Dec 31, 2012

hello you

                            Hello You
come on you Hull

That shift will bring a greater focus on the Tigers' fortunes in 2013 but having been part of a heavily-scrutinised West Ham United side that won promotion to the Premier League last season, Faye believes there is still no pressure on City.
"Here, we have very young players whereas at West Ham they had Premier League players who cost a lot of money," he said.
"We don't have the same pressure here and we like it. It is good for Hull now as every team is happy to watch us because we are playing good football. We have a chance."

only a few hours away/ only a few hours left

is only a few hours away
has been a year of ill health and challenges
still l am standing
on a larger scale it been wars and injustice
rich politic classes raping the voters
lack of food in the fridge
more secular society
general onGodlessness
same old rubbish in many areas
its down to you and me
only our faith and the application can make the difference

Dec 28, 2012

hello and GODNESS 2U

via this medium l heard from a BHP
malta christmas 2011
hello God bless
God bless you all in 2013
it was not a nice year in many ways 2012
l say goodbye to that time
lets journey on humbly
seeking Justice

an empty heart is a cold place
not that l have either
sharing love

hello and good bye to 2012

some of the family l have just had six days among my family and many friend in hull
its a 2 day journey home but l will be home around mid afternoon
it was nice with family

l am on my way to recovery drove some today
walked many miles yesterday and doing some paper work related to returning very soon to employment

Dec 20, 2012

And the Word became flesh and lived among us,
And we have seen his glory,
The glory as of a father’s only son,
Full of grace and truth.

The road is long,


The road is long, with many of winding turns
That lead us to (who knows) where, who knows where?
But I'm strong, strong enough to carry him - yeah
He ain't heavy - he's my brother

So on we go, his welfare is my concern
no burden is he to bear, we'll get there
But I know he would not encumber me
He ain't heavy - he's my brother

If I'm leaving at all, if I'm leaving with sadness
that everyone's heart isn't filled with the gladness
of love for one another.

It's a long, long road, from which there is no return
While we're on the way to there, why not share?
And the long doesn't way me down at all
He ain't heavy - he's my brother

He's my brother - he ain't heavy - he's my brother

journey has mostly been one of faith

ALL eyes will be between the goalposts for Hull City tomorrow night following David Stockdale’s surprise recall to Fulham yesterday.
goal His exit is a blow to Steve Bruce, as he has done really well in and looked to have resolved a problem position in recent weeks

Newland Avenue traders warn of big downturn in Christmas sales

The Justice Collective have overtaken (X factor bore) in the race for this year's Christmas number one.

The Hillsborough charity single 'He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother' is now 3,400 copies ahead of the X Factor boring winner's single 'Impossible'.

2012-12-15 13.24.41
l am just a lad from Hull and my journey has mostly been one of faith
some hiccups. outings to  Malta being a rare indulgence
a song of heart concern has been sung recently but l hope to journey over this
and forward very soon.
l love to see Hull City back in the premier league
odd lost love, l`d love to hear from F.A.
like my music,
and friends
enjoy cooking for others
don`t drink a real lot, around a pint in total this year.
Do not look forward to Christmas
2012 not been a good year
enjoy the countryside of Yorkshire
canoeing and swimming

Dec 17, 2012

8 days till Christmass

Was in Church last sunday evening hundreds present
not one non white face
culture shock
that is saying something

Dec 15, 2012

the ultimate poverty is spiritual

Poverty was a big issue
when l became a professional
 youthworker in 1985
STILL it here
The Brandt Report and research by UNA clearly indicate the urban poor worldwide have in common:

• feelings of powerlessness, insignificance, frustration, and despair
• fearfulness of the future
• low health expectation
• inadequate housing
• unemployment or underemployment
• insufficient money
• poor provision for education
• a higher rate of crime
• political turmoil

The reports do not mention
Emotional literacy or Spiritual poverty.
Neither do the UK statistics on Urban Deprivation.

if l can just make it through the next few weeks
A poverty that imprisons the spirit the ultimate poverty is spiritual

Time drifts away

Some pictures of Matthew and Aron from the early 90`s .  Where does the time go?
 l was looking for a document to rewrite for the now times and came across a few photos, this record of those times they have been put on Facebook to embarrass the lads . All done in fun and with permission.

Matthew David Waller he got an old testament name and a new testament name, the time has gone so fast l still recall like only yesterdays, the walks around east park, trips on train to Bridlington, and watching Pete's dragon. But it was years ago a long time ago GOSH where does the time go?
The music. The issues. Events, friends some lost and disappeared many still in my life.
l don`t get this thing called time.

Dec 13, 2012

On Friday December 7 Jacintha Saldanha was found by a colleague and a member of security staff. Sadly she was found hanging.
"There was also injuries to her wrist. The London Ambulance Service was called to the scene. At this time there are no suspicious circumstances."
There are so many heroes and Angels working in the NHS
give thanks to God on high for this provision and value them and the agency we know as the NHS.
At this time pause and be sensitive to the family of Jacintha Saldanha.

James cook provides a wide range of district general hospital services and specialist services including , neurosciences, renal medicine, spinal injuries, major trauma, cardiothoracicvascular surgery and cancer services.

recently l was a patient and had a by pass operation.
I am a real coward but because of the skills of the staff here,and prayers of many
I have come through, well the journeys Carry's on but l feel like l am getting there
YET l have failed to pray or honour this service l am ashamed to admit
but since the heart operation l am changed in my grateful prayers for the staff and the NHS in general.

Dec 11, 2012

some views

Here a view from the back garden its cold
but staying warm went to Church last Sunday and its was miserable cold and l got ill
so not doing that would have been blasphemy to suggest we used the warm church hall..what next taking
the Bible serious

View from whats called front way round here

A  local artist Magaritte painted this view from the cliffs heading North
there is a starkness and toughness in the locality captured in the use of coulers in the distance here

Dec 8, 2012

do something simple to make your heart feel good

do something simple to make your heart feel good

Take a local train ride enjoy the views,

Have a cuppa out and about bring good fortune to the trade you visit and can let someone else do the washing up

Pray just talk to God thank him be gracious about others stumble, stutter ,not got the right words
make the effort that all you need to talk to God on high...he`s listening.

Pause...pause...pause..don`t rush  around like time does not matter.

Listen to a favorite piece of music.

winter in this part of the world north east coastal

winter in this part of the world seams to come and stay a bit longer then l recall down south

Dec 6, 2012

l open my curtains at 7 a.m.

 Get some different views on the middle east by listening to Russian TV
and also Al Jezzera
The BBC is letting many down with its amateurish coverage and lack of news around the Syrian situation and the middle east issues in general

l  open my curtains at 7 a.m.
just so you think l`m up
with the rest of the men
because l know what you think
what you think about me

the housemartins 1985


A late afternoon walk
the nites are really closing in and the views across the cliffs are wonderful
its mega cold
but real freshness in the air
l am making reasonable progress
reduced some of my medicine's and the Nurses and Doctors are pleased with my progress
so keep praying for each other and be especially kind to those with different views
l have some friends whose views l do not share but l value them
hope this grace can be offered to me
when needed

Dec 3, 2012

Smoke me a kipper,

Well some news that’s frightened me
And that’s the events in Whitby
Cottages falling into the sea
And the old Kipper smoking house
Could be lost.

What’s happening to the world?

someone smoke me a kipper while you still can!

who calls their penguin Kevin

Kevin the penguin.
who calls their penguin Kevin?
Anyway the snow and fog have returned,
l am walking around an hour every day, and getting fitter.
reading some odd stuff!
Grateful for all the messages and cards,
good wishes and text messages.
cooking loads of soups and taking time to plan my menus

Dec 1, 2012

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"