen is currently leading the race to return to the KCOM Stadium nine years after his acrimonious departure, with a formal bid submitted and due diligence close to completion.

not sure the camel trades at Hull city will stomach a take over they too committed to isolating the fan base and wearing down any assesses.
It life at present...

feeling hungry
 having woken
 at 05_55 on the
 5th of the 10th.

what's the message of Ezekial
well OK but it so complex and its immature to fix a passage
 into your own situation to show you are feeling

lts Kinda like playing horoscope with bible passages
gets me wondering where the maturity lies among  some that l getting to know

wondering how long you meant to hold on
it been getting too long for a while at present

`Hold on and be strong`.. to be honest lost its appeal...`you wont be tested longer then you can hold for` ...that kinda not the case..you see sometimes got to have `answered prayer`.
Excuses are difficult to apply when you do not imagine it a good argument.
Complex faith searches plus studies, struggle to answer some of the questions this believer faces.
It almost like you commit heresy when you ask difficult questions.

Oct 4, 2018

still trying to get up that great big hill called Hope

“There’s a profound tension in British politics: the public wants change but the political class doesn’t. The public voted for a radical break with the Brussels oligarchy and the status quo but we’re ruled by politicians too scared to make that break.” Brendan O’Neill on Sky

There something so rotten about the political classes that content to hurt the most vulnerable
distance them selves from own actions.
As long as people vote for them, it going to carry on further getting worse.
Personally not confident the Electoral are coming to their senses anytime soon

"Nobody with a brain cell would choose him", Hull City fans divided.

well that the verdict of our local RAG about events at KCOM ,the home of my local beloved football team.
Anything better then the `camel traders` we currently have ruining our Hull City football team.
 The hatred for the local people is vile, and well versed, yet this hatred which is a racial insult, is not felt to be insulting enough for our thought Police to intervene.

... "They can go and kill themselves"....
such words spoken to another in other arenas would most certainly not be accepted..

yet power with money speaks

MEANWHILE low-income families entire length and breadth of The UK can finally breathe a sigh of relief now ‘austerity is over’,
What are we all looking forward to celebrating with our new income, I am looking forward to hearing when the end to the freezes on benefits will happen ,very soon the gestapo agents at DWP return to Barracks waving the Mission Accomplished banners

Woe unto the cruel,

for what goes around comes around.

still trying to get to the top of that great big hill called HOPE.
Hey Lord in the meantime gotta ask again kinda

."Whats going on hey hey whats going on".

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"