Oct 31, 2013

when l ask?

This week has been very interesting strange
Felt a bit down yesterday
This is not like me
Can not understand how we are facing increasing poverty
l am a good steward yet find my resources stretched
why ?
how come ?; when l ask why the poor are poor
l get labelled a communist?

Did you hear the call

Hope you hear this message before you leave town.
So hope you find it? What you looking for.  

Oct 28, 2013

lonesome 2013

old people just get lonlie
out there
we are just spending more and more time on issues and problems
always wanted us to live in community
old people just get lonlie
so do many young
hello in there
Alone in your thoughts

Hello in there old git

Matthew and an old git

You know that old trees just grow stronger,
and old rivers grow wilder every day,
ah, but, but old people, they just grow lonesome
waiting for someone to say,
"Hello in There. Hello."

So if you're walking down the street sometime
and you should spot some hollow ancient eyes,
don't you pass them by and stare
as if you didn't care.
Say, "Hello in there. Hello."

Oct 26, 2013

UP in the world

The Disney film UP
UP is about man goes on a adventure late in life of course life is an adventure isn`t it, relationships, drama, sharing food, getting purpose and recognise nature of being open and honest with family and friends.
That about enough adventure For most l expect, some search and go off on adventures wrestling with the elements ,living solitary.
Anyway it is enough for me to work on relationships.

Oct 24, 2013


So l fail

That’s me, that what humanity includes those who fail
Not enough food in my home at present

l am desperate to use the toilet

So very much being asked of myself
At present it stretching me a great deal

Health is a real issue for me
due in hospital soon for lots of Check ups

Trying to help someone close get their life together
l fail sometimes

Trusting others with important stuff is hard

l miss someone real special

Just hope they heard it
Every word l tried to say

l fail sometimes
l treid to call you
before you left
still l never know
if you hear my voice

my hope for you


find it

Oct 22, 2013



Having a really good snog is one of the worlds greatest gifts

Oct 21, 2013

still hope you listen and find it

l really love Cher new song l am intent on purchasing it
love the emotion
she trying to get a message to someone
that she feels is important
she sings about the need to get this person to hear a message
the content being hope you understand this feeling l hold for you
perhaps sometimes we experience a feeling like this
but someone else is better at getting this across
soul music
the music is in the soul of another
but the emotion
may just as well have come from your own heart
l understand this emotion

Oct 17, 2013

Life is tough
Appears to be the message over and over again
l am witnessing and hearing
without the true Church l know some would not get fed
neither would they be clothed
a God of justice require us to follow him
to repent change our ways and move forward in a new expression of what it means to be church
l do not feel our DNA will change
But how we share with those who experience life is tuff is an important component of the emerging church

Oct 15, 2013

hey l was stupid when she asked me"never..."

so what a beautiful lyric hope before you move on hear these words wish , desire that you find all that you are looking for..these words come before the person moves on and leaves the situation.

most of us in life are searching
move onwards even promoted upwards
wishing desire to find who we are
what we are often looking for is love
some one a long time ago asked me,
"never stop loving me"
hey l was stupid and told them
"l will always do that"

Oct 14, 2013

then in those not so far of days

There was a time when we talked face to face, we spoke at length to each other.
Long walks around the drain side  limited use of community facilities,
alcohol was not so easily available.
Prayed,talked ,walked, shared,
then we coped.  Differently.
School was harsh and we were not valued, family life was different on the estate where we was brought up.
Learned to fight in a square ring with padded gloves.
Trained for hours.
Worked at our apprenticeship.

Church life was were we know older persons, we learnt faith 
That was a bit of how it was during my life time. It changed.

These clouds are goin' nowhere darlin'
Rain keeps comin' down
I just thought I'd try to call you
Before you got too far outta town
And I hope that you get this message
That I'm leavin' for you
Cause I'd hate that you left without hearing' the words that I needed you to
And I hope you find it
What you're lookin' for
I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be and so much more
And I hope you're happy wherever you are
I wanted you to know that, and nothing gonna change that
I hope you find it

Am I supposed to hang around and wait forever?
The last words that I said
But that was nothin' but a broken heart talkin' darlin'
You know it wasn't what I meant
Call me up, let me know that you got this message that I'm leavin' for you
Cause I'd hate that you left without hearing the words that I needed you to

And I hope you find it
What you're looking for
I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be and so much more
And I hope you're happy wherever you are
I wanted you to know that, and nothing gonna change that
I hope you find it.

Whatever it is I bet that you are missing here
Well I hope you find it
What you're looking for
I hope it's everything you dreamed your life could be and so much mor I hope you're happy wherever you are
I wanted you to know that, and nothing gonna change that 
I hope you find it
Inspector Montalbano (Italian: Il commissario Montalbano) is an Italian television series produced and broadcast by RAI since 1999, based on the detective novels of Andrea Camilleri. The protagonist is Commissario Salvo Montalbano, and the stories are set in the imaginary town of Vigata, Sicily. In 2012 the series generated a prequel, Il giovane Montalbano (English: The Young Montalbano).

This is my currant fix
now that Autums here and the cold winds are blowing
warm mystery in Sciciian

Oct 11, 2013

a son`s name

Matty on board the ferry
Wingfield castle
my son Matthew David, he has an old testament kings name and a disciple of Jesus name..along with our family name..he is not so strong as he thinks but very much in the Kevin mould a bit loner l try to chat and discuss how no man is an island we need community and especially each other but he likes being alone doing things his way..
like me he will discover how life is better lived in community
Not yet found faith and this has been my constant prayer for him
how in your family do you pray for?
How did you get your name?
Do you carry any of your parents characteristics

Oct 8, 2013

the worries l hold

driving down a one way street feul on low, don`t really know if get there on time.... got my foot to the peddle but not moving at all . .    sometimes it feels like not going anywhere at all and all the worries l hold are not mine but they tear my heart so much l get angry as l shake my hand to the Lord.    sometimes feel like days drift into one and there is no release
it just long endless difficult journey

Oct 7, 2013

beautyiful view of south

so someone in government cuts education Maintence grants!
made university impossible unless you got 9K spare year!
prevented proper apprentices!
Then we blame the 16 to 25 year old for the problems
 of economic downturn

here is a pic l took yesterday
life is beautiful and tragic almost equally

bit lost and far away from paradise

A bit lost at present in myself,
 all the prayers leading to blues like the psalmist,
God needs to answer . . as another wakes up with issues they don`t want to face. . impact on those around is great. .yet wrong advice leads to another dark alley..
sometimes it like 3 steps back progress is slow if possible at all

Oct 3, 2013

here a really good idea l got from our currant prime minister

So here a really good idea l got from our current prime minister.
Let’s blame those between 16 and 25 for all the wrongs in the UK.
Let’s threaten them, attack their status, make them victims.
Lets forget that your politics and those of your ruling class, have created this problem.
Let’s forget that these youths have already been failed by the system you created.
Let’s recall how when we,'develop technically', there is some wastage!
Let’s not honour our humanity to each other. Day coming, this confident,really sure when many will stand up and take action.
Let the day begin action against these politicians and there uselessness. Day coming!

Oct 2, 2013

Autumnal living

now that October is here we start to get colder and perhaps sink into Autumnal thinking and living but before that l tend to reminisce about summer and what a high lite for myself was greenbelt 2013                    it was one of the only time`s l have been to this event without a youth group   which made the event very different for myself       l was able to indulge on my own event and then family issues took over time and home life also Heart illness needs some attention

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"