Jan 30, 2012

human heart knows ...

massive walk yesterday along the beach and back for the footie trying to write stuff down and organise
not my greatest skill
Saturday walked with some friends along beach up in Yorkshire along at carew
sharing chips that's areal ace place to be sharing chips and cups of tea
heard today from a friend who l miss ever so much...some people are like that for each of ..they make the day....she did.
emotional literacy can be hard thing it all part of this holistic being that is YOU
its ME ...that's what makes us human that thing beating inside of US...Heart...

Temperatures will drop as low as -6C this week as East Yorkshire faces a sustained spell of freezing weather.

The Met Office says temperatures will drop to -1C tonight and has issued a yellow warning of ice. Sleet or snow could fall on higher ground.

A question that made me grieve

Is there a method for getting work?
what are the links to employment?
Just got the Bills in for energy and not enough in the bank.

l was asked a question that grieved me on Friday,
l did my Bible readings late at nite, sitting at the table trying to work out

What does God dream for the young people you work among?
not as l had been thinking  "What dreams do l have for our young people?

                       Few comments from Loved one to me,( F.A). interesting stuff trying to respond.

Jan 25, 2012

being unemployed is NOT a crime

this winter feels long
but not been as cold
am l risking a sudden drop and return to bitterly cold
working with a group of about 28 people all like me unemployed
some real stories of oppression by the DSS as l always refere to dept of employment staff
stopping 2 weeks money from people who forgot to bring signing book
3 days for being late twice
put on report for not bringing in documents
unhelpful rude and arrogant

kev waller healthy eating

this week l was introduced to healthy eating
no meals after six in the evening
brown bread sandwich fruit for dinner
light breaky
also doing a 2 week prayer diary
l am kinda reflective as a person and in my practice
nothing new there
but with myself it all about applying self

Jan 23, 2012

you can`t plough a field running it over in your mind.

saturday taster day

went on a taster day with the Message on Saturday
it was thrilling and helpful
meeting others on the taster day who have a heart for mission among the hurting and those experience life in tough situations
was also rewarding to listen and share with 2 experts Louise and Pete from Manchester
both very different experiences
intense . . pain. . anger. .unknown. .Jesus

just some of the feelings l felt as listened to their stories and valuable insights

men playing manly stuff

we had a really warm and friendly nite last Friday
it may seam strange when you consider what we do at fitness for life for around 50% of the time
but the discipline of Boxing is important when considering the emotional literacy of our young people
after a work out they are proud confident and tired
as youth worker we are able to chat differently
a normal generic evening l have found without the physical excitation the youths are less willing and able to listen
be open
less ready to be open and sharing

l am able to view them up close and very personal
when l am coaching them
in simple ways they listen more
when gloved up and ready for combat
l know that dosen`t always read easy
nor is this style of youthwork acceptable but clear links to spiritual and the emotive expressions they share.

Jan 20, 2012

underneath the streets

this art work from st james caviler in valletta
inspired me..made me think..reflect
is that the role of art and culture

love doodling drawing but would not share these efforts with anyone
my doodles drawings are for fun and private
really nothing you would want to see

some people may find this rude offensive ignorant
thrilling beautiful
may and should cause one to stop stare reflect and wonder

works for myself

Jan 18, 2012

700 0r 800 years ago some bodies where brought over from Palestine and buried in the
local ground
today this ground is still recognised as consecrated and holy
respect exists for what those persons did when they lived.

few choices

so many people l am chatting with,meeting daily and from further afield are sharing that they are not able to find employment.
such comments fly by...then l pause
this is also the case for myself
whether it by the Internet or fone,news or local content little choices are available

Jan 15, 2012

l need to talk about Kevin

this is my one chance at being kevin
how do you think l am doing????????

sofia in Bugiba

so l sat with this crepe and a coffee
the white chocolate running off my lips
the warm honey crepe slipping down my throat

the waitor passes as l look up `are you enjoying that sir`
l know should have been ashamed but it was sheer bliss
l know someone who would love to share this crepe with myself

here's my crepe joke . . . .
my mate said this was crepe
l don`t know l thought it was alright

winter sun

when l am old and need to wear my coat on hot summer days
who will still find me a comfort,a mystery and will want to listen to my tales of the journey?
the winter sun is weak but still a welcome site on cold ..low..long winter day

mind you l been up since 5 unable to get warm
l wear this really old padded coat
l am about to go for a walk along the cliffs so need to be warm

didn`t realise he was such a big child

didn`t realize he was such a big child

In some cultures making a crib of the holy family is a Christian tradition
sometimes l find it comical that the child is from the land of the giants and the family are so small
there a reason for that l suppose
not heresy or blasphemy
no more then saying Jesus was human he probable got diarrhea.
That's done it!

Jan 12, 2012

Danger at the gates
recently took this photo at Valletta bus station

With me.....not knowing can make me vulnerable!
Sometimes l just need to seek assurance. . .
Discover own strengths,
the ones did not know l had. . .
always some danger...As l travel thru this life
Perhaps just around the corner,
even in the locality,there is some danger?

l remind myself how the journey has been
what l am grateful to God for giving me.
l have this blessed assurance
but l forget this so easy!
last week l gossiped
it was simple
l was ashamed because l acted with such ignorance,
could have affirmed but l lacked to show understanding
never got the chance to correct this attitude.
l showed
With all l stand at the gate. . . be it Providence or whatever?
Need to be more aware ,as l like you travel into 2012.

Jan 11, 2012

trust none but the Son of God

a reflection
wise teacher
God in human form


Jan 10, 2012


l thought and wrote that last year was a tough.
My prayer is that 2012 will be more rewarding
lets seek God and follow the light.
the light that does not go out
peace and shalom to all who connect this way with Kevin Waller.
may God bless you and along with myself journey with Christ the Redeemer

Numdskull Kev

I’m grateful when, it happened quite often, maybe you've had this feeling, emotion, experience. Every so often. I can say “surely God wa...


. . . she got a postcard in the mail
That just said Heaven,with a picture of the ocean and the beach
The simple words he wrote her
Said he loved her
How he'd hold her if his arms would reach
Wish you were here, wish you could see this place
Wish you were near,Wish I could touch your face
The weather's nice, it's paradise
It's summertime all year and there's some folks we know
They say, "Hello, "
I miss you so, wish you were here"