Aug 31, 2017

one Ull of a team one Ell of a transfer window . .

GONE GONE GONE August 2016
......livermore, snodgrass,  Robertson, huddlestone  tymon, Davies elmohadjie
Myler and diomonde still remain August 2017
Like most people of the male species, enjoy today. As a community is built around teams in the football league.
But there is a sense of loss at hull city, as we move players in the team and move players away from our team.
Most community are not like that.

Tend to be less social mobility in the rural town and city of the UK then was previous.

It much more difficult to move for lots of reasons, (travel, finances, and places )placements are not available, there is also stress on voluntary placements which could give person experience of another community.
 As `Older retired people ` ,invest own time with energies into placement that would be used by younger.
Often the `poorer and the eldest` who feel like they are working harder, getting less, combating more issues to just face life.


Less people from what we know as professional backgrounds move to areas in UK, like the north east. Children suffer with many not well educated, more are impoverished, further on school meal’s at education establishments.

Life is hard …others the powerful those in Authority could do something for those increasingly getting left behind.

Liable to consume large quantities of cake . . . .especially today

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY
              KEV WALLER

Will brighten up any room especially in Malta
Responds well to extra
special treatment always
Liable to consume large quantities of cake sometimes that is

Aug 30, 2017

How long has this been going on?
How long has this been going on?

Well, your friends with their fancy persuasion
Don't admit that it's part of a scheme
But I can't help but have my suspicion
'Cause I ain't quite as dumb as I seem

And you said you was never intending
To break up our scene in this way
But there ain't any use in pretending
It could happen to us any day

How long has this been going on?
How long has this been going on?

Oh, your friends with their fancy persuasion
Don't admit that it's part of a scheme
But I can't help but have my suspicion
'Cause I ain't quite as dumb as I seem

Oh, you said you was never intending
To break up our scene in this way
But there ain't any use in pretending
It could happen to us any day

And how long has this been going on?
How long has this been going on?
How long
How long has this been going on?
How long has this
How long has this been going on?
How long
How long has this been going on?


The real ‘big 4’ have to be Journey’s 'Don’t Stop Believin', 
Bonnie Tyler’s 'Total Eclipse of the Heart',` Always` by Bon Jovi 
Meat Loaf’s 'I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)'.

 It’s the musical equivalent of the Sistine Chapel in your ears.

The video screen has images of Jesus crucified the singer is shouting out lyrics 
`l would do anything for love,but l won`t do that` 
A big question is that a form of worship,l suggest it is!
Creating a narrative, a huge canvass, for our thoughts to reflect even return towards.

The song  HOW LONG by ACE
Although widely interpreted as being about adultery, the song was in fact composed by lead singer Paul Carrack upon discovering that bassist Terry Comer had been secretly working with the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver.Comer returned to Ace in time to play on the song
the narative of the story is understood to be about love and a particluer form of love and cheating it is fact about someone borrowing equipemnet and
 also using time to play on other tracks by other groups the question is asked
`how long has this been going on ?`
again the writer sing `well your friends in their fancy places....` but he going on about another group Not frinds who concluded incovering up the affiar.
we do not listen . . . we do not hear . .so how long...
it like that with the Christian narrative we do not read well the bible nor do people discover the faith truth around Christianty becuase they are not listening to the narrative
they are hearing a differant story told by perjaps the press or misguided others
the true story is about a king who came and died a criminals death on a bloody cross
a midnight trail..wrongly held betryaed by a kiss from a close friend..all foretold..mircles..parables kingdom teachings..not listened too

Life is really hard,lot of wrestling with big issues

Children are suffering because of attempts to make simple scientific facts about biological sex and gender “unsayable”,

Ladette films have become vehicles for debauchery, featuring drunkenness, toilet humour and “absolutely no discernible moral compass”, 

Illiberal modern values trying to bury religious views'

‘Enlightened’ people are trying to silence those who support the unborn or who believe marriage is between one man and one woman, 
                                         Life is not a cartoon
God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them. 
Are you concerned about issues
Are you groaning

Aug 29, 2017

Prayer for those flooded

Jesus, when you walked on the water,
you beckoned Peter to come out of the boat, unafraid.

In the middle of a storm,
you settled peace over the waters
and they were calm,
and you called out to your people
to be still and trust.

Today, we’re watching troubled waters.
We’re watching buildings hide under waves and currents,
People on rooftops waiting for a sign
that they are seen and heard.

Oh Jesus, what can we say in a time like this?
What words can we pray when waves literally take our breath away,
When the world looks bleak and gray
And our brothers and sisters have nothing
But the clothes on their backs?

These are the moments in history
When skin and race
And religion don’t matter anymore.

These are the moments in history
That call out our humanity
More than anything.
And we cannot ignore that call.

We long for governments and agencies to step in,
We long for people to use hands and feet to serve,
But whether they come through or not,
We are still scared people in the middle of a storm,
Often paralyzed by that fear.

So Jesus, call out to us.

Call out to Hurricane Harvey,
to the wind and the waves—
Call for them to be still.

And through our prayers,
Through what we speak and what
We don’t even know to utter,
Meet us here and meet them there
And give them those same words,
“Peace be with you. Do not be afraid.”

In our mourning,
We try our best to hold them
In spaces we do not understand,
To let ourselves weep for
Those who belong to us,
To our humanity.

Like Peter, may our faith be gathered up
So that even in the storm
We are bold enough to jump
Out of our boats
Or out of our houses
Or out of our comfort zones
To reach you.

Oh Jesus,
We pray for the floods and those flooded.
We pray for tired hearts and tired bodies.
We pray for animals and the earth,
All affected by what happens
In a world that is trying to find its
Way back to shalom.

So we beg—
Lead us back.
Calm the storms
That rage outside
And inside us,
We pray.


Aug 28, 2017

The view from my garden....

Some people have to work 
So we can live

Off walking with my son Matthew and Lil Chris
We are off to big parks along the coast
But Ice cream first
Simple but joyous

Weather been odd here over cloudy for a week next to no rain

Life is hard
Life can be pleasant
Life is tough
Life can be great fun

Just not often enough. . . .

Aug 26, 2017

extremes and the debate we need

The head of the Polish National Security Office has announced that the country will not be taking in any Muslim migrants after the latest terror attacks in Spain. Pavel Soloch said that poorly-integrated Muslim communities were breeding grounds for radicalisation and Islamist attacks.

Perhaps we need to have a serious debate about the beliefs system that is `Islam`.
However when l has listened to others then added my concerns, often felt my view is not actively listened too.
The debate witnessed about grooming gangs that are largely Pakistan, the name `jimmy Saville `is entered, thus anyone male, further white, cannot be takin seriously.
 This debate becomes an argument; there is the passage in the Bible about plank in your own eye, needing to be removed before the splinter in your opponents is mentioned.
So we carry on with attitudes and customs not being changed.
Debate not be allowed.
Then we get progressive statements becoming more often.
If we discuss, we also need to highlight the oppressive teachings and untruth around the prophet of Islam Mohammad, the plagiarism contained in the teachings of the Quran.
But the debate does not take place. We stumble onward with  groups that are extreme becoming more evident, along with the threat of violence.
People of faith remain on the sidelines unsure
Faith is constant wrestling match,the other and often taken alternative is one of retreat.
Like the `inner cities` Christian retreat from the debate.Hence stop taking part
further think many are not confident nor strong in their own relevant belief and the words of the Bible.

Aug 24, 2017

my Ugly vegatables please don`t point at them

Not all my veg are good looking
some are positively ugly
damn there is no other word
Ugly but l still gonna fry them
stuff them
boil them
eat them
but also very proud of my Ugly vegetable 

 Now for a thing of beauty my home town of Hull is the UK city of culture.
Here a picture in the rain,( as is normal in August in Hull) of the square as it is now called.

Trinity square,Which houses Holy Trinity l believe,it not an abbey but an important Church in Hull.We don`t have a Bishop either.
How and why we believe are issues l think about also kinda teach/share about when offering training.

Still learning from the Bible

So who did bankroll the ministry of Jesus, they say it was possible, even likely, that Jesus and his followers received donations from supporters, even possibly substantial ones from some of the rich people who were drawn to his ministry despite , here is where Jesus teaching would be very relevant,  his preaching on the perils of wealth.
The Gospel of Luke gives us a glimpse of how Jesus' ministry functioned on a practical level:
"Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their resources."
 Fascinating thing about the bible for myself is how l am still learning stuff.
Here are three names above that l failed to read when looking at these accounts.Also rarely heard any sermons or teaching about the Women who strong in the mission support of Jesus.
l start to ask important question, but also try to seek answers.
 Did women and how did women support with money the ministry of Jesus?
Is it only due to custom that this fact is overlooked?
Why and for what reason did this happen is it against the normal 

Aug 22, 2017

Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms
Here's to the workers in the fields
Here's to the preachers of the sacred words

Here`s to you and me

let the day begin.
 A day when truth and righteousness flows like a river


Its pretty cool when you are cooking a dish from everything you grew in your own garden.
that what this dish here is about,yellow courgettes
tomatoes various sizes

add some butter
warm in oven for 15 minutes

add some blue cheese


Aug 19, 2017


                       `life isn`t like in the movies
             much harder then that..`

Here's to the babies in a brand new world
Here's to the beauty of the stars
Here's to the travelers on the open road
Here's to the dreamers in the bars
Here's to the teachers in the crowded rooms
Here's to the workers in the fields
Here's to the preachers of the sacred words
Here's to the drivers at the wheel
Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above
Now let the day begin
Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above
Now let the day begin, let the day begin
Here's to the winners of the human race
Here's to the losers in the game
Here's to the soldiers of the bitter war
Here's to the wall that bears their names
Here's to you my little loves with blessings from above
Now let the day begin

Aug 18, 2017

What else can you do with yellow corgeuettes?

                                        ANSWER ON A POSTCARD PLEASE

Pray for hatred and for hope for Barcelona

How can we pray for enemie that only wants to kill and harm us
How do l make sense of this teaching of a Jewish Rabbi called Jesus from around 2000 years ago
Did he know what the enemies of faith would be
Was it possible he had not measured into his guidelines for life
Islamic terrorist who excisted to destroy 
 harm those who they class as infidels 
How would such a prayer manifest itself
You see l feel too weak to carry out this teaching

I have walked La Rambles 
witnessed the beauty of Barcelona 
Where last evening over 13 innocent people were killed by up to then an invisible enemy 
Love such people
Every part of me wants to teach these people a harsh lesson
Love your enemies 
How Lord?

We can pray that our enemies will discover the father heart of God 
That they will be so filled of the knowledge of being created in his image 
They will follow the first three commandments the spirit gave to Moses
Those same guarding principles Jesu called us to accept
Jesus calls us to Love God,
Love one another 
Love our neighbour
If we are doing that all that hatred will not be able to have a hold upon us
If our enemy is filled with these commandments of the Lord
All else will fit into place

I am a weak guy trying like you to make sense of why 
Why some people who last evening
We're Sipping coffees in the beautiful city of Barcelona 
Then last nite were killed
But in wrestling with this can we turn to God,seek help,wrestle with this teaching?

So let's pray for all the hurt caused by the events in Barcelona and nearby.

Hear us father God so we may take to others the teaching of your son
That mercy will be evident
The skills of the health servers will be better enabled 
Turn hearts from hatred to hope
Dear Lord hear by your spirit this prayer.

Aug 17, 2017

love wins  . .all that we can hope
all that we can pray for .  . .love must win
it must win with the Meta narrative
plus our local story.  .   .but it must start with our intentions and Prayers

Rosedowns in Hull, used to be a massive industry with loads of workers.
We would pass here going to the city centre
nearby People lived in some flats.These where low four floors only Buildings.I had lots friends both sexes who grew up in this locality.

Time as passed,today learn`t the news Allams  property developers  and Hull city owners  want change these buildings into low flats for people to live in.

Aug 16, 2017




07919 231 592

                                                  CATCH UP ME AND MY RAMBLINGS HERE
 where you are now



life it like this ...its hard

 ...`life isn`t like in the movies
it much harder then that..`
life isn`t like an episode of CBB
it more real then that
the Journey not like a trip on coach trip
it much more difficult then that
life is hard take .. .. some faith in God
reflect on words of his son
that road is less travelled.
Your journey is different to anyone else
but it so important......

Aug 15, 2017

Some of the issues in a rural drama further link to modern societydevelopments

Often we think stuff happens in isolation
Simply it not the case
Everything is somehow connected
Even entertainment 
Indeed sport .  . All part of the `tapestry of life`

The story we share
Encounters we have with each other 
Discussion and the words that we communicate 
All connected
Community of interactions that are not always visible 

But we impact each other
In ways not always sure about
A Place called Hull
All made impression as l journey along the `artwork known as Me`

The `Archers` a rural tale of everyday Life
Promoted by the BBC biased broadcasting community UK
Listening personally since 1974
Violence the threat of violence
Hatred dislike of others
Huge failure to respond by the services
Lack of enablment
Frustrating inability to see prayers getting answered

Aug 14, 2017

Anyone listening as l preach to the cornfields?

the late summer sun sets across the hills as l finish essential walk that all good for my limited health

the garden become a place to ponder the world as l piddle along
not even sure that a word NOT best week health-ways but slowly getting well

been growing quite a lot of stuff including courgettes
Onions..leeks..spuds..tomatoes various..butter squash 1 only
yes 1 actual number cabbages ,cauliflowers, chillies,pumpkins,mint ...

The courgettes l have grown have been about 6 inches. with only one exception,this became a marrow, the two coulers have been as displayed here Yellow and Green.
The flowers have all been female and all where this bright large yellow flower.
Currently 9 home`s had the benefit of my skills.
l jest not  . .skills
so collected here for any artist is the collection of everything l have grown
the coulers
the taste
the smells
texture and feel

The morning view as the sun crept upwards. 
There is no . . `Meta narrative `. . . it just a local view Demonstrating the truth of what the day ahead may well bring. 
This is my time. . .try to ponder with God, praise all l see.
 Recognise the creator’s hand. Lament my concerns; 
preach to the corn in the fields. 

Well who else is going to listen to myself?

Aug 12, 2017


Christian influence in a secular world

Once again, the BBC has given wholly one-sided view those,mainly children struggling to accept birth and given true sex.
In the TV programme, shown recently and featured on BBC 2 news columns a boy who uses flowery name of ‘Lily’ talks about his transsexual desires.
The nine-year-old shares that he initially wanted to live as a girl to see if he would “be happier”.
“I feel 99 per cent girl, and 1 per cent boy”, he added.
The programme also introduces viewers to Lily’s friend ‘Jessica’,there a lot of Jessica around,including my cat. J in our TV programme is a ten-year-old boy ,who has started living as a girl.
Since the filming began in 2015, the step-mother of one of the boys has also decided to start living as a member of the opposite sex. 
Alexandra now lives as a man known as ‘Alex’

how would feel just as bad living in country where poverty has risen so much, where the name of Jesus is a swear word on the TV.Girls are abused. Living in a country, where, when northeast Isalmists, abuse young girls.

The church was first via local Bishop to sign Letter not to criticise the Islam. But has yet offer support to victims nor has the Church come out and expressed horror or offered any guidance.
Where food banks use increasesWhere priest promote same sex relationships,many practice this.Violence is not even reported in rural communities.Church fails to give a lead.

That shameful to live in a place like this find further that many people of faith are so silent, that shameful. 

Aug 10, 2017

Justice cries out but the new liberals do not want that

whats going on

horrifying details of Operation Sanctuary are finally revealed

Muslim Dipu Ahad has told how as he condemns the actions of the groomers, members of the BME community must not feel victimised by any backlash, but instead learn from what has happened.

"is this guy real ?we need an honest debate about the teachings of this vile wicked prophet.

 whose false teachings promote ,and appeal, to those who do these crimes.

 bury your head in the sand pr*&ck  . .Islam promotes this  . .it promotes the sexual abuse of children"

Grooming rings across the UK use an established method of abuse, says expert as shocking crimes on young women across Tyneside are revealed

"the common denominator Islam. Asian men. why are we not addressing this issue because people are frightened of being called racist of being labelled intolerant being accused not accepting the fable and incorrect teachings of modern society no modern society allows children to be abused for such lone periods while it fiddles around with nice social speech"

It is what it is!

why is that difficult ? so many `take away SHOP fronts`,

attempting to establish involvement in a community.

While it supplies drugs,

Then further abuse local vulnerable young girls. 

if you speak, people in my position,(workers in community) if l speak aloud . Get attacked by liberal speakers who by their inaction's have promoted this kind of abuse.

lf you speak differently to the new liberals you are deemed to be a racist. lf you speak out against these acts your labelled intolerant.

If that the price to pay we can accept that tag, BUT  it not true. we are not against these people,

we are against these acts.

Justice cries out but the new liberals do not want that.

it too messy to have an honest debate because the truth is these actions are attract  these men, these cowards, this scum, to this false religion.

It makes them, its their take on Women fuelled by culture of dishonesty that allows their actions.

On the whole it approves, they are Islam, they are men,

they are a certain age,they are responsible.

Tomorrow's fish and chips paper. Headlines

World become each day more violent troublesome place. More divide from corner shop politics, illegal immigration, false religion, bullying a...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"